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Topics - Laionidas

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General Discussion / [AE 1.5.7 theory] Weapon Diviner
« on: 16 August 2018, 10:40:26 »
Realised this character of mine didn't have a thread yet.

The reason why is that really it doesn't need one. Just going with the flow, not following any strict build, it sailed through Epic. Now in Legendary it seems to need more time to kill mobs than my other characters, but on the other hand is incredibly sturdy. I just facetanked Legendary Polyphemus. The stats look terrible, but stats are actually quite useless on this build; because it get some much of its damage from debuffs and Psionic Touch's staged trigger, and has a lot of life leech, the offensive as well as the defensive stats give no reliable impression of this character's performance at all.

I was going for this skillpoint distribution, with a basic 3:2 Strength:Dexterity ratio. However, I have recently been discussing going full hybrid with @botebote77 . Considering how much electrical burn damage and vitality damage this build puts out, even as a side effect, it should benefit immensely from some investment in Intelligence. I'd say the cut-off point would be something like 440 Strength for Hades' Aspis, and 316 Dexterity for the Sword of Covu, which in turn would leave you at around 382 Intelligence, also because the rather large amount of Intelligence you get from both masteries. It'd probably mean I could also max out Distort Reality, and Temporal Rift too, instead of one-pointing them. The downsides are I wouldn't be able to equip that Abyssal Plate I found casually on a Laconian Satyr (lol!), and that 316 Dexterity might result in too little OA/DA for a weapon using build.

Finally I tend to keep a throwing weapon in my secondary weapon slot, then came across this beauty yesterday:

Spoiler for Hiden:

It looks just perfect for this build!

General Discussion / Artifact Completion Bonusses,.. imbalanced?
« on: 08 August 2018, 12:44:41 »
So, I got this artifact on my dual-throw Stonespeaker:

and I got it with the +20% Physical Damage modifier, which isn't too bad, since it's a hybrid, and increased Physical Damage will benefit Elemental damage as well, after conversion.

I can't help but wondering though whether the +25% Attack Speed wouldn't be better, and I've wondered that a lot of times with a lot of artifacts. The +25% Attack Speed modifier seems to always trump all, at least for weapon users, since it benefits all damage types and conversions simultaneously.

Is there a point where the other modifiers become more worthwhile?

Since buying Ragnarok, I've been playing a new character as an experiment. The idea is to see if Runeword: Explode and Runeword: Burn could provide a viable alternative to the nerfed Scatter Shot Arrows. I'm still in Act V Normal, but so far, it has proven to be fun.

Going for these skills at level 82. Even for Ragnarok, level 82 is a bit high, but bear in mind that this is a solo archer that comes with a fully maxed Core Dweller. Dropping one of the one point wonders and lowering Corey's synergies easily gets you down to 75 or so.

Putting 81 attribute points in Dex., and the rest in Int. Breakdown below:

Spoiler for Attribute Points:
Base:            50
Rune:            32
Earth:            0
Quests:            42
Base:            124
Total:            124
Required:         157

Base:            50
Rune:            48
Earth:            48
Quests:            18
Base:            164
Added 81:         324
Total:            488
Required:         486

Base:            50
Rune:            64
Earth:            96
Quests:            18
Base:            228
Level 75:         340
Total:            568
Required:         n.a.

Str. is a bit lower than I'd want, but the difference is so small, gear or Runeword: Feather can take care of it easily. In fact, taking Runeword: Feather and then dropping it once you're fully geared (and probably got at least some +Str. modifier somewhere), might be the way to go. The stats were chosen so that a Legendary Bramblewood can be equiped without any further gear requirements, though Ichaival is probably the best bow for this build.

Spoiler for Bramblewood & Ichaival:

So AE quests from Normal, Epic, and Legendary give:

Str.: +42
Dex.: +18
Int.: +18
Health: +855
Energy:  n.a.

Do Act V quests add anything to that, or not?

Does anyone know how this works? I just bought Ragnarok, but it doesn't show up in GOG Galaxy, even though it does on the GOG website. when I click on game settings to select the DLC, there's just nothing there,..

General Discussion / HELP, can't beat Epic Typhon
« on: 16 May 2018, 12:40:06 »
I am completely puzzled here, since I never had any issues with Typhon, and especially my Diviner just steamrolled him on Epic. Yet, my most tanky character yet, gets killed instantly almost every single time. Scrolls don't help, charms and relics don't help, over-levelled gear doesn't help, pots don't help, shrines don't help, tactics don't help,.. I've been stuck on this for a week and spent millions of gold allready. My poison resistance is low, but I've consistently been able to dodge his poison attacks (it's quite an easy one to dodge in fact). I tried switching weapon types, armour, artifacts, everything. What am I missing here?


Also, is there perhaps anyone who could help me take him down co-op?

