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Topics - Prosoro

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In case you missed it here's a behind-the-scenes look at how our Grimlore Games audio director Bastian Kieslinger, along with the amazing vocals of Aphrodite Patoulidou, created the masterful piece for the Titan Quest II announcement cinematic.


Check out the full explanation over here:

This also marks the first of a new monthly update cycle for TQ2 as we move into 2024 ^^,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

Developer Discussions / Game Wisdom Podcast
« on: 24 July 2023, 23:55:08 »
Hey guys,

I'll be joining Game Wisdom today to have a chat about all things Titan Quest and Arpg's! Tune in if you like :D

Developer Discussions / Project Minerva
« on: 05 September 2021, 09:08:29 »

Recent news of an announced project from Grimlore Games has caused (renewed?) speculation and rumours of a possible Titan Quest 2.  Known as 'Project Minerva' we have little info about it, but there are some concept pieces revealed and, most compelling, a brief explanation of what the game is about:

"Project Minerva is an action role-playing game set in a picturesque, handcrafted, open world of antiquity that is threatened by creatures from Greek, Persian and Egyptian mythology"

Check out this Gamestar article, though it's in German so you'll need to use a translator if needed :),3372709.amp?fbclid=IwAR1BWUxojHYh9Frrm6MobB4Uor86e9Y6cAEAcen-QNhKEDbsVUzpovxYdqI

THQ Nordic / THQN to present first Digital Showcase
« on: 05 September 2021, 08:42:16 »
In case anyone who lurks over here on the forums missed it, THQNordic are hosting their very first digital showcase this September 2021.  I'll post the details below - check out the trailer which features, among others, our legendary Titan Quest ^^,

Vienna/Austria, September 2nd, 2021: THQ Nordic is celebrating its 10th anniversary and we're having a digital party! Join us for the first, official THQ Nordic digital showcase event on September 17th at 9 pm CEST / 12:00 PM PST / 8 PM BST / 10 PM MSK. It will be streamed on YouTube, Twitch, and Steam.

Official THQ Nordic Channels to watch the Showcase:

The showcase will be hosted by Geoff Keighley, executive producer and host of The Game Awards, and will feature six new game announcements that will take you on a journey through time and space. Witness the return of legendary franchises, including some for which fans have been waiting decades to get their hands on a new installment, and you can also expect to see sequels to beloved games. We hope you are ready, kids!

We also plan to release new information and footage for Open-World-Sci-Fi-Fantasy RPG ELEX II, and upcoming CRPG Expeditions: Rome will join the show to demo the latest and greatest gameplay! If you tune in a few minutes earlier, you can also get a glimpse of what our friends at HandyGames have been working on lately in the pre-show.

Check out the THQ Nordic Anniversary trailer on YouTube:

Invitation to co-stream the Showcase
Content creators all over the world of any size are invited to co-stream the showcase on September 17th on their own channels. THQ Nordic is cooperating with Twitch and YouTube to make sure that all licensed music can be part of the stream. If you’d like to participate, or if you have any questions, please reach out to:

General Discussion / Titan Quest in 2020
« on: 11 March 2020, 00:13:32 »

Now that the beta for controller support is finally underway, attention should/might shift back to other aspects of TQ - be it optimisation and bug fixing (yes please), fresh new content, or more modern arpg additions etc.

Hard to say which but what are your thoughts on where the IP should go moving forward?

Other Modifications / Guides on creating custom item bitmaps?
« on: 22 October 2019, 01:41:18 »
Hey guys,
Just wanting to have a go at creating my own bitmaps (and eventually item textures) for new items. Are there any guides on how to do this? Did a search around the site but nothing came up.

Thanks  :)

Other Modifications / Enemy 'hitbox' issue
« on: 19 June 2019, 04:02:10 »
Hey all, last night I was testing a priestess boss (human female pc mesh) and found that none of my ranged attacks were hitting her - my arrows kept aiming toward her feet   ???

Anyone know what needs to be tweaked in order to fix her hitbox? Am guessing its in the character variable list..

Hey guys  :)

There have been pathing issues encountered within certain Titan Quest mods since the Atlantis DLC happened.  Well, here's some good news!

The devs at Pieces Interactive have helped me solve this problem and I'm happy to say things are working as they should be.  So all credit to them!
I'll outline below what was done but first I'll just preface this by saying - these things tend to be case by case as no two mods are the same.  So depending on where you have things located etc and the nature of your modding, such things aren't always 100% the same for everyone.

As for me, the first sign of something abnormal was when building my current changes in the Art Manager.  In the build process pane an error showed up;
Spoiler for Hiden:
Then, loading up the game I found my character could not move.  Following this I also noticed no new changes were showing up ingame - I tested this by placing monsters/objects by my character spawn location and seeing if they were there ingame.  Nope.

