Author Topic: [MOD] (Obsolete) Glorious  (Read 81757 times)

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[MOD] (Obsolete) Glorious
« on: 28 October 2020, 12:05:32 »
PLEASE NOTICE: Both Glorious and Glorium are obsolete if you use them with Eternal Embers and/or the 2021+ updates of TQ, as many things have been changed and added in the game by the devs, so the mods doesn't works as intended.
But fear not; a reincarnation of the mod is already in the making, built completely from scratch, stay tuned...



Ragnarok and Atlantis are supported but not necessary
This is a Bounce mod

All difficulties supported, multiplayer supported
Vanilla heroes can play/switch from unmodded and Glorious without issues.

Download: Installation: Just extract the archive/Glorious folder into "Documents\MyGames\TitanQuestImmortalThrone\CustomMaps\"


Included/Integrated Mods

Loot Plus (by ミメミ) integrated [Full list of features go to]:

Skill Reworks (by ミメミ) integrated [Full list of features go to]:

Bugfixes and More (by Endymion) integrated [Full list of features go to]:

Enhanced Gameplay (By Nargil66) [Only Mercenaries integrated]

(full list of features in the mod links above)

-[from Loot+] Loot chances and quantity from chests to get rarer items it's increased

-[from Loot+] Chances and amount that enemies drops (and also quality of drops) is increased

-[from Skill Reworks] Skills have been reworked/rebalanced, no more useless skills

-[from Bugfixes and More] Myriad of bug fixes and improvements/implementation of cut content

-[from Enhanced Gameplay] You can have mercenaries, buy their contracts at Sparta, Memphis, Babylon, City of Lost Souls, Glauberg

Glorious Features

Experience rate increased to 200% (Normal) - 250% (Epic) - 300% (Legendary) [it increases if in multiplayer for each player/hero by 15%]
Increased difficulty in general, enemies and bosses have lots of resistances (even in Normal difficulty) have buffed and new skills, and their level scales with yours (3X of vanilla) (to balance the experience and loot/drop gains)
Quests now rewards the heroes with valuable items and more experience (Removed feature, as edit quests would glitch already completed ones)

Many monsters, champions and bosses have updated/upgraded skills and stats, they resembles better their combat abilities based on mythology
Spawn of normal creatures increased by a minimum of 15% up to a maximum of 50%
Spawn chance of champion creatures increased by a minimum of 25% up to a maximum of 50%

Bosses are more deadly and resistent, but their loot increased, both on chest and orbs
Loot pools have been expanded, fixed and rebalanced
Legendary creatures are to be feared now, but their rewards (both loot and XP) will be glorious

Increased ranges of ranged weapons and magic/staves in general, both players and enemies
Increased vision ranges of enemies and their persistence to stalk/kill you

Removed broken items quality, no more trash drops & bloated loot tables
Charm and relic pieces are more frequent (+15%)

Some Merchants sells Relic fragments based on difficulty (they are expensive)
Some Merchants sells Charm fragments based on difficulty (they are expensive)
Some Merchants sells Formulae based on difficulty (VERY expensive)

Increased selling prices (by 50%) to all merchants and all difficulties
Increased buying prices (by 150%) for potions, and (by 25%) for rare items
Economy scales better in general

Potions stacks to 50
Scrolls stacks to 20
Formulas stacks to 10

Camera distances increased (both zoom in & zoom out)

Useful Informations

Merchants that sells fragments of relics and charms can be found at:
Sparta - Athens
Rhodes - Medea's Grove
Corinth - Gylfi's Settlement

Merchants that sells formulae can be found at:


Spoiler for Hiden:
Update 1.1 released

New content:
Introduced mercenaries (by Nargil66) you can buy their contracts at Sparta, Memphis, Babylon, City of Lost Souls, Glauberg

Increased general difficulty again (monsters hit harder, faster and they are more resistent)
Fixed some bugs/inconsistencies
Economy reworked (and buy prices of charms, formulae, relics reduced)
More bosses revamped to have improved stats, and use new/reworked skills
Now affixes and suffixes on Monsters Infrequents are visible
Chests text color changed to red, to be more recognizable

Next update (1.1.5)
Multi-Masteries mod (by Nargil66) integrated and merged with Skills Reworks (By EXE)
Bugfixes & Some More mod (by Endymion) integrated
Changing/adding skills to more monsters/bosses
Maybe some other quality of life feature

