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Messages - aurum

Pages: [1]
Thank you so much for the update Mal  :))

General Discussion / Re: Funny screenshots
« on: 26 May 2021, 22:58:27 »
I just found 5 Ichthian Stingers from the same pack on XMAX while farming for Icescale Gear.  ;D
This run was crazy, total yield from one clear: 6 Stingers, 2 Shells, Icescale Helm, Bracers, Chest, and Legs plus a Whomper.

Contragulations on this impressive run!
And thank you for the detailed writeup.  :D

General Discussion / Re: Achievments
« on: 15 July 2020, 16:36:55 »
Hi lightdevourer82

The achievement "Hardcore Player" and the achievements for finishing legendary difficulty with the different classes pops between the second to last and last phase of the endboss for Ragnarok. For me it poped during the transition without even having killed the boss.

Hope this helps. Greetings

Hi guys, quick question.

Does installing TQCollector disable Steam achievments or do they still work?

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