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Topics - Malgardian

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The new Eternal Embers Addon is out and so there's a reason for a new version again. Have fun and let me know about any issues :)

This release is now not an installer anymore, but rather a selfcontained and portable folder. I hope it works as intended and I'm glad about all feedback/bug reports!

DOWNLOAD - v1.4 (for TQAE:Eternal Embers 2.10)
All credit goes to BeaverusIV, the original author. I just took the AE version (1.0.0) and made it compatible to Ragnarök, Atlantis and now Eternal Embers!

You can find the original thread posted in the old forum (RIP) here:

v0.2a 2/12/2009
-Original public release.

v0.3a 3/12/2009
-Added support for custom directories.
-Vault/Inventory/Caravan toggles work.
-Added error checking for files.
-Changed location of config.xml back to program directory.
-Added missing filter options for Arcane Formulae.

v0.3.1 7/12/2009
-Added check for character saves.
-Removed support for custom maps (not needed).

v0.4 23/12/2009
-Revamped and unified UI including resizeable window.
-Fixed bug where Hades relic title showed when IT was off.
-Fixed bug with 'Any' and 'All' MIs were miscounted.
-Fixed Sets 'Some' tabs.
-Added "*", "Stheno's Wisdom" to itemdb.
-Added Secrect Passage toggle.
-Added Tooltip for item locations.

v0.4.5 29/12/2009
-Added support for multiple languages.
-Added support for showing where to find items.
-Fixed bug in display of item locations for 'Any' MIs.

v0.4.7 30/04/2010
-Finished French translation.
-Finished item locations.
-Added new path-finding for TQ/IT folders.
-Reinstated old UI (With choice for bold/checkbox).
-Changed code which made the UI redraw six times on startup.
-Optimised loading code.
-Items now list alphabetically including IT items.
-Added option to count socketed relics/charms.
-config.xml now in %APPDATA%\TQ Collector\

v1.0.0 14/09/2016
-Cleaned up a bit of the render code.
-Added missing versions of Sstheno's wisdom
-Fixed typo in Filter page apparently no one noticed
-Fixed some of the logic to do with loading in the configs/toggles
-Fixed loading in language list while using AE
-Added German translation to install
-Cleaned up the file loading, streamlined the whole experience
-Incorporated and attributed spectre's itemdb additions
-Added new filter: Show Owned Items (thanks epinter!)
-Added background file refresh, default 3mins, set in config.xml (thanks epinter!)
-Packaged in updated FR and DE translations

v1.1.0 15/01/2018
-Added Ragnarök items
-Combined old items to new sets
-Made TQC portable, config.xml resides in the same directory as the .exe now
-New button to enable/disable Ragnarök items
-German and English text complete, French text still needs updating

v1.1.1 21/01/2018
-Added missing Aegis of Athena relic

v1.1.2 12/02/2018
-updated French translation (thanks to AlcyonV)
-several item recognition fixes
-added new parchments added by patch 1.54

v1.1.3 09/04/2018
-fixed bracers of the argonauts appearing twice

v1.2.0 19/06/2019 (Atlantis)
- updated French translation (thanks to W.N.G.)
- added parsing for dual relic items
- added atlantis items
- added parsing for the new relic vault
- improved tooltip hint for items in the shared stash & relic vault

v1.2.1 21/06/2019
- fixed crash after adjusting filtering options

v1.2.2 22/06/2019
- fixed various Atlantis set filenames which caused items not to be listed as owned
- fixed checkbox setting only having an effect on MI and Set categories
- fixed tooltips not appearing when using checkboxes (caveat: checkboxes can be clicked, but will reset after periodic refresh)

v1.2.2.1 30/08/2019
- moved "The Shade" set to correct difficulty
- fixed wrong drop locations for "Necklace of Glauberg" and "Pendant of Skadi"
- removed epic and legendary version of Power of Nerthus relic

v1.2.2.2 20/06/2020
- fixed a file access issue that could occur with readonly vault files

v1.3.0.0 05/12/2021 (Eternal Embers)
- added Eternal Embers items
- Addon filtering for Easter egg parchments
- added option for display of number of items next to item name

v1.3.0.1 13/02/2022
- added entries for Atlantis MIs that now drop

v1.3.1.0 16/04/2022
- added newly introduced items
- added a workaround for the name of a new set made up of old items

v1.4.0.0 18/09/2022
- added TQVaultAE v4.0+ JSON file compatibility (thanks to hguy)
- fixed xml files not deploying at build time (thanks to hguy)
- Repository & solution organization normalization (thanks to hguy)
- updated item list & credits

General Discussion / TQ thread archaeology
« on: 20 November 2017, 14:16:01 »
As I did some digging to get my patchfix thread back, I got into thinking whether there are other threads from the old forums that people remember and are not backed up somewhere. If you post here and mention what you're missing I can have a look around to see if I can find them.

