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Titan Quest Lilith the Will of Demon Mod One Time Quests


Medea Fleecestealer:
Note that not all the (side)quests aren’t always accessible, for some you got a one shot only, this means that if you don’t succeed to accomplish the quest the first time its game over and you lose the quest.That also goes for some chests and entrances.
The Mausoleum
Also note, after you get the quest outside mausoleum, you have to talk to the Headthieve inside as quick as possible when you find him. If you don’t, you can explore for about a minute before the thieves will start attacking you no matter what. If this happens, the quest will be incomplete (even if you kill the thieves and fight that old guy outside).
Defending the Spheres and The Orb which holds The Manuscript in The Secret Room (Siran).
The chests in The Crypt in the Old Stronghold on the Cliffs of Asteria can only be farmed once.
The Big chest in The Mountains Core can only be farmed once.
Gibi The White Demon, if he dies the quest is over.
Some questitems are also found upon several places. E.g. Zara’s Turle, End and Origins Key.
Other questitems can be found before you get the quest itself, DON’T through them away.
About the Mission Briefings i’ve found, i still have to figure out if they are important, so i suggest to keep them too.

This guide is originally written by Stekel and taken from his site at: http://stekel.wikidot.com/story



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