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Messages - efko

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Cool stuff as always :) Keep up with the great work!

So nice, sauruz you definitely deserve some nice title like TQ Engineer - like those life creators from Prometheus movie. Your creations are changing this game.

Java / Re: Postman
« on: 06 May 2020, 04:21:11 »  - problem  > Bearer Token

Java / Re: Postman
« on: 06 May 2020, 00:40:49 »
Code: [Select]

id integer($int64)
petId integer($int64)
quantity integer($int32)
shipDate string($date-time)
status string

Order Status
Array [ 3 ]
complete boolean
default: false


id integer($int64)
name string


id integer($int64)
username string
firstName string
lastName string
email string
password string
phone string
userStatus integer($int32)

User Status


id integer($int64)
name string


id integer($int64)
category Category{...} [Jump to definition]
name* string
example: doggie
photoUrls* [...]
tags [...]
status string

pet status in the store
Array [ 3 ]


code integer($int32)
type string
message string

Java / Re: Postman
« on: 06 May 2020, 00:36:34 »
Code: [Select]

POST /user - Create user
This can only be done by the logged in user.

body * object (body) - Created user object

default - successful operation

POST /user/createWithArray - Creates list of users with given input array

body * array[object] (body) - List of user object

    "id": 0,
    "username": "string",
    "firstName": "string",
    "lastName": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "password": "string",
    "phone": "string",
    "userStatus": 0

default - successful operation

POST /user/createWithList - Creates list of users with given input array

body * array[object] (body) - List of user object

    "id": 0,
    "username": "string",
    "firstName": "string",
    "lastName": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "password": "string",
    "phone": "string",
    "userStatus": 0

default - successful operation

GET /user/login - Logs user into the system

username * string (query) - The user name for login

password * string (query) - The password for login in clear text

200 successful operation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- XML example cannot be generated; root element name is undefined -->

X-Rate-Limit - calls per hour allowed by the user - integer
X-Expires-After - date in UTC when token expires - string

400 Invalid username/password supplied

GET /user/logout- Logs out current logged in user session

default - successful operation

GET /user/{username} - Get user by user name

username * string (path) - The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.

200 successful operation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

400 Invalid username supplied
404 User not found

PUT /user/{username} - Updated user
This can only be done by the logged in user.

username * string (path) - name that need to be updated
body * object (body) - Updated user object

  "id": 0,
  "username": "string",
  "firstName": "string",
  "lastName": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "userStatus": 0

400 Invalid user supplied
404 User not found

DELETE /user/{username} - Delete user
This can only be done by the logged in user.

username * string (path) - The name that needs to be deleted

400 Invalid username supplied
404 User not found

Java / Re: Postman
« on: 06 May 2020, 00:26:27 »
Code: [Select]

GET /store/inventory - returns store inventory by status
Returns a map of status codes to quantities

200 successful operation
  "additionalProp1": 0,
  "additionalProp2": 0,
  "additionalProp3": 0

POST /store/order - place an order for a pet

body * object (body) - order placed for purchasing the pet

  "id": 0,
  "petId": 0,
  "quantity": 0,
  "shipDate": "2020-05-05T21:34:47.821Z",
  "status": "placed",
  "complete": false

200 successful operation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

400 Invalid Order

GET /store/{orderId} find purchase order by ID
For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions

orderId * integer($int64) (path) - ID of pet that needs to be fetched

200 successful operation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

400 Invalid ID supplied
404 Order not found

DELETE /store/order/{orderId} - Delete purchase order by ID
For valid response try integer IDs with positive integer value.
Negative or non-integer values will generate API errors

orderId * integer($int64) (path) - ID of the order that needs to be deleted

400 Invalid ID supplied
404 Order not found

Java / Re: Postman
« on: 06 May 2020, 00:25:22 »
Code: [Select]

POST /pet
Pet object that needs to be added to the store - add a new pet to the store

body * object (body) - Pet object that needs to be added to the store

  "id": 0,
  "category": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string"
  "name": "doggie",
  "photoUrls": [
  "tags": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string"
  "status": "available"

405 Invalid input

PUT /pet
Pet object that needs to be added to the store - update existing pet

body * object (body) - Pet object that needs to be added to the store

  "id": 0,
  "category": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string"
  "name": "doggie",
  "photoUrls": [
  "tags": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string"
  "status": "available"

400 Invalid ID supplied
404 Pet not found
405 Validation exception

GET /pet/findByStatus
Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings - find pets By Status

status * array[string] (query) - Status values that need to be considered for filter

Available values : available, pending, sold

200 successful operation
400 Invalid status value

[s]GET /pet/findByTags[/s] - Muliple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing
tags * array[string] (query) - Tags to filter by

200 successful operation
400 Invalid status value

GET /pet/{petId}
Returns a single pet - find pet by ID

petId * integer($int64) (path) - ID of pet to return

200 successful operation
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
400 Invalid ID supplied
404 Pet not found