Patches / [REL] Bugfix patch 1.17
« on: 20 November 2017, 13:47:35 »
Dragged this one up from the depths as well. Seems like I'm a thread necromancer for hire now :P

old thread from 2009, orginal author: YerkYerk, applies only to old unpatched TQIT!

                     Latest news: balance patch is in the make.

Titan Quest bugfix patch 1.17a
About the patch
Titan Quest, and its expansion set, Immortal Throne, were the flagship products of IronLore Entertainment. Unfortunately, the studio has since closed down and there will be no more fixes or additions to the already great game.

This is where the Fanpatch comes in; the Fanpatch fixes many remaining bugs and flaws within the game and is the culmination of the hard work of many modders from The goal of the patch is to ensure that even though IronLore has closed its doors, Titan Quest will be continually updated through the efforts of its fans.

The patch tries its best to fix the game such as to the intent of the designers and does not make any balancing changes or creative changes (unless as necessary for the resolution of a particular problem).

If you use this patch online, we would request you to put 1.17 somewhere in your name, so people can recognize you're using the fanpatch - thus preventing matching errors (1.17 users can see 1.1 users, but get an error when trying to connect).

Download locations

Notice: The patch 1.17a installer triggers some virus detection software and gives false positives. There is no virus or trojan in the patch. This statement applies to the following download locations. If you have further concerns about the warning, or need further reassurance before installing, do not install the patch.
Patch 1.17a Download locations: (approximately 56,8MB)
Download location #1 - RapidShare (broken link)
Download location #2 - FileFront (broken link)
Download location #3 - Gigasize (broken link)
Download location #4 - The Patches Scrolls
Download location #5 - Gamershell
Download location #6 - AtomicGamer
Download location #7 - spectre's Dropbox (possibly only valid working link)

(Mod edit - If the links become fixed please tell a member of staff. Thank you - Batman)

Text files with fixed non-english files for fanpatch 1.17 - fixes some text display issues for non-English versions
German readme for 1.17 - made by vorbis

Old versions:
Can be found in this thread

Bugfix List
Bugs fixed in patch v1.17
(more info on the fixes can be found here)
- Outsider's damage does not increase past level 15.
- Liche King's Soul Blight projectile has no sound and no visible impact.
- Nymph has no aggressive or defensive controllers.
- Nymph's weapon attack does not use flat damage from pet bonuses.
- Briarward does not get Epic or Legendary health boosts.
- Shaman's Leggings give double recharge bonuses.
- Spellbreaker projectile fails to affect targets half the time.
- Revenant Greaves don't drop, and Epic and Legendary variants aren't linked.
- Gigantes defensive auras fail to activate because of an animation problem.
- Gigantes monster gear and monster infrequent gear is a mess.
- Normal Scepter of the Liche King has irregular damage values.
- Monster Infrequent leg armor from Act 4 monsters can drop without affixes.
- Percentage poison damage completion bonuses on relics and charms do not work.
- Percentage poison damage boosts on Battlemarker shrines do not work.
- Ravages of Time icon is too large.
- Traps became dumber in 1.1.16.
- Inzu the Dune Raider is a Beastman (should be Demon).
- 6678 should be 6788
- Removed fix notes from previous patch change logs that have been confirmed as not having been implemented, or not working as intended.

Additional Features of v1.17
o AllSkins mod: a version of the AllSkins mod 0.8 has been included on the 1.17 fanpatch. That means that all the skin bottles from the latest AllSkins mod 0.8 have been added so players can see each others' skins online and trade bottles, and we've also included optional vendors so that players can purchase skin bottles from all versions, past and present, of the AllSkins mod inside the main game. To access this option, use the menu's "Unlock Content" button and type in this code: 123. This will drop 2 artifacts, each of which will spawn the appropriate vendor when equipped. Additionaly, we also included specialty skin vendors for adult skins, dress-mesh skins, and skirtless-mesh skins (unlock code: 12345). Note: a player must be using the dress mesh or skirtless mesh in order to properly display skins purchased from those vendors (found in AllSkins 0.8). Also, summoned vendors will not disappear until you exit the game, so we recommend summoning them in a city.

