Forgotten shadows of the past are rising again. They engulf the lands in a black wave of destruction... In these times of great sorrow, when hordes of monsters lay waste to the world of men, mortals think the gods have abandoned humankind. But they haven't. They bestow their blessings upon a hero - you! Devote yourself to two of nine powerful gods from the Greek Pantheon. Master the divine powers of your patron deities and summon mighty companions to aid you in the battle against evil. Whom will you choose?
About Deities Mastery ModMy core idea is to make a mod based on the Greek Pantheon, as close to the lore of greek mythology as it can be. There will be 9 new Masteries, each related to a major Olympian god. The only exception is Hecate, who replaces Hades and is not an Olympian. The nine god choises are:
APOLLO God of the sun, music, prophecy, healing, archery and disease. Similar to old Dream mastery, but uses burn damage instead of electrical burn. His followers use healing skills, trances, songs, have burning auras and can spread sickness upon the enemy. Also has pet animals, related to Apollo.
Related Weapons:1. Bow - Personal weapon, a gift from Hephaistos, can spread disease and cause sudden death. More magical than physical.
2. Staff / Rod - Not directly related to Apollo, but a symbol to his son Asclepius.
3. Lyre - Given to him by Hermes, a symbol of music and arts. Ingame will be represented by magic offhand/shield.
Animals and Companions:1. Raven - Messenger of Apollo. Was white once, but turned black after bringing ill news to Apollo of his lover princess Coronis being unfaithful. Main pets.
2. Phoenix - An Egyptian or Persian resurrecting fire-bird that lay its eggs in the temples of Apollo/Helios. Symbol of the sun. Timed summon pet.
3. Other animals are the wolf, lion, dolphin, hawk and swan. His companions are the nine muses. (None of these will be included, except the muses, which may be related to a skill).
Mastery Draft:ARES (DONE)
God of war, rage, fear, bloodshed, and father of dragons (his sacred animals). The mastery is very similar to old Warfare mastery, but uses alot of bleed dmg and small amount of burn, also many skills have chance to cause fear. Old skills are reworked or upgraded.
Related Weapons:1. Spear - Ares' main weapon and symbol is the long war spear (doru) used by hoplites. Spear skills and bonuses.
2. Shield - Not a main symbol, but he is always depicted with a shield. Some of the more offensive shield skills will go to him.
3. Sword - He is also depicted with unsheathed sword as a secondary weapon. Sword skills and bonuses.
Animals and companions:1. Demonic Horses - Four fire-breathing horses that drive his chariot. Names are - Aithon (Red-Fire), Phlogios (Flame), Konabos (Tumult) and Phobos (Fear).
2. Dragons (Drakones) - Serpent-like monsters, offspring of Ares that guard groves and springs sacred to him. They are depicted like wingless giant snakes and breathe poison instead of fire. In greek myths Ares has at least two dragon sons - the Colchian and Ismenian Dragon.
3. Spartoi - War-like men born from the teeth of Ares' dragons. That makes them his grandsons, lel. They are fearsome warriors, but not very clever - if you throw a stone between them, they usually kill each other.
4. Ares' companions are many minor gods and daemons of war. Some of the gods are his sons Phobos and Deimos (Fear and Terror), Enyo/Eris (goddess of Strife/Discord, sister or lover of Ares); daemons include: Makhai/Machae (Battles), Alala (War-Cry), Achlys (Death-Mist), Homados (Battle Din), Hysminai (Combats), Kydoimos (Confusion), Keres (Death-Fates), Androktasiai (Slaughters), Proioxis and Palioxis (Onrush and Backrush), Polemos (War).
5. Animals related to Ares are the vulture, dog, boar, serpent, some types of owls, and Ornithes Areioi (Birds of Ares) - fabulous feather-throwing birds in Amazonian lands. Amazons themselves are offspring of Ares and the nymph Harmonia and have temples dedicated to him.
Skill tree: ARTEMIS (DONE)
Goddess of the hunt, wilderness and animals, mistress of the moon. Similar to old Hunting mastery, but has more magical skills and does small portions of frostburn damage. New thing is the Moon tree. Bow and spear will use the same skills with slightly different bonuses, depending on the weapon you choose.
Related Weapons:1. Bow - One of her epithets is Toxotide, meaning "Archeress".
2. Javelins (Hunting Spears) - She sometimes carry shorter spears for hunting and fishing.
3. Thrown weapons - The other thrown weapons from Ragnarok will be included here.
Animals and companions:1. Nymphs - Many types, but most notable are the sixty Oceanides (probably Nephelai - rain-cloud nymphs), the twenty Amnisiades (Cretan Naiads of river Amnisos) and the three Hyperborean Nymphs (breeze nymphs, daughters of the north wind Boreas). The latter three were her closest attendants, and the name of each was related to an archery skill - Opis (Aim), Loxo (Trajectory) and Hecaerge (Distancing).
