Titan Quest - Anniversary Edition > Technical Support
PS Editor (Effects Editor)
Does anyone have a tutorial about the effects Editor ? There are practically no tutorials on the net (maybe there was in TQ.net)
Found this but the explanations are not very useful : http://titanquest.wikia.com/wiki/PS_Editor
Setting up the Editor seems difficult, as you don't know what it needs to work (for the Art Manager you need to point to the appropriate Working / Building, game directories...). Here you don't have a clue about anything.
I tried saving a blank new file, it went into My Games/TQ IT/Working/Custom Maps/Art_TQA2/source.
From there i can throw a .pfx in this folder, and open it in the Editor, but I don't see anything (no visible FX, no debug lines).
I tried adding the .tex files and shader files in the source directory, tried the "Run System" button, but well, nothing works...
Does this one help?
I gave up on the Nordic PSEditor. You no longer know where it looks for .pfx files.
I am still using the THQ version that came with the disc version just to do anything at all, even though it crashes when you try to open a different file when working on a file.
The Nordic version doesn't crash, but I need to open files from the extracted game effect files and I dumped the extracted game effects in every directory I could guess it might look in and still no luck
I feel ya man.
So I had an inspiration.
I opened PSEditor from the Steam directory. On the right hand panel I clicked the "Create New". This creates a new particle emitter. You won't see debug lines until you have an emitter.
Saved it as "thereyouareyoubastard.pfx" as .pfx isn't added as a file extension from PSEditor automatically, but it's the only file type it saves as so whatever.
Then did a Windows search for the file. It wasn't in Documents/TQ Immortal Throne. See, I have a Solid State Drive for my OS and I use my HDD to store all my mod files (because they get huge). I had set my ArtManager's Working Directory to a special directory on my HDD as the "Working Directory" in the ArtManager menu Tools/Options panel. The build directory is still Documents/TQIT/Custom Maps or the game can't see them to play.
So PSEditor has reading access to your ArtManager Working Directory file path to save from. BUT!! For some reason the devs decided to create a custom directory FOR YOU and there is no settings to change it as far as I know. Mine ended up here:
D:\PrevPC\Documents\My Games\Titan Quest - Immortal Throne\Working\CustomMaps\Art_TQA2\source
Where D: is my HDD drive and the rest is the file path to the Working directory and the PSEditor CREATED A NEW MOD DIRECTORY without prompting or anything. How rude! Must be a setting left over from development of Ragnarok and they forgot to change it back before release is my guess. Whoops.
Anyway, mystery solved.
If you set your working directory to Documents\My Games\Titan Quest - Immortal Throne\Working\ then you will be fine.
You can use ArcExplorer and navigate to your TQ install directory/Resorces/Effects.arc, click "Extract" in the menu then select "All FIles". When prompted where to save them...POINT TO THIS NORDIC MADE DIRECTORY (or make it yourself first if it isn't there):
C:\Users\<User Name Goes Here>\Documents\My Games\Titan Quest - Immortal Throne\Working\CustomMaps\Art_TQA2\source
At least in Windows 10. YMMV.
That's where it looks for files now.
Still won't use the new version as every time I imported a new effect nto my mod, I would have to navigate to this directory and that's irritating to me. :)
Ok thanks to both of you. I'd already figured out the new path of files saved by Nordic Editor, but I can't see debug lines or see the fx (even after creating an emitter). So i'll use TQIT Editor.
This may seem an obvious question but do you have the "Show Debug Lines" checkbox checked?
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