 > At this point I'll just mention that yes I'm aware others in the modding community prior to this post have found alternate fixes - see this thread by Sauruz: Of course I tried these methods myself but still my problems remained.  As I've said all mods/setups differ etc etc.

I then had a thought to toggle the console while ingame and was met with a long list of errors:
Spoiler for Hiden:

The "unable to open file" from this and the "unsupported version..." from the Art Manager build step had me thinking it's something, at least in part, to do with my directory path locations.  Ultimately I was still stumped and reluctant to mess around with things incase I made it worse.  Sometime later the guys at Pieces provided some much needed insight.

The fix.
The new Atlantis DLC comes with an updated version of the MapCompiler.exe.  This is located in the Atlantis installation directory.  Therefore, the Art Manager needs to point to this new map compiler version when you are building levels/changes for your mod.  To verify this, in the Art Manager go to "Tools > Options" and ensure that the "Tools Directory" is pointing to the root directory of your Atlantis installation. (In my case, mine was still pointing to the old Immortal Throne directory, hence the aforementioned error messages)
Once this is correct, build your mod in the Art Manger and the process pane should build as normal and ingame pathing will be fixed  ;)


Modifications / Creating new Teleporters for your mod
« on: 26 February 2019, 23:49:30 »

Not sure where to put this.. buy anyway

Teleporters.  I'm working on getting these to function properly atm with all the UI elements in place.  Currently I've got one on the map that activates and has correct tags, but the UI is still vanilla and it doesn't allow me to teleport to and from my new areas.  So not much success tbh.

So wanted to ask anyone over here if they have done this successfully before and did they use the wiki guide or other resources?

I'll continue working this out tonight

Art Manager / Adding Custom Music and Ambient Sound tracks
« on: 23 February 2019, 05:07:51 »

This topic has come up a number of times and is documented in various places such as here:

But I bring it up here again to once and for all try and find definitive answers on how this is done - and perhaps more importantly, why the commonly found instructions need further elaboration. 

I've followed the instructions in that link, and consulted other sources, but it just doesn't work for me.  Maybe for others this works as it should? Idk, maybe I'm missing something painfully obvious here. 

In my case;
a. I import my custom music/ambient sound tracks (mp3) in the Sources tab of the AM
b. Then auto create asset.  New music shows up in Assets tab
c. Build this.
d. Manually copy my changes (my mod under CustomMaps) from Documents directory to Game directory
e. Open Editor, select Layer tool and then Sound Layer.  Create new Layer.
f. Open music/sounds database list using ellipsis
g. .......No sign of my new music anywhere within the massive list  :( >:(

Sigh.  So I go back to the AM and have a search around, try and see if I made a mistake or missed something.  Heck, even look into alternative ways at getting this to work.  Still no success.

So, any help?

General Discussion / Russian Titan Quest Gold box (unreleased?)
« on: 15 January 2019, 10:43:14 »

Maybe there's some TQ members here that can answer this for me..

During my usual searching sessions on the vast internets for all things TQ related I came across this unique Gold Edition box cover which, according to Mobygames, was only released for retail in Russia

But then again perhaps it wasn't?  And (much to my disappointment) I can't seem to find it anywhere else, including of course any of the online trading sites (ebay/amazon etc) listing this version

This leads me to believe that it was a potential prototype or concept cover for the Gold Edition that for whatever reason wasn't used ....unless someone has it??! (please post pics if so  ;))  In any case it's a real nice cover with the Greek marble ^^ Hope someone here can confirm the story behind it.


Hey all,

Am frustratingly stuck with this so have made this thread as a plea for benevolent wisdom! 

I am making a sword set, one being fire themed and the other lighting.  It's all well and good adding the appropriate stats etc, no problem there of course but my attention turns to adding some of those sweet effects; but how??

I've copied my chosen swords into my custom directory in the Art Manager.  Clicking into them brings up the usual variables but I can't see any designated space to enter or attach effects.. as an example take Pagos.  I can see the ice sword itself in the database, and can find the separate ambient effect that it has but cannot find how these are linked anywhere in the AM variables - looking in the wrong place or wut?

Thanks in advance for any insightful help!  :D

Gaming / Diablo Immortal - siigh
« on: 05 November 2018, 23:47:32 »

So bout that new Diablo game   ...which is for mobile.  ??? :-\

A sad mess indeed. Thoughts?

Streaming and cool TQ videos / Twitch Streaming Fun
« on: 23 August 2018, 14:27:18 »

Hey guys,

Wanted to post my channel here for anyone keen to join me during my arpg misadventures  :P
Pretty noob at all this tbh but will do my best!


Current Stream: Grim Dawn Ultimate Farming in preparation for Forgotten Gods.

New Projects / Kotaku Article on Hamunaptra!
« on: 20 February 2018, 11:23:26 »

Hey guys, am super stoked to share this news - Check out the article feature on my mod by Kotaku!  ;D

Am currently hyped about this if I can say so myself ^^,

Funny about the mistype of 'Roman' though.. haha

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