Played until Athens Monster camp, but im having some crashes around that area, (the cursed zone), but might be my pc.
My thoughts so far : i enjoyed my time playing it, the combat pace its nice, tried with nature + storm, the ice golem destroys big group of monsters with ice boulder attack its kinda funny

-like the reworked dryads pets and enemies as well, i think the Ascacophus type that appears with then, the tree they have on top it feels a bit to big as it covers almost the whole monster visual (in my opinion)
- the ghost npc in tegea (leimon quest) could have a quest mark show in mini map, as he appears right in the entrace where the big zombie wave is , it can be easly miss by the player.
-boss loot , it could be improved the loot drop by some mini bosses acording their difficulty, for exemple the spider "goblin snatcher" , as it took some tries to defeat it , his chest didnt drop almost no item, in total if i remenber correctly it was 4-5 yellows, unlike some other bosses.
- the dryad "tree form" , maybe could give more hp recovery as it dont seens have much impact ,as the pets can kill then during the form.