2. Hunting hounds - Artemis has 13 or 14 hunting hounds, gifted to her by Pan. Half are males and half females. They are described so strong, that could tear a lion apart.
3. Animals related to Atremis are the stag, deer, boar, bear. She had many mortal hunter companions (mostly women), some of them she made half-gods. I would love to make a golden deer as an ultimate summon, but for now i can't so i'll stick with the boar (she send giant boars after those who anger her).
Skill Tree: ATHENA Goddess of the strategic aspect of war, courage, wisdom, crafts and protection. Closest to vanilla Defense mastery. Does small amounts of electrical burn.
Related Weapons:1. Armor (Aegis) - Main symbol, a breastplate or cloak made from chymera/gorgon/goat skin. In Deities Athena will reduce Dex reqiurements for armors.
2. Shield (Aegis 2) - Sometimes the Aegis is her shield. Often has a gorgon head (gorgoneion) on it, or it's mirror-like.
3. Spear - Not a main symbol, but she always carry a spear.
Animals and companions:1. Owl - Main symbol as a goddess of wisdom. Will be made silver and ultimate summon pet.
2. Other related creatures are the snake (as a symbol of wisdom); spider (she turn Arachne to this after weaving contest) and gorgon (she is the one who turn Medusa into a monster).
3. Not many other companions, except the goddess Nike (Victory). Will be related to a skill somehow.
God of the woods, celebrations, madness, ecstasy and wine. Closer to old Nature Mastery, but more offensive. Has satyrs and maenads for pets, causes drunkenness, madness, frenzy, regenereates fast, commands plants.
Related Weapons:1. Wand (Thyrsos) - Symbol of fertility. It's a short staff covered with ivy vines and a pine cone at its tip.
2. Wine cup (Kantharos) /
Drinking Horn (Rhyton) - his symbols as a god of wine. Ingame will be represented by magic offhand/shield.
3. Axe - One of his epithets in some parts of Greece was Dionysos Pelekys (Dionysos the Double-Axe).
Animals and companions:1. Maenads - Female companions in his ecstatic festivals (called Dionysia or Bacchanalia). The name "maenad" is used for nymphs as well as for human followers, so maybe in the mod there will be both types. According to theoi.com, the nymph ones were mix from wood nymphs (dryades), mountain nymphs (oreiades) and water nymphs (naiades). Other names for maenads: Thyades, Thyiai (early name around Delphi); Bacchantes, Bacchai, Bassarides (Roman counterparts); Mimallones, Klodones (Macedonian counterparts). More info on maenads: they are said to performed miracles with the thyrsos, making wine, milk or honey spring out from nowhere; they fought as warriors in the Indian wars of Dionysos; the bacchic frenzy gave them enough strength to tear apart the enemy with their bare hands. It is also said that while in frenzy, they cannot be hurt by enemy weapons and fire cannot burn them.
2. Satyrs - Goat-men companions. Most notable are: The three Arkadian Satyrs who were sons of Hermes and heralds of Dionysos; Silenus and his three sons, the Silens, who were fat elder satyrs and personal attendants of Dionysus; fourteen elite warrior satyrs who lead Dionysos troops in his war in India; Tityroi (flute-playing satyrs). Young satyrs (lvl 1 scouts) were called satyriskos.
3. Elder Centaurs - There are twelve elite centaurs (called Lamian Pheres) that drive Dionysos chariot and serve as his elite guards. Sometimes they are depicted as satyr-shaped, other times as horse-men.
4. Corybantes/Curetes/Dactyls - three, five, seven or nine demigod giants from Crete or Mount Ida in Phrygia that were sent by Zeus to guard infant Dionysus. Fathers of many nymphs and satyrs. Might be his ultimate summon. They are said to have war dances, in which they bash their shields like thunder.
5. Sacred animals are all types of great cats - most often the panther, but also lynx, lion and tiger; foxes - roman Bassarides wear bassaris - fox pelt, also Dionysos probably send the monstrous Teumessian Fox/Cadmean Vixen in his anger; other animals are the bull and the snake.
Mastery Draft:HECATE (DONE)
Goddess of the dead, sorcery and witchcraft, ruler of the dark aspect of the moon. She is not evil however, she brings light in the dark and unlock the hidden mysteries to her devotees, also wards them from the living dead. She is given power over earth, sea and sky, which makes her a master of the elements.
Related Weapons:1. Club (Torch) - Main symbol, used both to as a weapon and to bring hidden secrets into the light.
