Hey Sauruz,
Yeah I did have success eventually
and have been meaning to update this with how I got it to work. When/if I get time tonight I'll post something here
I hate these blind ends in every forum on the internet! When (IF) people made it work they are too bussy to reply

I know it's an old post, but I figured out how to add your own music to mods.
It's not straight forward, but it can be done. I can only play the music once, but maybe some one can make it work multible times.
Music in your own mod:
1. Open your mod in the Art Manager (AM)
2. On your mods main dir, right click and choose Create Directory call it anything else than Music or Sounds
3. With your new dir selected, Right click the info window and choose Import... and import your mp3 or wav song
4. Right click your song and choose Auto-Create Asset and press OK
5. Select your main dir and choose Database/Import Record... and choose records/sounds/musicpak/greekevent/grkeventabondonegraveyardtheme.dbr (or any other theme.dbr file) and press OK
6. Go to the Database tab, find your imported record and rename it to something shorter so you can search it later (no spaces or characters) choose Build/Build
7. Double click the .dbr file. Here you can give credit to the auther in Header (on not). Go to Sound Properties and double click the grkathensabondon.....mp3 an [...] will show beside the name. Click that and find your music in the dir you made.
8. Build your mod in AM (Build/Build)
9. Go to the Editor, load your mod and choose the Layer tool. Choose Sound Layer and press New (rename if wanted)
10. Press the [...] beside/under Event Music DBR: and search your song
11. Hear it first on the Sound Preview button (just to be sure), and press OK
12. Paint an area where you want the music to start when you enter it
13. Go to Layput Mode and choose Build/Rebuild All Patching, then Build/Rebuild All Maps. Then choose File/Save All and exit the editor
14. I AM choose Build/Build (or F7)
Open up your mod in TQ, walk into the area and enjoy your music
There might be an Build/Build too much in there but it works.
This tut is written of beginners.