POST /pet/{petId}
updates a pet with form data

petId * integer($int64) (path) - ID of pet that needs to be updated
name string (formData) - Updated name of the pet
status string (formData) - Updated status of the pet

405 Invalid input

DELETE /pet/{petId}
deletes a pet

api_key string (header)
petId * integer($int64) - Pet id to delete

400 Invalid ID supplied
404 Pet not found

POST /pet/{petId}/ uploadImage

petId * integer($int64) (path) - ID of pet to update

additional Metadata string -(formData) - Additional data to pass to server

file file (formData) - file to upload

200 successful operation
  "code": 0,
  "type": "string",
  "message": "string"

Java / Postman
« on: 05 May 2020, 17:12:44 »
//   Jejson je obicni tekstualni fajl (Json)
//   restfullAPI
//   deli se na front end i back end developere
//   dokumentacija struktura apija i base podataka
//   get i post poruke se najvise koriste
//   get je previse otvoren, sve putuju kroz url i otvoren je, sto znaci da ne zelimo da se vide broj kartice za placanje
//   slicno pa se koristi vise post
//   delete
//   morpheus znaci vodja
//   sa svakom porukom server vraca odgovor
//   postman je dobra dokumentacija, kad se radi sa servisima imamo dokumentaciju API liste poziva za sve sta se desava

Napisati tri zahteva u postmanu, objasniti ih uz jednu recenicu i postaviti na drajvu.
Literatura i API

Automatizacija API testova pomoću Postmena

Test API
Klijent za API koji se testira

Dokumentacija Rest API-a je yaml fajl, koji otvarate u Swagger editoru tako što izaberete File > Import File > izaberete pomenuti yaml fajl

Koristan video trening: Testiranje API-a pomoću Postmena možete kupiti na udemy-u ili skinuti sa ovo linka.

Da bismo uspešno istestirali API, moramo se prvo upoznati sa logikom i videti u kojim situacijama se koriste dati API pozivi. U tome će nam dosta pomoći analiza same klijentske aplikacije. Potrebno je upoznati se sa aplikacijom, i saznati što više informacija za svaki od navedenih api poziva. Sve potrebne informacije možete naći u Network prozoru kao na slici 1.

Slika 1. Praćenje API poziva iz Network prozora

Na kraju dolazimo do prvog zadatka, a to je:
U eksel tabeli, klonirajte sheet Sablon i nazovite ga svojim imenom a zatim popunite tabelu.
Za razmevanje procesa prijavljivanja i svrhe u koju se koristi token, potrebno je upoznati se sa JWT tokenom. Koristan video trening na tu temu možete pogledati na youtube-u.

2.   Pisanje API-poziva u Postmenu
Smernice kojima bi se trebali voditi:
●   imena poziva su ista kao imena ruta
●   Upotreba globalnih promenljivi ili promenljivi okruženja za:
○   naziv host-a, npr: {{base_url}}/registracija (udemy, Writing tests and scripts using variables)
○   tokene (udemy, Authentication / Authorization > JSON Web Tokens (JWT))
○   promenljive podatke, npr: login podaci, id-evi,
●   Podatke iz dokumentacije koji se šalju kao formData, šaljite u body kao x-www-form-urlencoded
Napomena 1: Validne vrednosti za user role su “admin” i “user”
Napomena 2: Token je deo zaglavlja i mora se unositi u formatu sa ključnom rečju Bearer {{token}}

3.   Pisanje API testova

U Postmenu testovi se pišu u JavaScript-u, tako da bi bilo dobro upoznati se malo sa tim programskim jezikom (udemy:  JavaScript fundamentals, Writing tests and scripts, Writing tests and scripts using variables, Advanced assertions, Running a request multiple times with different data sets, ...)

Primeri nekih osnovnih testova link (Otvorite u Postmanu klikom na dugme Run in Postman). Neki od njih su zastareli ali je moguce naći novu veriju na linku.

Postoji mnogo načina za kreiranje testova, ali moja stroga preporuka je koristiti Chai Assertion Library (udemy:  Advanced assertions )

U početku će vam biti teže da se povežete sa testiranjem u Postmanu, preporuka je  da za debugiranje koristite konzolu (udemy:  Writing tests and scripts using variables > Debugging tests )
Potrebno je implementirati testove koji su navedeni u daljem tekstu. Postoje 4 logičke grupe testova:
●   auth testovi
●   city testovi
●   profile testovi
●   user testovi
Auth testovi

Primer zapazanja za rutu /register:
Poziva se pri registraciji novog korisnika. Od podataka se salje: Ime i prezime, email i password (sva  polja su obavezna)
Uspesna registracija vraca status 201, i u responsu imamo token i podatke za usera.
Kada se korisnik registruje podrazumevano mu je role = "user".
Nakon registarcije se dobija email za verifikaciju.
Pokusaj registracije korisnika sa istim email-om vraca status 422 i gresku EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS.
Sigurno moze jos nesto da se doda, ali ovo je na primer za mene dovoljno.

