Well, I mightve forgotten a screenshot or two, and they're definitely out of any coherent order. But Expose is past Typhon! Now a level 31 Brigand, just arrived in Soronis and ready to panic while fighting Lamias. Didn't have many close calls with bosses, but at least one Tigerman near the entrance to Chang'an gave me a fright. Heard the low health bell twice before I could run far enough to break his pursuit distance. Someone in voice chat with me was saying "more traps, more traps" and I responded "I HAVE TO STOP RUNNING TO DROP ONE" Fun times.
Update 4 hours later: Dead. Level 35 Brigand in Aneslasia. One of the 5 quest Siege Striders of all things. I took out 3 of them, but as the 4th was spraying balls around, I walked over two. Never stood a chance.
Side note, I think Brigand might be more fun than Illusionist. The pierce modifier of ArtOfTheHunt, the pierce debuff of Study Prey, the Ensnare net as a panic button, the increased healing of Herbal Remedy... Eventually I wanted to add the pierce and %HP modifers to CallOfTheHunt...
But the strategy that worked so well, dropped 3 traps next to myself, then spam Study Prey on anything around. It's the perfect aggro puller, and traps shred them.
I'm starting a new one with the same build, I have to try this again.