o Custom Item Support: items from some custom-game mods have been included in the patch to prevent their loss when accidentally loading a custom-game character into a different mod or into the regular game. If you bring these items into the original game, they will appear in your inventory as unusable parchments until returned to the originating mod.
      Custom games currently supported:
        Occult 1.0
        Uber 1.1
        StreetFighter BETA
   If you have a mod with new items, and would like take advantage of the custom-item support in the next fanpatch, register on and go to the fan patch forums to request your mod's inclusion:
Bugs fixed in beta patch v1.1.16
- Polyphemus now gets the proper resistance across difficulties
- Frozen monsters with unique spears are now fixed
- Odontotyrannus (Beast) no longer drops Demons Blood charm
- Double resistances from undead were removed

- Removed double -%recharge for normal Shaman's Helm. Normal Shaman's Helm now gets a single -5%recharge bonus.
- Night mistress' Staff projectile range has been restored, and new projectile is more visible
- Legendary Tiger Claw now gives a proper OA bonus
- Attack speed of Shiverblood fixed
- Hermes Sandals now has proper bonuses for all three difficulties
- Hermes Sandal movement speed bonus increased to 5/6/7 for N/E/L
- Scepter of the Liche King's base damage fixed
- Might of Hephaestes now activates it's granted skill properly
- Batrachos Greaves have been restored to give +%DA instead of DA again

- Coredweller now casts Taunt when in agressive mode
- Mortal Wound now has consistent increase levelling up.
- Ravages of Time icon is now replaced with a square to show it's an active skill
- Vision of Death now properly causes all successfully feared monsters to flee instead of sometimes getting stuck
- Liche King's Arcane Blast can now be used if the Liche is lower than level 5

- Persephone's mesh is now fixed
- Near invisible projectiles on staffs without base damage are now replaced by a more visible projectile

- The attribute points you get from the Great Emperor are no longer forfeited if miss your opportunity to talk to the emperor's ghost.
- Hades Generals quest reward now finally works.
- Stygian Lurker quest reward can now be regained.
- Hidden Treasure quest no longer gives incorrect experience if you complete quest before talking to quest giver.

Note: All changed quests will no longer be visible in your quest log. The game will check your character when you load a game in 1.1.16 and let you know if your character has any missing quest rewards and give you a one-time message telling you to visit Laches at the Helos portal, who will recover your missing rewards and restore your quest log entries (though other rewards previously obtained on those quests will not be displayed). For more information about Quest Reward Recovery, visit the bugfix forums at

Bugs fixed in beta patch v1.1.15
- Controllers Fixed for megalesios spirit
- Chest Traps Fixed (fire, frost, plaque, and poison)
- Dark Obelisk Soul Fixed
- Charon Minion Fixed
- Night Mistress Hero Fixed
- Many NPCs in Act 4 Fixed
- Mob pools through out all acts Fixed
- About 30 Mob Skills fixed

- Effects for Eruption, Wildfire, Arrows(default, marksmanship, and scatter shot) and Dart(default) Fixed

- Many Chest loot tables Fixed
- Loot Table for Clam Shell Fixed
- Many Loot Tables for mobs Fixed

- Few Shrines in Greece, Babylon, Egypt, and Orient fixed

- Quest Objects Mushroom Chest, Root Chest, and Urn of the Titans Fixed

- Few UI Improvements (roll over style on ground items, and main hud)
- Bug in Cliff Wall of Hades Cave Fixed

Bugs fixed in beta patch v1.1.14
Additional Features
- Added updated Templates.arc for modders

Other bugs
- Misspellings in the EN version
- Talos, Hydra and Megalesios do not drop armgear in Legendary. They drop 2x the amount of headgear instead.

Bugs fixed in beta patch v1.1.13 and before
Bugged skills
- Ravages of Time does not reduce damage.
- Nymph actually does less damage on level 19 and 20.
- The minus physical damage from Fatigue is totally messed up
- Pets aren't able to use petskills above their max level
- Level 11 and 12 of Reflection yield no increase
- Ternion Attack,the skill of "Spirit Mastery" will not take advantage of the
  "projectile speed bonus" witch Arcane Lore offered.
- Triumph does not reduce damage

Bugged items
- Homados/Barbarian's Spiked greaves gives a wrong bonus
- Some damage bonuses don't work correctly. As can be seen in the editor, they should give two bonuses, but only one displays (and works). It concerns the  following suffixes: "of Destruction, "of Carnage", "of Devastation" and "of Annihilation".
- Normal affixes on equipment in Epic/Legendary
- Epic Herakles relics give better bonuses than Legendary ones
- The +%Armor Protection completion bonus for Theban and Battlemage sets does work, but does not display correctly.
- Armour on Ismene's Bracers is not given
- The diseased plumage and venom sac charms sometimes don't yield a completion bonus.
- -%recharge and -%energy cost on Divine scroll of Archmages Fury doesn't work.
- Schlilsh's Skinner (MI sword of the swamp Anourans); the bleeding damage it does is messed up across the difficulties
- Affixes that grant a -%recharge bonus don't work.
- Erebus Crystal completion bonus mixes up Legendary with normal bonus
- Overseer's Crest should give +2 to earth enchantment but doesn't.
- Golden Fleece doesn't give the right amount of -%energy cost cost.