Spoiler for Hiden:
Update 1.1.5 Released

Difficulty system has been reworked: enemies got increased hp, stats, resistances, defenses, attack, speeds, and the "game difficulty formula" has been adapted to be much more difficult the more you progress in-game
If you create a new hero with the mod loaded and bounced, your hero will grow and be much stronger than a vanilla one, because now every attribute spent increases the stat by 5 points instead of 4 (Vanilla) plus you start with slight (75 instead of 50 [vanilla]) increased attributes and health/mana (500 instead of 300 [vanilla])
But you will have a VERY hard time to start, so, your power must be earned
Mutliplayer it's now fully balanced and supported to have nightmares in battles but glorious rewards even if you play with other heroes, every difficulty and player number, enjoy
Now enemies adapt much more to player level, so be prepared, if you reach Normal end game with a level 60+ hero, expect to see enemies near (or more) your level, so don't think that increased XP will make the game easier, as now Normal difficulty stands for Epic, and Epic stands for Legendary, and Legendary... well, try for yourself.
Fixed bugs and other inconsistencies/typos
Battle and Mastery Shrines have 90 secs duration
Enemies have new or buffed skills, so prepare yourself

Next update (1.2)
Multi-Masteries mod (by Nargil66) integrated and merged with Skills Reworks (By EXE) [Will do that if I'll resume the developments]
Bugfixes & Some More mod (by Endymion) integrated
Changing/adding skills to more monsters/bosses
Maybe some other quality of life feature

Spoiler for Hiden:
Update 1.2 released

Mostly bugfixes and polishing to every aspects of the mod, and also a lot of balance
Main features: New or upgraded skills and stats for many monsters, champions and bosses
Difficulty has been balanced to make it less tedious when starting a new hero from scratch (but still difficult, so beware)
Difficulty scales more dynamically, some classes are stronger than others, so it will be easier to progress, from Hades to Ragnarok the difficulty will ramp even more, there are some unforgiving monsters with atrocious skills if you don't have the right defenses
« Last Edit: 14 July 2022, 15:14:59 by Morgul »
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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #1 on: 28 October 2020, 13:33:35 »
Discord server about Titan Quest modding and mods:

Mod updates will be announced with posts, and the download link on the first post updated
« Last Edit: 28 October 2020, 17:04:59 by Morgul »
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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #2 on: 29 October 2020, 14:46:06 »
Hello Morgul, congratulations for your mod, it's very fun and with great features included.

 ;D ;D ;D

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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #3 on: 29 October 2020, 20:38:02 »
Hello Morgul, congratulations for your mod, it's very fun and with great features included.

 ;D ;D ;D

Thank you very much !
In ten days I will release an update with Mercenaries (made by Nargil) and increased difficulty
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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #4 on: 05 November 2020, 00:36:09 »
Update 1.1 released

New content:
Introduced mercenaries (by Nargil66) you can buy their contracts at Sparta, Memphis, Babylon, City of Lost Souls, Glauberg

Increased general difficulty again (monsters hit harder, faster and they are more resistent)
Fixed some bugs/inconsistencies
Economy reworked (and buy prices of charms, formulae, relics reduced)
More bosses revamped to have improved stats, and use new/reworked skills
Now affixes and suffixes on Monsters Infrequents are visible
Chests text color changed to red, to be more recognizable

Next update:
Multi-Masteries mod (by Nargil66) integrated and merged with Skills Reworks (By EXE)
Bugfixes & Some More mod (by Endymion) integrated
Changing/adding skills to more monsters/bosses
Maybe some other quality of life feature
« Last Edit: 05 November 2020, 00:38:54 by Morgul »
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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #5 on: 08 November 2020, 00:06:59 »
Update 1.1.5 Released

Difficulty system has been reworked: enemies got increased hp, stats, resistances, defenses, attack, speeds, and the "game difficulty formula" has been adapted to be much more difficult the more you progress in-game
If you create a new hero with the mod loaded and bounced, your hero will grow and be much stronger than a vanilla one, because now every attribute spent increases the stat by 5 points instead of 4 (Vanilla) plus you start with slight (75 instead of 50 [vanilla]) increased attributes and health/mana (500 instead of 300 [vanilla])
But you will have a VERY hard time to start, so, your power must be earned
Mutliplayer it's now fully balanced and supported to have nightmares in battles but glorious rewards even if you play with other heroes, every difficulty and player number, enjoy
Now enemies adapt much more to player level, so be prepared, if you reach Normal end game with a level 60+ hero, expect to see enemies near (or more) your level, so don't think that increased XP will make the game easier, as now Normal difficulty stands for Epic, and Epic stands for Legendary, and Legendary... well, try for yourself.
Fixed bugs and other inconsistencies/typos
Battle and Mastery Shrines have 90 secs duration
Enemies have new or buffed skills, so prepare yourself

