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Messages - WNG

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Art Manager / Re: [Tutorial] Setup a new mastery!
« on: 31 December 2021, 15:12:38 »
A few precisions since EE

* Console HUD skill icons
The console HUD will use different .tex files for the skill icons. That means that if you use any custom skill icons, you will need to make a version for the console as well, otherwise it will appear as blank.

All you need to do is have a copy of your textures (up/down) prefixed with "hud_". I'm not sure if it is a requirement, but it is better to leave those textures in the same folder as the original ones. See for example how it is done for the Hunting Mastery.

* BitmapUIAware.tpl
To my knowledge this is a new template added since the console HUD is a thing. This template is used on some relevant mastery window elements. Similarly to the skill icons, and if no action is done, it will cause some elements to appear as blank when switching to the console version.

Basically, some elements will require a template change and extra values added in the form of array (1 value for PC, 1 value for controller.) I suggest you have a look at the new mastery .dbrs for comparison and reference.

* Template updates
I'm unsure if this is automatic or not, but make sure your templates are update. SkillTree.tpl, by instance, has received extra skill slots that enable masteries to have more skills than before.

Modifications / Re: Modding Phantom strike and dreamstealer combo
« on: 13 November 2020, 12:48:28 »
Melee attacks do not have a melee radius and cannot have one, hence why the only way you can multi-hit is with "angle".

You could try a SkillSecondary_AttackRadius(?) instead, but I don't think this would carry over weapon damage.

Forum News and Info / Re: Birthdays
« on: 13 October 2020, 18:19:15 »
Thank you guys  ;D

New Projects / Re: Shadow Champions (Mastery Mod) - WNG
« on: 03 September 2020, 15:04:10 »
nice job,
it's really nice for new levels, but there's some problems:'s really big,however,there is no respawn point or teleport;
2.when I use “L” to another map,I cannot go back

As sauruz pointed out, those are not problems but rather design choices : the RDs wield greater rewards but will test your character. If your character is not ready, it will not be able to fully benefit the RDs.

Besides, every RD includes a merchant to which you can sell items you do not like for a much better price and restock on potions. Other than that, you need to come prepared and as is.

New Projects / Re: Shadow Champions (Mastery Mod) - WNG
« on: 23 August 2020, 15:36:39 »
Up to now, i am only experiencing various masteries on normal mode. About lifegiving, the archangel ability Blessing seems erratic, the CD is 8s but does not trigger at will when the archangel or the toon are injured. On the other hand, Transcendence and Set ablaze abilities trigger well.

Edit: From time to time, for some reason, the guardian angel buff disappears whereas the archangel is still there. I can't reproduce this anomaly at will though. When i log out and reenter the game, the guardian angel buff appears as soon as the archangel is summoned.

Sounds weird; I guess I can investigate on that a bit. Thanks for the insight!  ;D

New Projects / Re: Shadow Champions (Mastery Mod) - WNG
« on: 20 August 2020, 22:34:49 »
@Tauceti It was requested a few times and I remain firm on not doing it. There's a lot of reasons for it, and I will recover some of the answers I gave to a user on Steam :

1] It's often requested because it makes the game "harder". But does it? You arm enemies better, but you also arm yourself better with all the extra levels.

2] SC already greatly increased the drop rates of MIs, and I know most people use Xmax-like mods to make farming less time-consuming. Not to mention that SC also speeds up the farming by other means.

3] Xmax would trivialize the farming of the new MUs. This would, from my point of view, defeat their purpose of being extra rare, almost trophy items.

4] Lots of enemies (bosses mostly) have been improved overall. It will mostly show on someone's first self-found playthrough.

5] A new secret passage, rogue dungeons, secret bosses : SC already adds new interesting end-game challenges to the game.

6] Because of the reasons listed above : SC is not TQ. While something works in TQ, it doesn't necessarily apply the same in SC. Different masteries, reworked items; there's simply too much differences to list them all.

7] New difficulty settings were planned before but were later removed. If I am to reintroduce them, it will not increase the amount of enemies, but rather increase their health, damage, and other miscellaneous details like scroll and potion cooldowns and even more punishing resistance penalities in Epic and Legendary (including on Physical resistance!)

As a side note, glad to hear you like the mod.  :)

My short answer is "If you don't find it good, make it good."

Thrown weapons are not inherently bad, the flaws of Ragnarok aren't set in stone.

Your intro suggests that your mod is aimed at a few rare souls and yourself, so maybe you don't even need to ask us. You already know what's the best TQ experience for yourself, yes?

Then make it.

New Projects / Re: Shadow Champions (Mastery Mod) - WNG
« on: 29 May 2020, 14:56:07 »
A decent amount of progress has been done on the North and Atlantis Rogue dungeons. Additionally, 4 new skills will be added to all masteries (big thanks to soa for this :D)

The progress will slow down however, because I'll soon need to plan to move out and lead on other important work. The progress will remain somewhat steady despite that.

More news about the new content when there's enough to show.

