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Dream World Mod
« on: 18 March 2022, 22:04:11 »
Greetings fellow titan questers,

     When I was posting the various versions of my Cities Mod in the World Modifications area I noticed that there was an area for children called Frozen World.  However, there were never any posts in that area.

     I decided to make a Titan Quest map that would be more suitable for children.  The usual game-play for fantasy role playing games is something like this;  Start with a dagger and little or no money or armor.  Kill some monsters, loot the bodies and take their money, weapons and armor.  Level-up.  Kill more monsters, loot the bodies and take their money, weapons and armor.  Level-up.  Much more of the same.  Kill the boss monster, and win the game.  Killing monsters and looting bodies is not what I would consider a suitable theme for children.

     I have a different concept for a more child-friendly game.  I call my map Dream World.  The player starts in a large city.  There are NO monsters in the city.  Within the city the player gets experience by exploring.  At various locations in the city the player will find Explorer Chests.  In the chests the player might find magical potions that give Experience Points.  The chests are in different locations each time, and the chests contain different items each time they open.  The area within the city walls is large and it will take quite a while to explore it fully.  Not all locations in the city are easy to find.  There are hidden entrances to underground caves, crypts, and mazes.  I know where to go and what to do, and it takes me about four hours to explore the city completely.

     One of the merchant shops in the city is the Blacksmith's Armory.  The smith Teres has the arcane formulas that the player needs to make the Dream World armor, weapons and jewelry.  The player will need to buy one of each type of formula.  Each formula needs three ingredients to complete the recipe.  All of the ingredients can be found within the city walls, but the player must search to find them.  When the player has found all of the ingredients for one of recipes then go the Enchanter's Stockroom, talk to the Enchanter, and he will make that item.  When the player has completed all of the arcane recipes and is fully equipped then the player is ready to venture outside the city walls.

     So the first half of the game is just exploring and a big scavenger hunt for ingredients. After creating the complete Dream World armor, weapons and jewelry set the player has the option of going past the city gates and fighting the monsters.  The Dream World armor set gives the ability to summon fighters to protect the player.  So when the player leaves the city the player is part of a team of fighters.  The player has the option of fighting the monsters, or just searching for the Explorer Chests while the other figures do the fighting.  I know where to go and what to do, and it takes me about three hours to explore the area outside the city completely.

     Dream World is a single custom map, and the whole file is about 280 megabytes in size.  I put the mod in my Dropbox so that you can download it.

     The Dream World mod was made using Titan Quest Immortal Throne with the 1.17c Fan Patch.  Having said that, the Dream World mod runs just fine with my Titan Quest Anniversary Edition v1.57 with the Ragnarok addition.  Just don't select Runes as your mastery.

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Re: Dream World Mod
« Reply #1 on: 18 March 2022, 23:41:23 »
I think you misunderstood how does this forum works. On this page boards are divided by categories, and many boards have child boards so you don't have to scroll whole day to bottom or opposite just to find some board, so they are all boards, but when board is placed in another board, system is calling it child-board. On some other forum software it may be called sub-board or sub-forum or similar.
There is unfinished/broken Frozen World map with 3 acts and it should be 2nd largest map after Lilith, so if you are interested, there might be hope to make it to work.
discord: efko#5979
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