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Installation and Tools / Make your mood a bounce mod
« on: 06 September 2022, 05:01:43 »
Did something change with the editor? I can't seem to get my new mods to bounce.

It's been awhile since I've done it but all you do is create a new map, rebuild the map and paths, auto create the. Wld file, then build the mod... right?

dont know what i was thinking, there isnt a AE version.

i use the old TQDefilerNET to edit my characters. works fine for me on all my characters unless i change waypoints. i can edit xp, gold, available stat points, skill points, etc...

try the AE version of the defiler. dont update when it asks and reallocate that way. just make sure to make a backup of your savedata first.

Technical Support / Re: Item drops don't come to rest
« on: 06 September 2019, 14:40:03 »
have you explored the mods on this forum? there is already a mod that does this.

You mean your mod? I'll take a look at it but I will have to merge it manually because I already did some of the changes in my game (like camera stuff and potion/scroll stacks).

edit: Btw. I updated my game from 2.8 to 2.8b and so far I haven't experienced the issue anymore. Items can still take 2-3 seconds to come to rest but that is nothing compared to the previous behaviour. Unfortunately there is no changelog for 2.8a and 2.8b so I don't know what exactly these patches changed.
It would be good if someone could confirm that the issue with item drops is now better.

edit2: Damn, it still happens...

stuff still bounces around yes. dont know about better or worse.

ye, i was trying to lead you to the mods so you could explore on your own. i prefer to teach a man to fish. anyway, i adjusted the camera and potion/scroll stacks as well so you might want to open the database and poke around a bit. all up to you though.

Technical Support / Re: Item drops don't come to rest
« on: 06 September 2019, 04:00:53 »
You mean I should modify the "dropSound" parameter of special items and place a very distinctive sound there? That is an interesting idea. Thank you.

edit: The issue has already been reported in Red Mine.

have you explored the mods on this forum? there is already a mod that does this.

Technical Support / Re: Item drops don't come to rest
« on: 05 September 2019, 00:53:57 »

I got a problem with item drops in AE that I never had in original TQ. When I open a loot container (doesn't matter which type) items start to pour out and roll around on the ground until they find their resting spot. When they found it the item name is displayed and the item can be picked up. The problem is that sporadically some items (happens especially often for thrown weapons) just can't seem to find a resting spot. They keep rolling/wobbling around forever so I can't see what they are and I can't pick them up. I wouldn't mind if it was just white or yellow items but this happens to green+ items as well. The only way to make these items stop was to use the portal to go somewhere else and come back but this is a very annoying workaround.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? Is there a game setting for modifying this physics behaviour or maybe a physics parameter in one of the .dbr files that I could modify?

im not completely sure, but i think its a result of the engine itself. not sure if there is anything that can be done.

you can make blues, purples, and MIs make a noise as soon as it drops before the text box appears with a mod.

Art Manager / Re: [TUTORIAL] Use Word to make dbr edits
« on: 24 August 2019, 03:59:13 »
I edited the original post to reflect a much better alternative. Super easy to rename files.

Other Modifications / [MOD] M4ssboss3s+Dropsounds
« on: 24 August 2019, 02:30:57 »
Yet another merge with dropsounds...

ZJapper has been working with me for the last month to get this working for him so I figured someone else might want it too.

It is currently in testing and if anyone is interested I would like some feedback. I think the spawns could be adjusted but I'm not sure if everyone agrees.

Anyway, here it is.!7s1BCSjR!SoIC9kn1SA-3w_8zqxXTxA

Edit: I also cleaned up the folder structure for the link in my signature. It's not perfect but I wanna go sit on my couch now.

have you tried some of the mods in the steam workshop?

Other Modifications / Re: [MOD] Epic and Legendary Drop Sounds
« on: 18 August 2019, 22:40:29 »
- Doubled shrine range yet again. Hopefully its big enough this time
- Batrachos greaves have had their defensive ability reverted back to its pre-AE version and is now actually worth getting.

items were missing from bendors. other fixes as well:

August 14, 2019
Items missing from vendors
-   Embalmed priest mage arms
-   Embalmed priest melee arms
-   Djinn arms
-   Added Golden Skel
-   Ratman champ arms
-   Megalesio’s arms
-   Yerren warchief bracers

