Titan Quest - Anniversary Edition > Atlantis

Obscured Visibility vs Ravages of Time


Hi all

I’m playing a Lightning Dash melee Oracle, and I’m curious about whether I need Obscured Visibility at all.

Normally, I know this is one of the best resist reducers in the game, but given that Lightning Dash keeps all enemies in proximity of the Ravages of Time aura, is Obscured Visibility necessary? Given that RoT lowers enemy armour, and that I will be playing an Str build (so sadly won’t get much use out of the heavy hitting Int spells in Storm), is it worth perking Obscured Visibility?


I think that reducing physical resistance is included with Obscured Visibility so it would probably help. Maybe drop a single point in it for tougher enemies.

Obscured Visibility will helps you reduced enemies physical if it's different to 0% + reduced their armor value by %.


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