Next update (1.2)
Multi-Masteries mod (by Nargil66) integrated and merged with Skills Reworks (By EXE)
Bugfixes & Some More mod (by Endymion) integrated
Changing/adding skills to more monsters/bosses
Maybe some other quality of life feature
« Last Edit: 08 November 2020, 08:47:31 by Morgul »
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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #6 on: 11 November 2020, 21:50:02 »
Why can't I run this mod? I dowloaded the file (glorious1.1.6.7z) and placed it in the custommaps folder. It didn't show up ingame. Then I made a folder for it so that now it shows up ingame but it is not actually working, just loads vanilla TQ.

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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #7 on: 11 November 2020, 22:56:46 »
Why can't I run this mod? I dowloaded the file (glorious1.1.6.7z) and placed it in the custommaps folder. It didn't show up ingame. Then I made a folder for it so that now it shows up ingame but it is not actually working, just loads vanilla TQ.

You just need to extract the .zip into TQ's CustomMaps folder, that's all
Be sure to not rename anything
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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #8 on: 12 November 2020, 08:28:50 »
You just need to extract the .zip into TQ's CustomMaps folder, that's all
Be sure to not rename anything

For some reason my windows didn't see it as a zip file so I downloaded 7zip and I could extract it. Thanks for the help anyways.

Do you know approximately when can we expect the Multi-Masteries to be added to your mod?

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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #9 on: 12 November 2020, 19:07:24 »
You just need to extract the .zip into TQ's CustomMaps folder, that's all
Be sure to not rename anything

For some reason my windows didn't see it as a zip file so I downloaded 7zip and I could extract it. Thanks for the help anyways.

Do you know approximately when can we expect the Multi-Masteries to be added to your mod?

Enjoy !
Multi-Masteries will be integrated in another branch of Glorious, as it would break the vanilla heroes, and I want it to be 100% compatible with vanilla without any kind of issue
In a month or two, after I done everything with the main branch, I will start working on the second, that will not be vanilla compatible, but a standalone mod
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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #10 on: 03 December 2020, 16:58:45 »
« Last Rated on: 08 December 2020, 21:34:28 »
I have been playing with this mod from Helos (although with an accomplished hero, so the very beginning was easy :) ) and I have to say I am quite surprised how well it plays compared to other mods. At first, I was skeptical about the not-so-much-bigger monster density compared to the vanilla but the increased monster level nicely compensated for it. It might be a tad bit difficult for a level 1 character in the beginning but I am still satisfied with the experience.
When the multi-masteries mod will be integrated, it might need a little bit higher mob density since you can really build an op character when you have access to all the masteries. Not having played legendary yet, this is just my guess so I might be completely wrong here.

The age-old problem of not having any magic find (like in diablo 2) is still present and although this "loot" mod helps a lot, it counts basically only for boss orbs and majestic chests. It is really not worth farming regular monsters as they rarely wield or equip anything valuable. The idea to counter-balance this gave rise to mods like xmax and such. Your solution is better I think for general gameplay, however the addition of magestic chests guarded by stronger packs of monsters or bosses in side areas which are otherwise rarely or rather never visited, would enhance the gaming experience imo. I, as a player, would gladely go to different dungeons and caves even in Act1 but there is really no incentive to do so. I think this would be a possible solution to the "Magic find" problem without the need to uncessarily increase the number of monsters. I am not sure if it is the best place to suggest this idea, I just wanted to share my thoughts as a veteran tq player. I wish that all the active mod developers read this and might find it useful.

Also, is it possible to play your mod as it is, but without the "Skill rework" mod? As much as I love many of the changes and fixes they introduced, some of them I neither understand nor like too much (like the Hamstring and Crushing blow skills in Warfare), so I'd like to play with the original skills.
Do I need ModMerge to make it happen or how can I go about it?

Overall, good job with this mod, I was pleasantly surprised. Keep up the good work!