2. Sword (Dagger) - Symbol of Hecate's power to cut through illusions, used in magic rituals and herbalism.
3. Wand (One hand) - Also because of the torch (it's aspect as an elemental weapon).
Animals and companions:1. Lampades (meaning Torch-Bearers, in Roman Nymphae Avernales, Infernal Nymphs) - underworld nymphs, companions of Hecate. They were a gift from Zeus for Hecate's loyalty in the Titanomachy (Hecate is a titaness, but she fought on the gods' side). They bear torches and accompany Hecate on her night-time travels and hauntings. Some accounts tell of how the light of the Lampads' torches has the power to bring prophetic visions or drive one to madness, depending on their desire. Greeks doesn't say much of their parentage - probably the daughters of various Underworld gods, daimones, river gods, or Nyx. In Deities I stick to the Roman version, according to which think they are Naiads, daughters of the five Hades river gods: Styx (River of Hatred), Acheron (River of Pain), Phlegethon (River of Flame), Lethe (River of Oblivion) and Cocythus (River of Wailing). and their skills are related.
2. Empusas - In greek legends sometimes they are interchangeable with the Lamias and Mormos/Mormolykeai. Described as shapeshipting female demons or spectres that take the form of beautiful women and seduce men to eat their flesh and drink their blood. Have one donkey leg and one brass/copper leg. Empusas are servants of Hecate and she sends them to haunt those who anger her.
3. Black Dogs - serve as familiars of Hecate. Sometimes they are only two and are tranformed mortals, in other legends there are packs of Stygian Hounds that follow her.
4. Polecat - transformed mortal sorceress, similar to the dogs.
God of fire, blacksmithing, masonry, inventions, mechanics, volcanoes. Similar to old Earth Mastery, but uses many mechanical devices and can craft automatons.
Related Weapons:1. Club (Hammer) - His main symbol as a smith god.
2. Axe - Less common symbol, similar to the hammer.
3. Armor - Hephaistos is not depicted wearing armor, but he crafted many legendary armors for gods and heroes.
Animals and companions:1. Elder Cyclopes - A tribe of ancient fire Cyclopes that live in volcanoes. Long before Hephaistos was born, they forged Zeus thunderbolts and Poseidon's trident in the war against the Titans. After they started working in Hephaistos' forges. Compared to them, lesser Cyclopes like Polyphemus (a tribe of shepherds) are just noobs.
2. Automatons - animate, metal statues in the shape of animals, men and monsters crafted by Hephaistos or Daedalus. The best of them could think and feel like men. They are many kinds of automatons, made from Hephaistos: Caibeirian Horses - a pair of bronze fire-breathing horses he crafted for his two sons; Caucasian Eagle - a giant bronze eagle who tortured Prometheus; Celedones (Golden Maidens) - a pair of automaton women, housekeepers of Hephaistos; Gold and Silver Dogs - metal watchdogs gifted to some king; Talos - a giant automaton that guarded Crete from pirates; a pair of Bronze Bulls in Colchis that breathed fire and were one of Jason's tests; Golden Tripods - wheeled animated tripods that served on the feasts of the gods in Olympus.
3. Animal symbols are the donkey (he is often riding one in vases) and the crane bird. Other companions are Aphrodite and Kharis (Goddess of Grace); and Cabeiri, his sons. Sometimes also satyrs.
Mastery Draft:HERMES God of trickery, travel, adventures, messenger of the gods; he is a patron of heralds, thieves, herdsmen and acts as a psychopompos (guide of the souls to Hades). This mastery will be similar to old Rogue mastery, but probably won't use poisons, which will be moved to Hecate/Dionysus.
Related Weapons:1. Wand (Caduceus) - Main symbol as a god of travel, heralds and diplomacy.
2. Sword - Sometimes carries it instead of the wand.
3. Winged boots (Talaria) - symbol as a god of speed. Many skills will have speed bonuses, Hermes also will reduce total requirements (Lightweight skill).
Animals and companions:1. Not much info on him about followers, this is what i found: As a father of Pan, he's accompanied by mountain satyrs and nymphs (oreiades). His wife is sometimes Peitho (goddess of Persuasion). Has half-god sons from human lovers - Autolikos (thief that can change shapes of objects with touch) and Aethalides (Argonaut with unfailing memory). Also have 3 satyr sons (see Dionysos).
2. Sacred animals are the hawk, turtle, hare and ram.
Mastery Draft:ZEUS The king of the Olympian gods. Ruler of the storms, thunder and lightning, bringer of divine protection and judgement. The mastery will be similar to old Storm Mastery, but with new pets and reworked skills.
Related Weapons:1. Javelins - Zeus' thunderbolts in mythology are basicly magical javelins.
2. Staff - His symbol as a king of the gods.
3. Armor (Aegis 3) - In some legends Athena borrowed the Aegis from Zeus.
Animals and companions:1. Divine followers - Apart from the main ones like Hera or Hermes there are the three Moirae (Fates), Nike (Victory), Horae (Seasons), Kratos (Power), Themis (Judgement), Bia (Force) and Zelus (Rivalry).
2. Sacred animals - Bull (he takes its form to abduct Europe) and the giant Golden Eagle (two legends about it - either its the mortal Periphas, transformed from Apollo to serve Zeus, or he came to zeus in the war against the Titans as a good omen).
DownloadsLink to the Mega folder with alpha versions (latest version is 13.02.2019 - Artemis update 2):