Last released mod version : 1.14b [PUBLIC RELEASE] (31 December 2024)
Discord : is the main presentation topic of the Soulvizier mod for Titan Quest : Anniversary Edition and DLCs Ragnarök/Atlantis/Eternal Embers (also known as SV AERA).
This mod is based on the Soulvizier mod for TQ : Immortal Throne (last known version : 0.98i around 2014-2015) whose developement has been on hold since then. It aims at :
- continuing the work began before by Munderbunny (Underlord mod), amgoz1 (Soulvizier mod) and all the people who helped them.
- merging this work with the official additions brought to Titan Quest since the Anniversary Edition.
/!\ /!\ /!\ Both TQ:AE Ragnarök and TQ:AE Atlantis are required to play this mod. /!\ /!\ /!\Supported languages (if you wish to translate, contact me) :- English
- Russian
- Chinese
- French
- German
Most functionalities from Soulvizier 0.98i, and from Underlord's mod (upon which Soulvizier is built) are restored and expanded for act V.
Creatures :- Hundreds of new uniques in random encounters (heroes & bosses)
- New Elite monster groups (green name) with their own items
- New skills, textures or effects for some monsters
- Greatly increased difficulty : more monsters, tougher, with more damage
Skills :- Reworked & expanded masteries (60 levels in mastery bar ; skills require up to lvl 40 in mastery bar)
* Occult mastery (based on Rogue mastery)
* Runes mastery expanded, including a new pet (Golem)
* Small tweaks to skills in the vanilla game (including unfinished skills from the original Soulvizier mod)
* Introduction of some new skills from Atlantis
* Brand new skills for this edition of Soulvizier
- Tweaked class names
- Many new item skills, including unique skills for souls
See here the topic for Soulvizier AERA masteries : Items :- Tons of new items and several new item types
* 710+ unique Souls for most heroes and bosses (including Act V), 1 version/difficulty level ; they use a ring slot, but most of them are no longer enchantable
* New charms & relics including elite charms for elite monsters
* New 1h items : wands (like 1h staves) and orbs (usable in main hand as a weapon, or off-hand as a smaller shield)
* Formulas to create Mythic items (above Legendary)
* Common Vitality and Poison staves (find them on enemies or merchants) based on WNG's mod
* Mercenary contracts, allows you to summon a mercenary while contract is in artifact slot
* "Reroll" artifact formulas: consume an artifact, a charm and a relic to reroll the artifact's completion bonus. Those formulas can only be obtained with drops from monsters/chests
- 220+ Unique items (Blue/Purple) with reworked loot tables
- New affixes (including original ones for this edition of Soulvizier and lot more from another WNG mod)
- Create equipment (weapons, armor and jewelry) with the new forging formulas
- Artifact formulas and forging formulas are sold by merchants
- 44 new artifacts (10 Lesser, 13 Greater, 21 Divine)
- Experience potions can be created in all acts with formulas (sold by new merchants called Alchemists)
Gameplay :- Health Regen depends on your maximum amount of Health (+0,35% maximum Health as Health Regen bonus)
- Energy Regen depends on your maximum amount of Energy (+0,5% maximum Energy as Energy Regen bonus), it no longer depends on Intelligence
- Magical (yellow) and Rare (green) rings give a flat Health or Energy regen as a base bonus
- Some items give increased Weapon mastery (increased damage when you use these weapons)
- Potion cost and cooldown greatly increased
- Resistance penalties (fewer than classic Soulvizier)
- Increased player speed
Other features not in the original Soulvizier mod :QoL (Quality of Life) :- Caravan Stash & Transfer, Player Inventory expanded
- Caravan and Mystic in Sparta
- More readable resistances in the character window
- Soul Collectors, new merchants allow you to preview all souls in the current act :
- Affixes can be seen on unique & MI
Bugfixes :- Countless corrections of bugs (introduced by the official game, Underlord or Soulvizier mods) in affix tables, loot tables, item and affix files
- Bugfixes from nargil66's mods ("Enhanced Gameplay" and others) and Endymion's "A few bugfixes" mod
Balance, consistency :- Throwing weapons now share their affix tables with bows instead of axes
- Bows and Throwing Weapons no longer get affixes or properties that give Offensive Ability or reduce Defensive Ability
- Staves no longer get affixes or properties that give Strength
- Complete unique item rebalance
- Armor values and requirements are now more consistent. For instance helms in act V had lower armor protection than other pieces of armor for no reason
- Requirements have increased both for attributes and levels
Other :- Recycle unique items that you don't use into another random unique item of the type of your choice
- Upgrade unique items with the forge (gives affixes), an infinite number of times
- New player skins based on nargil66's mod, with dyes sold by new merchants in town
- Introduced a new recycling system with formulas, that allows the player to recycle his unused relics and charms into new ones, to replace the materials from classic Soulvizier
- Created hybrid armor classes with strength + intelligence or dexterity + intelligence requirements
- Added flavor/lore text for many unique items based on nargil66’s Enhanced Gameplay mod
These functionalities of "classic" Soulvizier v0.98i are not restored :- Enchantable Epic and Legendary items (too much imbalance)
- Blood Cave + quest, Secret Passage, secret vendors (they don't fit the original game atmosphere + it would take some work to implement it into the game)
- Diablo 3 UI (not fit for this game)
- Infinite level (imbalance)
- Materials are no longer dropped and sold (inventory cluttering – as said above in “other features”)
Other functionalities planned but not implemented yet:- Expanding the recycle system to recycle MI (trade items ingame with formulas)
- Create quests to be able to complete sets faster without having to use stashed gear.
- New "elite" maps accessible at the end of Legendary
- Adding a barrier that closes behind the player when fighting, or some “anti-exploit” feature for most boss fights
- Blood & Gore (Death Effects 1.6 Mod)
- Increase maximum level above 85 (doesn't work in AE because of engine limitations)