Author Topic: Forum Rules  (Read 53632 times)

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Offline efko

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Forum Rules
« on: 29 October 2017, 21:45:20 »
« Last Rated on: 05 November 2019, 06:59:10 »
1. The main language used on forum is English.
- other languages will be used in dedicated boards, but there will be exceptions.
- using other languages in some boards may result in deletion of the post if post is anyhow suspicious.
- there will be exceptions.

2. Insulting other users is not allowed and will lead to warn/ban.
- be polite and mannered.
- avoid to provoke and ignore/report provocations from other side when happen.
- involving national and religion hate won't be tolerated. Same for racism.
- applies to PMs.
- applies for Shoutbox on Home page and direct Chat.

3. Spamming is not allowed and may lead to warn/ban.
- do not bump threads, unless there is no answer for weeks.
- offtopic posts may be considered as spam.
- posts written in CAPS LOCK may be considered as spam.
- multi quoting/multi spoilers without special reason.
- applies to Chat on Home page, private messages and direct Chat.

4. Advertising is not allowed without Admin's approval.
- advertising in any form without approval may lead to warn or permanent ban.

5. Posting/uploading illegal content is not allowed.
- doing so will result in the deletion of the post/attachment and to warn/ban.
- linking suspicious sites and content in public is not allowed [advises how to bypass legal software, links to torrents, viruses...].
- posting links from not well known sites must be done inside spoiler bbc code.
- forum crew might un-link URL to prevent unwanted clicks for safety reason or to just make it non-clickable, and nobbc does that:
Code: [Select]
[nobbc]url[/nobbc]- always use Preview button before posting, this is recommended.

6. Inappropriate nickname, signature, avatar is not allowed.
- by "inappropriate" we mean subjects that others may find offensive: insults, provocations, hatred, sexism, etc.
- admins may change your profile (in order to remove the offensive subject) without your permission.
- users with inappropriate nicknames will be !banned.
- be aware that some nicknames may be taken as offensive, even if user think different.

7. Cheating is not allowed in any form.
- purposely taking credits for something which belongs to someone else.

8. Public arguing with staff members is forbidden.
- contact Moderator for solution for your problem.
- same apply for member-member cases.

9. Forum account
- sharing account with other users is forbidden.
- each user is responsible for own actions.
- it is advised usage of only 1 forum account per user.

10. Revealing personal info of other members is forbidden.
- [name, address, email, phone number, photos etc.]

11. Private messages are private.
- do not publicly post or otherwise share PMs with other users unless you have the expressed permission of the sender to do so. Private Messages are intended to be just that - private.

Staff members of this forum reserves all the rights to edit/remove any content at any time when necessary.
« Last Edit: 06 September 2024, 23:54:38 by efko »
discord: efko#5979
╚►They say "Before you die your whole life flashes before your eyes…". Make it worth watching. It's true, even for a blind man... ◄╝
              ╚►It is said some lives are linked across time, connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages ◄╝


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