Update: The launch parameter "thqno_overlay_disabled" also helped me.
After today's update, I encountered the same problem. Although you had this problem before today's update, but perhaps it will help you too.
1. Make a backup copy of the thqnocfg.dat file (in the folder where the game is installed).
2. Download and replace with this file -
https://drive.google.com/file/d/18dpQCI8_iJrVK-2UjXMThPr0RIZNI4RGThe file was taken from the previous version. If you are afraid to download the "ready" file, you can "get" the file manually:
1. Open the Steam console (you can see how to do this on the Internet).
2. Insert the command:
download_depot 475150 475152 690755830458149562
After the download is complete, the path to where the downloaded file was saved will be indicated, there you can find the thqnocfg.dat file (see screenshot).
Since you had this problem before today's update, this file may not help, then you need to find an update in which everything will be fine for you:
1. Go to
https://steamdb.info/depot/475152/manifests/2. Choose any update up to 690755830458149562 (690755830458149562 at the time of writing the post is in second place (i.e. choose any starting from third), if there are ever more updates, the order may shift), but where there is no inscription "publicbeta".
3. In the command:
download_depot 475150 475152
690755830458149562 - with the ManifestID of the selected update.
4. Run the command in the Steam console.