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Moving my info to a new computet


Hey, guys, it's been a while.

Right now, one of the batteries in my laptop is no longer working. That means it's been 2 hours since I briefly unplugged the charger to try figuring out the issue and the battery still is at 96%. The only thing I actually have stored on the computer itself are my games.

That means I'm now trying to get everything on a flash drive in case my computer (it's older) cannot be fixed. The first flash drive I found is going to have the folder TQ Backups and My Games (which has the Titan Quest and Titan Quest Immortal Throne folders in it in addition TQVault).

I'd like to double check the essential files I absolutely need to put on the flash drive.

As I've been copying stuff over, I'be had some .fow .arc items not copy over.

TQVault also seemed to hate every vault from T-Z and wouldn't copy over in addition to some other things.

And some of my CHR, DGX, and DGB wouldn't copy over. (Especially T-Z, including Transfer Stash.)

So any advice as I try saving my Titan Quest from a graveyard?

EDIT: my flash drive hates me and just quit copying anything else.

Avoid usb flash drives, they are problematic and you will lose all your files. Try external hdd or upload on internet, or very use very good 4,7gb dvd

Any preferred places on the internet? I know DropBox, but I've had a couple problems before getting it to work.

Wait for proper answer on that question, personally I never used it, but most of people that I know advised me to use.


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