Titan Quest - Immortal Throne > Lilith map IT

Titan Quest Lilith the Will of Demon Mod – Act II Part 1 Walkthrough


Medea Fleecestealer:
Back in The Village go and talk to Gardakan, he’ll turn into a merchant and Mordak will appear.
A new act begins.
Talk to Mordak he’ll give you 2 quests:
Get the Soul Gem in Asteria, go to Elendar City and take the North Gate.
Grab Shara’s Eye at Helgon’s Manor, from Elendar City towards the Woods.
Note keep clicking this is a long speech.
2nd Note: The Eye is a tricky one, you’ll need to obtain it twice, you’ll see why while you progress into the game.
Portal to The Cemetary and follow the road to Elendar City. Start from the portal, you might miss The Mausoleum if you proceed from The Cemetary itself.
Road To Elendar
On your way to the city you’ll meet Wicyrien who will beg you to find his son in The Mausoleum. Beware this is a nasty trap, be sure you’re strong enough to enter, otherwise return later as this is a one shot quest.
The Mausoleum Of Ancestors
Explore The Mausoleum and talk to Ciladon the headthief before he starts attacking you or the quest is lost. Defeat the thieves and settle scores with Wicycrien to get your reward.
Note: the secret passage isn’t accessible here caused by a bug. (pitty)
Continue your travel and talk to the Guard Adeipho; he’ll tell you that the gates are closed. Big surprise no?? But there is an other way to reach Asteria.
Return on your steps and find the entrance to The Cursed Woods, its near the RP.
The Cursed Woods
Search and talk to The Passer, he will check you out several times. Don’t panic to think you’re in a loop and are playing the same fight again, the game is designed that way. Finally you’ll reach Asteria’s Cliffs.
Asteria’s Cliffs
Check out The Old Stronghold.
The Old Stronghold
Enter the caves to find the key to The Catacombs of Ancient Times.
The Catacombs Of Ancients Times
Find and kill Gos the guardian to gain access to The Crypt. A ton of loot here and your first scrolls.
Explore further the cliffs and locate Kolopsos’s Liar.
Kolopsos’s Liar
Look for the secret passage and beat Kolopsos, he might drop a parchement of the beast. Lower him into the bushes, he can’t move good that way.
Continue your way and find the entrance to The Abyss.
The Abyss
Find your way out of this maze to reach Asteria’s Beach.
Asteria’s Beach
Talk to Gered and free Willy his son, somewhere kept on the beach, ready to be sacrificed.
Discover the bridge which leads to the gates of Asteria.
Here the plot thickings, you’ll encounter many sidequests which prevents you to proceed on your mainquest if you want to obtain them. So many NPC’s you have to talk to. I love quests so i went for them first. Keep in mind not every sidequest can be obtained immediatly, some you’ll encounter much later in the game. Some other will distract you even further from your mainquest. Take notes or check frequently your questlog to keep track. Also here you find a bunch of merchants, an enchanter, a caravan driver and a sorcerer, a base and 2 debugchests.
Talk to Zazamankh the high priest, he will ask you to find the young priest who holds the Sacred Relics, bring them back. No rush here, you’ll find him on the appropriate time.
Notice the yellow spot on the map, go and fetch it. It is the second statuette of the fisherman hidden in a tiny chest. When you obtained it find Asteria’s Portal first to avoid unnessecary runs.Then portal to The Highlands to see Till Took. He’ll reward you with a Holy Flask, you should poor it in the middle of the sixth teeth of the giant tree on Deads Path, so portal to it.To travel even faster take the RP portal when you arrive. Now you can enter The Clover, just proceed on Deads Path end find the entrance. Tons of loot here. I hope you can keep your breath 🙂
The Clover Cave
Portal back to Asteria or the Beach if you didn’t tip the portal at Asteria yet.
Talk to Hamon, he has a bet running, find the 2 secret parchements to get a reward.
This is a midlong quest, you’ll encounter them on your journey.
Find Gered to get your reward of freeing his son.
Find Didan on a roof, he’ll tell you about invisible creatures, reveal the invisible creature on the way of The Great Lake Of Singing Waters. Now that you have gathered all the sidequests go and see Seonnym Chief Of Asteria to ask for The Soulgem. He won’t give it at first; wait till a messenger appears and talk to him again. He’ll ask you to fight on his side, go and repel the invasion on The West Coast. Defeat the army, slay Triggath, pick up The Mission Briefing and return to Seonnym. Now you recieve The Soulgem.
Notice Seonnyms Advisor speak with him, he’ll ask you to see Guria. She lives a few houses further. She wants to test you out, go to The Arena next to her house and wait for her. If she doesn’t show up just go out and reenter The Arena. After recieving your task talk to The Arena’s Quatermaster. Talk to the Fights Referee to get back; win your 3 fights. Talk to her again, she’ll give you the key to Siran’s Mines. They are on your way to Hel’gon’s Manor. Find Mendowin’s Tomb, gather the 3 spheres around the orb the get The Manusscript; bring it back to Guria. Portal to Elendars Road via The Cemetary. Talk to Adiepho again he’ll grant you access to the outer city, go through the left gate and enter Elendars Woods
Elendars Woods
Discover The Secret Path here. On your way you’ll meet Kut, he’ll beg you to free his village. Take the sideway to Tantons Village and set it free. Slay Kristina The Vegetal Evoker, she might drop parchement iv. See the villagers (5 and a kid) to get rewarded. Continue to The Great Lake Of Singing Waters.
The Great Lake Of Singing Waters
Remember the place with the red carpet, its where you can reveal The Invisible Creature.
At The portal you’ve got 2 choices; or you go left to Siran’s Mines or ahead to Hel’Gon’s Manor. I choose the last one, continueing on Hel’ Gon’s Promenade.

This guide is originally written by Stekel and taken from his site at: http://stekel.wikidot.com/elendar-road



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