-   Bandari bracers
-   Minotaur arms
-   Mummy arms
-   Tigerman melee arms

August 15, 2019

-   Neanderthal arms mage
-   Neanderthal arms melee
-   Bandari helm
-   Lich King helm
-   Mummy helm
-   Neanderthal mage helm
-   Neanderthal melee helm
-   Rat man champ helm
-   Tigerman champ helm
-   Tigerman mage helm
-   Bandari legs
-   Gold Skeleton legs
-   Mummy legs
-   Neanderthal mage legs
-   Neanderthal melee legs
-   Rat man champ legs
-   Tigerman melee legs
-   Bandari chest
-   Dragonian chest
-   Minotaur chest
-   Mummy chest
-   Neanderthal mage chest
-   Neanderthal melee chest
-   Ratman archer chest
-   Ratman champ chest
-   Ratman melee chest
-   Tigerman champ chest
-   Tigerman mage chest
-   Tigerman melee chest

-   Yerren legs
-   Telkine chest
-   Yerren chest

August 16, 2019

-   Liche staff

-   Keres melee chest
-   Anouran melee chest
-   Formicid melee chest version 1
-   Formicide melee chest version 2
-   Gigantes chest version 1
-   Gigantes chest version 2
-   Machae melee chest
-   Troglodyte melee chest
-   Fixed Gigantes club on epic selling the normal version
-   Empousa staff
-   Keres staff
Fixed 1 of the formicid legs...merchants were selling the epic version in all difficulties

Xpack affixes
-   Fixed no affixes for all MI’s
Xpack 2 affixes
-   Fixed no affixes on arms
-   “” Legs
-   “” Torso
-   “” Shields
-   “” Weapons
-   Apparently head gear was already good
Xpack 3 affixes fixed
-   All items

17 August 2019

Xpack 2 items
-   Jot
o   Dverger melee legs
o   Elder Jotun sword on normal
Xpack 3 items
-   Tart
o   Monkeyman ranged 1handed linked to wrong file
o   Monkeyman ranged 1 handed fixed spawn chance
o   Potamoiwarrior ranged 1 handed linked to wrong file
o   Potamoiwarrior ranged 1 handed fixed spawn chance

Other Modifications / Re: [MOD] All things infrequent
« on: 17 August 2019, 17:24:25 »
Several errors in the files were fixed and the following missing items were placed in their respective vendors.

August 14, 2019

-   Embalmed priest mage arms
-   Embalmed priest melee arms
-   Djinn arms
-   Added Golden Skel
-   Ratman champ arms
-   Megalesio’s arms
-   Yerren warchief bracers

-   Bandari bracers
-   Minotaur arms
-   Mummy arms
-   Tigerman melee arms

August 15, 2019

-   Neanderthal arms mage
-   Neanderthal arms melee
-   Bandari helm
-   Lich King helm
-   Mummy helm
-   Neanderthal mage helm
-   Neanderthal melee helm
-   Rat man champ helm
-   Tigerman champ helm
-   Tigerman mage helm
-   Bandari legs
-   Gold Skeleton legs
-   Mummy legs
-   Neanderthal mage legs
-   Neanderthal melee legs
-   Rat man champ legs
-   Tigerman melee legs
-   Bandari chest
-   Dragonian chest
-   Minotaur chest
-   Mummy chest
-   Neanderthal mage chest
-   Neanderthal melee chest
-   Ratman archer chest
-   Ratman champ chest
-   Ratman melee chest
-   Tigerman champ chest
-   Tigerman mage chest
-   Tigerman melee chest

-   Yerren legs
-   Telkine chest
-   Yerren chest

August 16, 2019

-   Liche staff

-   Keres melee chest
-   Anouran melee chest
-   Formicid melee chest version 1
-   Formicide melee chest version 2
-   Gigantes chest version 1
-   Gigantes chest version 2
-   Machae melee chest
-   Troglodyte melee chest
-   Fixed Gigantes club on epic selling the normal version
-   Empousa staff
-   Keres staff
Fixed 1 of the formicid legs...merchants were selling the epic version in all difficulties

Xpack affixes
-   Fixed no affixes for all MI’s
Xpack 2 affixes
-   Fixed no affixes on arms
-   “” Legs
-   “” Torso
-   “” Shields
-   “” Weapons
-   Apparently head gear was already good
Xpack 3 affixes fixed
-   All items

17 August 2019

Xpack 2 items
-   Jot
o   Dverger melee legs
o   Elder Jotun sword on normal
Xpack 3 items
-   Tart
o   Monkeyman ranged 1handed linked to wrong file
o   Monkeyman ranged 1 handed fixed spawn chance
o   Potamoiwarrior ranged 1 handed linked to wrong file
o   Potamoiwarrior ranged 1 handed fixed spawn chance

Texture & Skin Modding / Re: [RESOURCES] Custom Models & Skins
« on: 12 August 2019, 00:02:33 »
i LOVE that dragon tattoo! im so turned on rn.