Bugged drops
- The loot tables are messed up, some items do not drop correctly. A partial
  fix for this was made.
- Some bonuses that were obviously intended (+2 defensive skills on shields,
  +1/2 to certain class skills on staves and some more).
- The Hermes Sandal relic is present in the database, but doesn't drop
- The Hermes Sandal relic doesn't give bonuses on completing
- Drop rates for Ismene's Helm - enemies have 0% chance to wear this.
- Bloodborn Leggings; the correspondent table refers to helmets instead of leggings.
- Shaman Helms - gets -12% recharge at Normal, 0% at Epic and Legendary.
- Shaman Leggings - gets -12% recharge at Normal, 0% at Epic and Legendary.

Multiplayer bugs
- Phoenix (Legendary)The Heat Shield skill insta-kills allies.

Other bugs
- Some textures are not readable by textureviewer
- Numerous bad linkage errors in the database
- Blacksmith in Epic Knossos doesn't sell helmets.
- Merchants do not sell bows in Epic Act 2.
- +% damage bonuses on relics aren't working correctly in beta patch v1.09RC

Unofficial patch bugs
- Leonidas (NPC from Sparta/Athens) is frozen in patch 1.12RC
- hopefully fixed all the not moving npc/monsters, the animation files were removed from a lot of the dbr's in xxdxxd's collection of fixes that luedtke added to the patch
- Some mobs became rather powerful with patch 1.12RC, so some of their items were removed again

Performance bugs
- Tower of Judgment entrance is stuttering, which causes lagging.
- The Crystal room stuttering causes lagging.
- The game files were organized better to give a small perfomance increment

Minor bugs
- Completed Embodiment of Anubis relic displays wrong. (It's lifted).
- Spearmen from Athens have swords in their right hands.

Additional Features
- The skins of the AllSkins Mod were included in the patch. This enables you to see many skins on multiplayer and be able to trade the skin bottles from other players and apply them. To use these skins yourself use the artifacts referred earlier in this post to create the vendors on the game or use the AllSkins mod.

  • If you can't get the installer to work, make sure you don't have any mods installed that affect the files in the TQIT root directory (or use mods through Defiler, as that adjusts .dll files). If that's not the case, direct the installer to your TQIT root directory (e.g. c:\Program Files\Titan Quest Immortal Throne) and start it. If that doesn't work we advice a reinstall.
  • Avast Antivirus could give a warning that it detected a trojan. This is a false positive, which happens a lot on anti-virus programs. For more info, click here

Patches / [REL] Patchfix for Fanpatch 1.17 (v1.17c)
« on: 20 November 2017, 13:21:05 »
Alright, in case there are still some people running only old IT, here's my patchfix thread from the old forums (posted in 2012...geez, has it really been 5 years?):

Hi there,

2 months ago I came across the buglist thread for the Fanpatch 1.17. As I saw that there weren't any people left working on a Fanpatch 1.18 to fix the remaining issues, I decided to try and implement most fixes reported there.

Today I can finally present to you the outcome of my work: The Patchfix for 1.17

First off, this is still not tested on a wide scope of installations. You shouldn't run into problems though. Just test it and report back here If something goes wrong, you can always revert to your backup files (for instructions on which files to backup, see the Readme), but nevertheless USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! (and read the Readme )

IMPORTANT! This Fix requires an installed Fanpatch 1.17!

>>DOWNLOAD<< (~40 MB)
>>DOWNLOAD<< (DBR files - for modders only)
Patchfix + CameraMod (over @ (German)) //included in 1.17c!

For a complete list of fixes, see the attached fixes.txt

Have fun,
~ spectre

Thank God for!

New Members Introduction / Well, better late than never, eh?
« on: 19 November 2017, 14:03:00 »
So, I finally managed to register here as well. Hey guys  8)

For those who don't know me: I was a member of the original forum since 2010 under the name of "spectre" and started a small patchfix project to fix the remaining, easily solvable bugs left in the Fanpatch 1.17.

...Kind of feel weird without my usual avatar, there a custom upload method I've overlooked?


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