Music / Re: What Music are You Listening to now?
« on: 13 May 2020, 03:12:04 »

New Projects / Re: Shadow Champions (Mastery Mod) - WNG
« on: 12 May 2020, 23:43:34 »
The update is now live :

A small hotfix will follow in the next days to fix any issues found in the first few days.

New Projects / Re: Shadow Champions (Mastery Mod) - WNG
« on: 11 May 2020, 19:03:49 »
The wait has been quite long, but the new patch should be available as soon as tomorrow.  :)

New Projects / Re: Shadow Champions (Mastery Mod) - WNG
« on: 18 April 2020, 21:25:44 »
The Rogue dungeons are under way and have made good progress. In the next week, they should be fully playable. Then, with some more adjustments, the patch will be released shortly after.

It's coming soon!

Difficulty Mods / [Tutorial] Create a difficulty mod!
« on: 18 April 2020, 21:14:03 »
↜ Create a difficulty mod! by WNG ↝


Hello! This guide will show you how to create a simple mod that adjusts difficulty settings of the game. Difficulty mods are very popular, and for a reason: they are simple to make and can modify the game experience by a lot. In this tutorial, we will look at numerous files that can be modified to change the difficulty of the game. There's more that you can do than simply spawning in more monsters; in fact, there's numerous ways to get creative here.

I may assume you have some basic knowledge and overlook some manipulations. Feel free to tell me if anything is unclear.

I. gameengine.dbr

Code: [Select]
records\xpack\game\gameengine.dbrThis file controls a myriad of general settings of the game. Here, you can alter some different options to make the game potentially harder. Let's have a look at some of them.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Rewards and Penalties
Spoiler for Hiden:
deathPenaltyEquation: This equation controls the experience lost when a character dies.
deathPenaltyMin: Minimum of experience a character can lose upon death.
deathPenaltyMax: Maximum of experience a character can lose upon death.
RedemptionMultiplier: When the player recovers its grave, it will regain experience by the percentage set here. For reference, 1 would be equivalent to 100% and 0 to 0%.
OneShot Info
Spoiler for Hiden:
potionStackLimit: Amount of potions the player can stack per inventory square. Remember how you could only stack 5 in IT days? I do...
scrollStackLimit: Amount of scrollsthe player can stack on top of one another.
Monster Info
Spoiler for Hiden:
monsterRunSpeedCapMin/Max: The minimum and maximum values a monster's movement speed can have.
monsterSpellCastSpeedCapMin/Max: The minimum and maximum values a monster's casting speed can have.
monsterAttackSpeedMin/Max: The minimum and maximum values a monster's attack speed can have.
bossRunSpeedCapMin/Max: The minimum and maximum values a boss' movement speed can have.
bossSpellCastSpeedCapMin/Max: The minimum and maximum values a boss' monster's casting speed can have.
bossAttackSpeedMin/Max: The minimum and maximum values a boss' attack speed can have.
Player Info
Spoiler for Hiden:
playerDefenseCap: The maximum value the player's resistances can have.
playerDodgePercentCap: The maximum value the player's CTDA can have.
playerDodgeProjectileCap: The maximum value the player's CTAP can have.
playerRacialBonusPercentDefenseCap: The maximum value the player's Less Damage from X race can have.
playeCooldownReductionCap: The maximum value the player's Recharge can have.
playerManaCostReductionCap: The maximum value the player's Energy Cost Reduction can have.
characterDefensiveBlockRecoveryReductionCap: The maximum value the player's Shield Block Recovery Time Reduction can have.
playerRunSpeedCapMin/Max: The minimum and maximum values the player's movement speed can have.
playerSpellCastSpeedCapMin/Max: The minimum and maximum values the player's casting speed can have.
playerAttackSpeedCapMin/Max: The minimum and maximum values the player's attack speed can have.
Proxy Info
Spoiler for Hiden:
spawnMin/MaxModifier: Multiplier of the spawn rate of regular units in proxies (in percentage.)
championMin/MaxModifier: Multiplier of the spawn rate of champion units in proxies (in percentage.)

II. monstergamebalanceattributes.dbr

Code: [Select]
records\game\monstergamebalanceattributes.dbrThis file is referenced in the gameengine.dbr seen above and is used to improve monsters based on the number of players and the difficulty level you play on. For example, you can decide the bonus of health or damage granted to enemy creatures here.

Look over here to find details on the characteristics you can change (it is another tutorial but the same characteristics are seen in detail here) :

Notice how each field is an array where you can input multiple values. You have 3 options:
  • 0 values: Leave empty or with a zero; the game will ignore this characteristic.
  • 3 values: Input up to 3 values; the first value will be used for Normal, the second for Epic and the last for Legendary.
  • 18 values: Input up to 18 values; the first value being Normal difficulty with 1 player, then 2 players... up until 6 players. The seventh value is Epic with 1 player, and so on so forth. In other terms, have 1 value for each number of players per difficulty.