Art Manager / Re: [TUTORIAL] Use Word to make dbr edits
« on: 11 August 2019, 20:57:27 »
Code: [Select]
Sub CopyandRename()

Dim myPath As String
Dim myFile As String
Dim myExtension As String
Dim FldrPicker As FileDialog
Dim MyLength As Long
Dim MyCopy As String
Dim MyText As String
Dim message As Variable
Dim fso As Object
Dim MyNewFile As String

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Result = MsgBox("This program will copy and rename .dbr files that you specify. Press OK to continue or Cancel to leave", vbOKCancel)
If Result = vbCancel Then Exit Sub

Restart:   Set FldrPicker = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)

Result = MsgBox("Pick the folder you want to start in or click Cancel if you are done", vbOKCancel)
If Result = vbCancel Then Exit Sub

    With FldrPicker
      .Title = "Select A Target Folder"
      .AllowMultiSelect = False
        If .Show = 0 Then GoTo NextCode
        myPath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
        If myPath = "" Then GoTo NextCode
    End With

  myPath = myPath
  If myPath = "" Then GoTo ResetSettings

  myExtension = "*.dbr"
  myFile = Dir(myPath & myExtension)
    Check1 = InputBox("What is the word that exists in all files you want to check for? i.e. common", , "common")
    If Check1 = vbNullString Or Check1 = "" Then
    Result = MsgBox("Clicking Cancel or leaving the text box empty exits this program")
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Check2 = InputBox("What is the next word that exists in all files you want to check for? i.e. epic", , "epic")
    If Check2 = vbNullString Or Check2 = "" Then
    Result = MsgBox("Clicking Cancel or leaving the text box empty exits this program")
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Check3 = InputBox("What is the next word that exists in all files you want to check for? i.e legendary", , "legendary")
    If Check3 = vbNullString Or Check3 = "" Then
    Result = MsgBox("Clicking Cancel or leaving the text box empty exits this program")
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Check4 = InputBox("What is the word you want to add to the beginning of the file name? i.e armor_. The resulting file will look like ""armor_common.dbr"" be sure to include the underscore or any other characters", , "armor_")
    If Check4 = vbNullString Or Check4 = "" Then
    Result = MsgBox("Clicking Cancel or leaving the text box empty exits this program")
    Exit Sub
    End If

  Do While myFile <> ""
    If myFile Like "*" & Check1 & "*.dbr" Then
        MyLength = InStr(1, myFile, Check1) - 1
        MyText = Left(myFile, MyLength)
        MyCopy = Replace(myFile, MyText, Check4)
        MyNewFile = myPath & MyCopy
        fso.copyfile myPath & myFile, MyNewFile
    ElseIf myFile Like "*" & Check2 & "*.dbr" Then
        MyLength = InStr(1, myFile, Check2) - 1
        MyText = Left(myFile, MyLength)
        MyCopy = Replace(myFile, MyText, Check4)
        MyNewFile = myPath & MyCopy
        fso.copyfile myPath & myFile, MyNewFile
    ElseIf myFile Like "*" & Check3 & "*.dbr" Then
        MyLength = InStr(1, myFile, Check3) - 1
        MyText = Left(myFile, MyLength)
        MyCopy = Replace(myFile, MyText, Check4)
        MyNewFile = myPath & MyCopy
        fso.copyfile myPath & myFile, MyNewFile
    End If

    myFile = Dir
GoTo Restart


    MsgBox "Task Complete!"

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Sorry it took so long.

Art Manager / Re: [TUTORIAL] Use Word to make dbr edits
« on: 11 August 2019, 03:57:30 »
its not important. im just drunk and everyone wants me to do modding stuff for them.

and the stuff im trying to do is more modding.

Art Manager / Re: [TUTORIAL] Use Word to make dbr edits
« on: 11 August 2019, 03:45:37 »
yeah, was hoping you wouldnt say that.

not sure i have time for that right now. ive been trying to work on something all day and have made little progress. i wanna get this done before i forget what im doing.

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