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Topics - Bruuummm

Pages: [1]
Hello everyone,

My idea is that you could share Artifacts, Icons, Amulets, Formulas, Rings or also weapons, armors and the like which are more difficult to obtain in the game itself.
What is your opinion and interest ?

The process would be easy. Create a new character in the game e.g. "Store 1", expand it to the maximum capacity and you can share it with your tools, equipment (artifacts, amulets, icons, clothes, etc.) under the same name. Copy the received folder to "games>TQ IT >Save Data>Main".
This way you can get things that are harder to find in the game itself or things that you will need later in the game itself.

Sharing can take place via Mega Upload or similar websites. You can send a screenshot first and then the selected items.


New Members Introduction / New TQ-Adict on the Forum
« on: 11 November 2024, 12:25:30 »
Hello everyone,

TQ IT-Anniversary is the game I've been paying the most attention to recently. I am registered on and Steam. But I'm sticking with because I've played just under 9000 hours there at TQ IT Anniversary. I hope to reach the 10000 hours mark by the new year.

The game has become my number 1 among the games I have played in the past. I play my own way or system of play, probably less interesting for some, which is basically collect everything, explore everything and destroy all enemies. Leave nothing behind. I've never timed TQ because it's not an F1 or Rally game...I like this mode because you can delve into the whole story. You find many things that you use from the beginning in "Normal" to "Legendary", upgrade them, etc...

I currently have about 20 characters, about that many I lost on the old disk. Formatted by mistake. In any case, I am extremely satisfied with the current additions, such as Ragnar and Eternal Embers, but with characters such as "Detective" and "Santa Klaus", for example, they are insufficiently finished or they lack icons, relics, and a selection of other weapons in the same style as the gear to be complete.
Probably the game developers would have done more on these special characters and added things specifically for these characters.
Definitely a game that has a special place for me.


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