MEGA Drive folder link: full mod and select download.
If you only want the database for an update, select the and select download.
I think everything is working for now.
The game will crash to desktop if you are playing, exit to main menu and try to play again. Most of the time.

Pet summon amount limits:
Defense: 1 Shield Maiden and a second at level 26, 1 Armored Spirit, Phalanx is the same as base game
Dream: 1 Nightmare, 2 at level 5, 3 at level 26. Dream Copy (forget it's name) 1, same as base game
Earth: 1 Magma Elemental, 2 at level 5, 3 at level 26. Core Dweller 1 limit
Hunting: 1 Wolf, 2 at level 5, 3 at level 26. 1 Bear limit
Nature: 1 Forest Nymph, 2 t level 5, 3 at level 26. 1 Sylvan Nymph limit
Neidan: 1 Dragon, 2 at level 5, 3 at level 26. 1 Terra Cotta monster lure limit
Runemaster: 1 Rune Golem, 2 at level 4, 3 at level16, 4 at level 26. Menhir Wall same as vanilla. Menhir Altar spawns 3 with a projectile summons.
Spirit: Skeleton Berzerker 1, Skeleton Warrior 1, 2 at level 5, 3 at level 26. Skeleton Archer 1, 2 at level 5, 3 at level 26 30 second life span. Lich King 1.
Rogue: Killbot 1. Traps 1, 2 at level 5, 3 at level 9, 4 at level 26. No cooldown.
Storm: Frost Wisp 1, Storm Wisp 1, Ice Golem 1
Warfare: Ancestral Warriors 1, 2 at level 5, 3 at level 26. Spectral Archers 1, 2 at level 5 3 at level 26. Battle Standard 1.
If you talk to the first NPC fellow at the game's start he will grant you level 2 for those that want a boost or those who want a no kill run.
Some things are overpowered/underpowered. Let me know what you think and I may even agree, you never know.

As always in alpha, if there's something broken, please help me out by letting me know.