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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #11 on: 08 December 2020, 21:47:56 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
I have been playing with this mod from Helos (although with an accomplished hero, so the very beginning was easy :) ) and I have to say I am quite surprised how well it plays compared to other mods. At first, I was skeptical about the not-so-much-bigger monster density compared to the vanilla but the increased monster level nicely compensated for it. It might be a tad bit difficult for a level 1 character in the beginning but I am still satisfied with the experience.
When the multi-masteries mod will be integrated, it might need a little bit higher mob density since you can really build an op character when you have access to all the masteries. Not having played legendary yet, this is just my guess so I might be completely wrong here.

The age-old problem of not having any magic find (like in diablo 2) is still present and although this "loot" mod helps a lot, it counts basically only for boss orbs and majestic chests. It is really not worth farming regular monsters as they rarely wield or equip anything valuable. The idea to counter-balance this gave rise to mods like xmax and such. Your solution is better I think for general gameplay, however the addition of magestic chests guarded by stronger packs of monsters or bosses in side areas which are otherwise rarely or rather never visited, would enhance the gaming experience imo. I, as a player, would gladely go to different dungeons and caves even in Act1 but there is really no incentive to do so. I think this would be a possible solution to the "Magic find" problem without the need to uncessarily increase the number of monsters. I am not sure if it is the best place to suggest this idea, I just wanted to share my thoughts as a veteran tq player. I wish that all the active mod developers read this and might find it useful.

Also, is it possible to play your mod as it is, but without the "Skill rework" mod? As much as I love many of the changes and fixes they introduced, some of them I neither understand nor like too much (like the Hamstring and Crushing blow skills in Warfare), so I'd like to play with the original skills.
Do I need ModMerge to make it happen or how can I go about it?

Overall, good job with this mod, I was pleasantly surprised. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for the feedback, it's essential, at least for me
And I'm glad you're having a good experience, let me write down some updates i've working on on the latest weeks

I've changed loot pools in the major chests, so exploration is rewarded indeed (but you still need some fine luck to spawn high tier chests)
Mostly I reworked A LOT of enemies, bosses, stats and pretty much everything else related to gameplay difficulty, loot and balance, the main purpose for Glorious is to be hard but rewarding, and of course satisfying to play
About the removal of Skill Reworks, you just need to remove all the player related skills from the database, and you're good

The second branch of Glorious (called Glorium) it's almost completed, and it's basically Glorious on steroid
The features of Glorium are mainly even more difficulty (I mean, REALLY difficult, as Multi-Masteries mod will be integrated) the difficulty range will be steep, but the more you go, the more will be easier (easier don't mean easy) and of course the main balance is on Legendary difficulty
Another feature is that the player gets 4 points at every level, so build diversity will be empathized and even the first hours of gameplay won't be a boring grind
New quests, new monsters, new items, relics, charms, formulaes, artifacts, and of course a completely new skill tree balanced for the Multi-Masteries feature

It will take another month more or less for the first release of Glorium

About Glorious, the new update will come up in a few days
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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #12 on: 18 December 2020, 17:56:55 »
Thank you very much for the feedback, it's essential, at least for me
And I'm glad you're having a good experience, let me write down some updates i've working on on the latest weeks

I've changed loot pools in the major chests, so exploration is rewarded indeed (but you still need some fine luck to spawn high tier chests)
Mostly I reworked A LOT of enemies, bosses, stats and pretty much everything else related to gameplay difficulty, loot and balance, the main purpose for Glorious is to be hard but rewarding, and of course satisfying to play
About the removal of Skill Reworks, you just need to remove all the player related skills from the database, and you're good

The second branch of Glorious (called Glorium) it's almost completed, and it's basically Glorious on steroid
The features of Glorium are mainly even more difficulty (I mean, REALLY difficult, as Multi-Masteries mod will be integrated) the difficulty range will be steep, but the more you go, the more will be easier (easier don't mean easy) and of course the main balance is on Legendary difficulty
Another feature is that the player gets 4 points at every level, so build diversity will be empathized and even the first hours of gameplay won't be a boring grind
New quests, new monsters, new items, relics, charms, formulaes, artifacts, and of course a completely new skill tree balanced for the Multi-Masteries feature

It will take another month more or less for the first release of Glorium

About Glorious, the new update will come up in a few days

I was a little impatient and I made my Multi-Masteries mod with the help of the defiler. :D
A bit tedious but overall the experience is great. I have to really think about where to spend my skill points. As such the 4 skill points per level seems like a good addition depending on the difficulty of Glorium but please make sure you don't nerf the skills too much (as you mentioned "completely new skill tree balanced for the Multi-Masteries feature"). I think we are better off having to think about where to put our valuable but few(er) skills points rather than having enough of them but being able to spend them only on mediocre skills.