General Discussion / Re: New player
« on: 29 April 2020, 01:21:41 »
Welcome to the forum :)

Announcement from Pieces - Richard#8751 on discord:

Console players! We are looking for people who are experiencing this issue: We are interested in further details (and save data) related to it so if you have this issue and want to help out, give me a shout!

Looks promising, but why pets are so big? Its harder to play. Which mastery is replaced? :)

About links on forum, I have to tell you to follow few tips:
- Always use spoiler when posting links/source for downloading
Code: [Select]
[spoiler] LINK [/spoiler]- About images/screenshots use Imgur or similar 3rd party hosting, in this case I noticed your source is https:// and no www, so not sure if its trusty source
- yadi,sk is unknown source to download something and personally I would never click unless some friend from CZ/SK region confirm its trusty. Try to use at least 1 more way to provide content, use google disk or similar free online storage to share with others.

Soulvizier AERA / Re: Soulvizier AERA
« on: 12 April 2020, 18:37:40 »
Then what you want is this mod

Bumbleguppy did add at least one pets and sometimes more to each mastery in the game.  He did move the wolves to Hunting and add some plant pets to Nature. 

Not sure how well the mod will work though as I don't think he's updated it recently.  Still, all you can do is try.
Thanks for the tip.
I had a look at the contents but i'll wait for SV, it was the best main game mod for TQIT and the Shadowstalker pet in Occult is just quality fun incarnate.
Now if only someone would fix up Lilith for AERA and make it compatible with this mod so you could play SV in Lilith then we would have the two best mods made for TQ on AERA, just like we used to have for TQIT.
From what I know SV was never created for Lilith TQIT. Do you know something we don't?

FMC / What is FMC? - Full Manipulation Contest
« on: 28 March 2020, 03:49:03 »
Full Manipulation Contest

This is advanced editing, require knowledge to get some quality. We have similar game and that is PMC where playing ground is limited on given picture and where resizing of original picture is not allowed. For FMC is everything allowed, original picture can be resized, can be added to some book page or can be used as tattoo on some nice body or whatever you imagine.

- you need to leave at least 1 major object/shape/part from original picture.
- adding, removing parts is allowed if there is at least 1 visible part from original picture.

Forbidden to do:
- You are not allowed to use works from other participants.
- You are not allowed to just cut part of the picture and to paste on another existing picture which you find on the internet. You have to do at least some small modification since this is advanced editing for given picture.


Spoiler for Hiden:

My work
Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

My work
Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

My work
Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

My work
Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

My work
Spoiler for Hiden:

PMC / What is PMC? - Picture Manipulation Contest
« on: 28 March 2020, 03:48:46 »
Picture Manipulation Contest

This is advanced editing, require knowledge to get some quality. We have similar game and that is FMC where literally everything is allowed. PMC is harder because you are using part of original piece where that part must remain static and changes are done around it.

- Resizing original picture is not allowed. Playing ground is limited on given picture.
- You need to leave at least 1 major object/shape/part from original picture, but color of it can be changed.
- Adding, removing parts is allowed if there is at least 1 visible part from original picture.

Forbidden to do:
- You are not allowed to use works from other participants.
- You are not allowed to just cut part of the picture and to paste on another existing picture which you find on the internet. You have to do at least some small modification since this is advanced editing for given picture.

Spoiler for Hiden:

My work
Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

My work
Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

My work
Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

My work
Spoiler for Hiden:

BMC / What is BMC? - Banner Maker Contest
« on: 28 March 2020, 03:47:09 »
Banner Maker Contest

Banner must be created from 3 main parts: Background/s, Renders/s & text/Letters. Letters/text must be related with given subject. Banners are important because we can use it at top of everything, example our site have banners that we change from time to time and that banner we can see wherever we click on the top of every page.

- default dimension for banner for special event is 720x220 px  >>> ? should be checked and corrected
- banner must be created from 3 main parts: background/s, renders/s & text/letters.
- background can be transparent so banner must to have some picture inside except letters, and more than 60% must to be covered.
- when creating banner, you are allowed to use any available tool.
- you can use text which already exist on internet.
- keep background & renders in your PC, so on our request you are obligated to provide resources.

SDC / What is SDC? - Signature Design Contest
« on: 28 March 2020, 03:33:50 »
Signature Design Contest

Signatures can tell more about us, they are cool to have on profile, it doesn't need to be some picture so it can be text instead, but in our case, SDC is about picture. Usually small size makes signatures what they are, so to get some quality, participant will have to use huge size while working and later will resize.

- Dimensions of the signature must be max 500x300, both horizontal and vertical signatures are allowed >> size will be corrected
- Signature must be created from at least 2 parts, 2 pictures:
1. background - user can make it as he wish
2. render picture - picture which is placed on background - related with the theme event

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