III. femalepc01.dbr/malepc01.dbr

Code: [Select]
These files are the actual characters you can control. You can modify some of their innate characteristics. The male and female characters have technically different files, although they look identical. You could, if you so desire, make them different in certain aspects.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Character Bio
Spoiler for Hiden:
defaultGold: Starting amount of gold when you first create a character.
Natural Resistance: Innate resistances. By default, the character has no resistances.
Character Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Self-explanatory, but you can also look at the link from step II.
Skill Manager
Spoiler for Hiden:
masteryIncrementLevel: Determines the levels where the player unlocks their first and second masteries.
reclamationPointTiers: Sets the increment tiers when reclaiming points from a mystic.
reclamationPointCosts: Sets the cost of each tier when reclaiming points from a mystic.

IV. playerlevels.dbr

Code: [Select]
records\creatures\pc\playerlevels.dbrThis file sets some parameters related to experience and the level-up system.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Level Up Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
characterModifierPoints: Amount of attribute points received on level-up.
skillModifierPoints: Amount of skill points received on level-up.
initialSkillPoints: Starting amount of skill points when you first create a character.
lifeIncrement: When spending an attribute point in Health, it will go up by this much.
manaIncrement: When spending an attribute point in Energy, it will go up by this much.
strengthIncrement: When spending an attribute point in Strength, it will go up by this much.
dexterityIncrement: When spending an attribute point in Dexterity, it will go up by this much.
intelligenceIncrement: When spending an attribute point in Intelligence, it will go up by this much.
Experience Levels
Spoiler for Hiden:
maxPlayerLevel: Maximal level your character can reach.

↜ Getting started with the Editor! by WNG ↝
Part 3 : Layer Painting


Hello! This short guide will show you how to use the Layer Painting tool. It will allow you to add small details that are essential to make a good and clean map. We have briefly used this tool in the part II; this time we will explore it a bit more in-depth.

I may assume you have some basic knowledge and overlook some manipulations. Feel free to tell me if anything is unclear.

I. Fog/Lightning Layer

I. Fog/Lightning Layers:

This type of layer allows you to add fog effects to your maps and adjust the color of the ambient light. With these precise parameters, you have full control over the look of your areas. Let's start from this small section of map.

Spoiler for Hiden:

It is pretty bland and flavorless as of now, so let's fix it by clicking on the Layer Painting tool icon, on the toolbar. From the side menu, select "Fog/Lightning Layer" as type of layer and click New. This will create a new Fog layer.

You will be granted a brush to paint the zone you want to apply on. Click and drag to paint the area, and hold SHIFT while clicking to remove any paint (regardless of the layer selected.) You can also click+CTRL to fill the entire map with the selected layer. If you do not see the painted areas, make sure the View Layers option is checked in the side menu. You should also notice the blue arrow that has appeared, which accurately shows the layer you are currently in.

Spoiler for Hiden:

All that is nice, but our fog is non-existent. Let's add some fog now. There's two different types of fog you can use.

II. Depth Fog:

This type of fog appears in the distance, in front of the player. You can use the Near and Far Distance values to determine where it starts and where it ends. You can also adjust its opacity. Here's the initial map with a layer that uses this kind of fog.

Spoiler for Hiden:

III. Height Fog:

This type of fog appears from the bottom. It is working best when used in areas of high altitude. You can use the Top and Bottom Distance values to determine where it starts and where it ends. You can also adjust its opacity. Here's the initial map with a layer that uses this kind of fog.

Spoiler for Hiden:

IV. Color options:

The following array of options adjusts different settings to change the color of your fog (set above) on top of other miscellanous details such as light and ground color. Adjust them as you see fit to design your areas in every detail. Here's the initial map that now uses both kinds of fog with new color settings.

Spoiler for Hiden:

V. Import/Export:

If you wish to save your fog settings, you can use the Export button to save a file containing your fog data. You may then use the Import command to give a layer the same parameters.

II. Name Layer

This type of layer allows you to name your regions. Without a Name Layer, your map name would be blank and that's pretty undesirable. Let's fix this.

Creating a Name Layer is just as easy as a Fog Layer. Press New and get painting to define the boundaries of a named region.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Style Name: The name of your layer in the Editor. No effect in-game.
Localization Tag: The name of your region that will appear in-game. Leave your tag from ModStrings.txt here.
Cinematic Display: When the player enters this region, the name will display at the center of the screen.
Display Once: If true, Cinematic Display will only fire once ever.

When Cinematic Display is checked for that region, not only will it display in-game, but it will also display in the Editor. Note that the Editor will not recognize your ModStrings.txt tags, but it will still display normally in-game.

Spoiler for Hiden:

III. Sound Layer

This type of layer allows you to insert pre-determined music when the player enters it. Self-explanatory.

IV. Boss Layer

This type of layer fires a boss music, which stops when the boss dies. To function proprely, a monster tagged as Boss with a valid music file (set in its Monster Parameters) must be present in the zone layer.

Art Manager / Re: [Tutorial] Add a new weapon to the game!
« on: 04 April 2020, 21:28:54 »
Have you tried doing it all over again from a clean installation? I can't possibly know what went wrong at this point.

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