General Discussion / Intrusive Ragnarok Advertising
« on: 12 May 2018, 09:45:25 »
Okay, I can accept the banner in the main menu, I can accept vendor having Ragnarok items on display, and I can accept map sections and placeholder objects in Acts I-IV. I don't have Ragnarok yet, but have every intention on buying it when I goes on sale again on GOG, so whatever: I'll get it eventually anyway. However, getting this as a quest reward in vanilla AE is a bit ridiculous:

Anniversary Edition - General discussion / Best TQ Vault?
« on: 07 May 2018, 15:11:26 »
Which TQ Vault version is everyone here using?

I was using TQ Vault XL myself, since it's AE compatible, and I need the extra space it offers. Well, I guess you could do the same by relying on multiple Vault files, but having all in one or two is more convenient. However, the XL is still buggy, and the biggest problem I have with it is that the program window is bigger than my screen, and can not be downsized, meaning I literally can't see the bottom portion of my Vault.

Does anyone know of a version that is Ragnarok compatible, shares XL's capacity, but doesn't have the window-size issue, and is perhaps a bit more stable?

For me, ever since my first playthrough, it has always been Inen,.. oh gawd, her accent  :-*

Spoiler for Hiden:

@botebote77 @Typhon @mammoth_hunter @efko @juvebogdan @Gautrec @Tauceti @letsrock @Cygi @tholuneve @maxwolfie 

So, I heard some people, I think you too @botebote77 , mention that Batte Awareness isn't really worth investing the full twelve points in.

It got me thinking though, also for my Guardian, whether that's always true or not. After all, increasing the radius from 5 to 16 meters seems extremely valuable when playing with other party member or with a lot of pets. I constantly got three Wolves up myself, on an agressive stance, and a Nymph, on a defensive stance. I also tend to send the Wolves in as an advance party, and keep the Nymph in the back (as she's an archer). The result is that my troupe is really spread out as much as possible. With other players in your party, this seems even more so to be the case.

General Discussion / I broke/beat the game,..
« on: 30 April 2018, 11:05:11 »
So, I figured I'd try Shield Charging Megalesios, before he got his barrier up:

Spoiler for Hiden:

He ends up not being able to break the Conduit, but also being immortal. You have to Portal out, or stand in front of his beam to let yourself get killed, in order to proceed. I opted for the latter, as I didn't fancy running the whole maze again. Of course, then I had to fight both him and the Statues at the same time, which was a walk in the park for this build though.

General Discussion / What's the best CDR Mastery?
« on: 27 April 2018, 13:44:52 »
There is a maximum of two votes per user. Please only pick a second vote, if Storm mastery was your first choice. The reason for this is that I'm looking for a second mastery to complement Storm, for a build that relies almost exclusively on the latter for offensive capabilities. However, it's going to need a lot of CoolDown Reduction.

Obviously, there's a lot of CDR available from gear, but since the secondary mastery doesn't seem to matter that much, I was wondering whether there'd be one that also benefits CDR.

General Discussion / Liche King synergies?
« on: 07 April 2018, 12:36:34 »
Currently, my melee Diviner is at level 61, with quite a few skillpoints left unspent.

In time, I will pick and/or max-out Dark Convenant, Unearthly Power, Mastermind, and Distortion Field. However, for now, I simply don't feel like I need them yet. Hence I was thinking of pumping up the Liche King for now, but even with Ragnarok, I don't think I'll be able to max-out each of his masteries on an acceptable character level.

This has left me wondering wich of his synergies are best to invest in Death Nova, Wraith Shell, or Arcane Blast?

General Discussion / Best Avenger Bow
« on: 20 March 2018, 12:33:21 »
Currently I have a bow Sage sitting in my barracks (lol, can we call it that: "barracks"?), but I am thinking of exchanging it for a bow Avenger. For starters, a bow Sage is difficult to find gear for, and secondly, I am also building another Storm based character, while I don't have an active Earth involved character. My bow Sage is about level 40, so I can just delete it and make a new "accomplished character" with Ragnarok.

While contemplating that idea, I found this gem grinding my Diviner through Epic:

Did I just randomly stumble upon the best possible weapon for my future bow Avenger?

The only thing that bothers me is that I intended to have my bow Avenger rely mostly on fire-buffed physical damage, investing mainly in dexterity and strength, and not really spending any points on intelligence. Would that work with this bow, or would it be more effective building the character as a hybrid, or even as a full elemental bow-caster (similar to my current bow Sage)?

General Discussion / "Master Mind" on Character?
« on: 20 March 2018, 12:18:03 »
So the description of the Nightmare's "Master Mind" skill states that it applies to your other pets. However, I have noticed the "Master Mind" icon being displayed below my Character's name as well, implying that it is also affected by the buff.

Does anyone know if this is true in that your Character actually benefits from the buff directly, or whether the icon is there merely to indicate it's your pets that are being buffed?

Because if it's the former, then that skills is seriously good:
  • + 135% health regen
  • + 135% energy regen
  • + 40% total damage

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