Hello, you might remember my previous elemental conversion build,
dragon hunter. This time I have a new one.
This one went with storm mastery that has some others useful assets for elemental weapons user, instead of intelligence there is flat damage and percentage damage increases in skills like storm nimbus and eye of the storm. Since the build cannot scale intelligence properly needing lots of dexterity for bows, it scales flat and % damage from both gear and skills.
Stat distribution is 8 points in strength, then dexterity : intelligence 1 : 1 until level 64, then all in intellinence. Normal and epic stat points rewarded for quests go in health (12 points).
This is the epitome of glass cannon with low DA, hp, no defensive stats anywhere except squall damage reduction and not much CC.
Hunting mastery is still there with its debuff in flush out, volley WPS, wood lore and minor utility skills like herbal remedy and find cover/trail blazing. Maxed movespeed is a useful asset for survival especially since this build can't do much else in certain situations having rather poor crowd control. Marksmanship is also used as main attack with no better alternatives.
Build puts points in multiple crowd control skills, thunderball, freezing blast, ensnare and monster lure. This is because their effects do not affect all mobs equally. Yotuns for example are not affected by any of them, and I had to go through most of legendary Yotunheim with spear and shield. Eldyotuns are immune to freezing, but can be stunned and immobilized. Crystal golems can't be stunned. This forces the build to use different combinations in different places. Squall, besides its debuff is used to put impair aim on archers and is the only reliable tool here.
Spell breaker is a versatile utility skill to remove buffs and reset skills on mobs, casting it proves useful on half of all the mobs in the game. Casters and magical are most affected of course. Kelpie, for example, are fully neutered, everything they do seems to be a spell and they can only follow you tragically after this, while slowly losing health to electric burn and squall.
Gear screens:
Using bows and other two handers strips the character of 1-2 resistance sources and maxing them is harder. Bows aren't easy to use in Anniversary edition game.
Chest - Prowler's cuirass with Eldhrimnir stew for energy regen, this is a resistance chest with energy regen relic that has even more resist
Helm - Golden Agris - used for damage conversion to elemental. This or a similar item is necessary for adequate DPS
Hands - Stonebinder cuffs with primal magma - easy +3 all skills for a dexterity build, primal magma here is a way to get adequate fire resistance. I'd love to use cold essence there but 20% fire resistance in legendary is unbearable.
Feet - Boots of Freyja - resistances, DA, recharge
Necklace - Shavo's relic - 60% elemental damage is to scale it without int. There aren't many items like that unfortunately, I can remember Hesione's golden veil but have a necessary competitor for the helm slot
Ring 1 - Common ring with arctic prefix and legendary eitr - lots of flat damage on one item
Ring 2 - Common ring with occult prefix and legendary eitr - for cast speed and more flat elemental damage
Apples of Idun artifact is for vitality resistance and that rare stun resistance
Main weapon - Bramblewood bow with Anubis wrath for lifesteal and attack speed - there are no better bows in the game still and that one has lots of flat elemental damage on it. I tried a bramblewood with lifesteal on it and chill of tartarus relic to capitalize on stacking slow (with arctic ring), but 170% attack speed with 30% slow is better than 140% as with 60% slow.
I forgot to add secondary weapon set, there is a chtonian spike spear for offensive ability the build is lacking, and a shield from act 2 normal with shade of Hector relic, a pure stat stick for DA.
A video with Mimer's maze, Doppelganger and Mimer himself