One more thing, I basically didn't have to drink a health potion through Epic difficulty (thanks to the twinked items and multi-masteries), however I got basically got oneshot by Eldjotun - Infernals' aoe burn damage (the ones that are flying around in Muspelheim just before Surtr). It was ridiculous to see this with 80% fire res, 20% dmg absorbtion, different kinds of health regenerations (Rally, Adrenaline, hp potion). I don't know if it is intentional but I think the stacking burn damage is way too high. I think you can only mitigate it with fire absorbtion from skills like Heat Shield from the Earth Mastery or extremely high damage absorbtion (which is very hard to achieve). And this was only on Epic difficulty!!! I cannot image what kind of damage they do on Legendary...

Oh and one last thing, I just found a helm with Veteran's prefix at the "Squabbling merchants" namely, Tryggbord. I can access their store even though I have not yet completed their quest (just by clicking on the exclamation mark above their head).
It was a Veteran's Dvergr Helmet of Warding, I have a screenshot of it as well. My question is whether it is normal or not because as far as I know, Veteran's prefix can appear only on Weapons and Chest armors (legendary craftmanship might let it appear on other types of items but I have no knowledge of that). So what is up with that?

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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #13 on: 18 December 2020, 18:50:54 »
Oh and one last thing, I just found a helm with Veteran's prefix at the "Squabbling merchants" namely, Tryggbord. I can access their store even though I have not yet completed their quest (just by clicking on the exclamation mark above their head).
It was a Veteran's Dvergr Helmet of Warding, I have a screenshot of it as well. My question is whether it is normal or not because as far as I know, Veteran's prefix can appear only on Weapons and Chest armors (legendary craftmanship might let it appear on other types of items but I have no knowledge of that). So what is up with that?
Those are vanilla bugs.
I'm not sure how/if a modder can fix the store bug, I think it's related to quest design and engine limitations. Basically when you have not finished the quest, there are NPCs you can talk to but they are not merchants, and the real merchants are like invisible clones next to them. But somehow the engine bugs and you can still talk to the merchants even if the quest is not finished.
If quest can't be fixed then a possible fix would be to move the merchants to some place else that the player can't access before the end of the quest.

In the image below in the map editor, all NPCs are visible. There are also a third copy of the merchants on the left but not sure they have any purpose, maybe something they forgot to clean up.
Spoiler for Hiden:

For affixes, loottables in Ragnarok got a crappy design, especially for monster items, they spawn with the wrong kind of affixes.
They used some kind of dumpster fire script to generate the loot tables and never fixed it.

« Last Edit: 18 December 2020, 19:52:15 by soa »
Soulvizier for AE, Ragnarok and Atlantis [released] :  / Discord :
Overhaul mod with many new monsters, skills, items, features, balance and bugfixes. Increased difficulty.

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Re: [MOD] Glorious
« Reply #14 on: 12 January 2021, 17:46:09 »
Last update (for the following months)

I want to focus modding on previous projects I had on other games, so I won't continue (for now) Glorious and Glorium
Updated version of Glorious has been posted on the main post

All the previously mentioned features, fixes and stuff have been added as promised, have fun (But I still don't feel confident enough to release Glorium at this point, it's not worth it, the only thing it has more than Glorious are new monsters/mini bosses, map changes and multi-masteries integrated, I must think about it)

Of course opinions, suggestions and bug reports are always apreciated

Update 1.2 released


Mostly bugfixes and polishing to every aspects of the mod, and also a lot of balance
Main features: New or upgraded skills and stats for many monsters, champions and bosses
Difficulty has been balanced to make it less tedious when starting a new hero from scratch (but still difficult, so beware)
Difficulty scales more dynamically, some classes are stronger than others, so it will be easier to progress, from Hades to Ragnarok the difficulty will ramp even more, there are some unforgiving monsters with atrocious skills if you don't have the right defenses
« Last Edit: 13 January 2021, 20:09:54 by Morgul »
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