Hello all,
My name is Stanislav and I'm 33 years old

In 2008-2009 I played Titan Quest for a while but it was like a joke. In 2019 a friend of mine told me he's playing a game called Titan Quest

Then he opened the Pandora Box

I bought on Steam TQAE and till now I've spent hundreds of hours playing. The more I'm playing and reading about the game, the more I understand that I know nothing

Up to know I have 70lvl Conqueror (early Act 3 on Legendary), 25lvl Soothsayer in the middle of Act2 on Normal (I'm playing it with my friend on Multiplayer), 20lvl Soothsayer in the beginning of Act2 on Normal (I'll try doing Hardcore achievement with this hero and also "I have minions for that" achievement). I had also Spellbreaker and Hunter 45-48lvl just finished Normal but deleted them because I had made a lot of mistakes with them (attribute points, gear, a lot of stupid deaths etc.) and also didn't want to distract me by playing with them from time to time.
Now I plan to finish Legendary with my first Conqueror and play the Soothsayers from time to time. Yesterday I created an Assassin because it looks very interesting to me.
My goal will be to play all new characters correctly and try to achieve Hardcore with all of them

I'm thinking of making a kind of diary of every new class I choose to play and describe my progress.
Best regards