Author Topic: 6 Player Difficulty mod Untwinked Hardcore Challenge  (Read 6342 times)

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Offline botebote77

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6 Player Difficulty mod Untwinked Hardcore Challenge
« on: 21 December 2019, 00:51:37 »
Are you up to the challenge?
Rules are simple:

1) Play 6 player difficulty mod
2) Never give it items from your other characters or whatever. Only use items you find with that character
3) Don't die

And i guess the unwritten rule is be honest. Don't make a save of your character, then if you die, replace the files with your backup save. Don't give it items from your other characters, then lie saying you found it solo self-farmed. Don't make an accomplished hero, then lie saying you went through the first 4 acts deathless. Don't edit items using 3rd party programs. Don't change completion bonuses of items using TQvault. Any other things you can do in-game are allowed (eg: potions, scrolls, cheesing).

Atlantis: this one is complicated because it feels wrong using Atlantis items and lvl 40 skills, yet skip Atlantis map entirely. But Atlantis act is just so buggy and laggy. So how about playing Atlantis act is required only in legendary? (I'm open to suggestions)

About 6 player difficulty mod:
1) Monster Spawn Rate
This mod will spawn 300 percent more monsters during your playthrough.
2) Higher Level Monsters
All the monster you encounter will have higher level. (I change the file but not sure it will work)
3) More Loot
All the container (bonepile,chest,boss remain etc…) will spawn more items. Just the same amount as in a 6-player game. (But this time no one can steal)
download link (in case KP link don't work):
(courtesy of @Torstein159 )

in case you are wondering, bosses are not multiplied by 3

In xmax HC challenge, pics after every boss kills are required. But i don't think it's necessary. Just every once in a while. Maybe once per act or whenever you feel like it

(I'll enter a character here eventually)
« Last Edit: 21 December 2019, 00:59:54 by botebote77 »
i are TQ titans
i are many people


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