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Messages - nargil66

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 173
Music / Re: What Music are You Listening to now?
« on: 26 January 2025, 23:40:38 »

The most badass remix of Tupac i've heard  8)

Music / Re: What Music are You Listening to now?
« on: 24 January 2025, 22:58:13 »

Forum News and Info / Re: Happy New Year 2025
« on: 03 January 2025, 05:16:24 »
Happy New Year to all!

Music / Re: What Music are You Listening to now?
« on: 30 December 2024, 06:07:44 »

Didn't know about the 4GB patch. I have now applied that so we'll give it a go.

Still getting the grey character though. I have confirmed that the DLLs are installed correctly, so not sure what's going on. Not a major one though.

Came across an issue with an item name this morning:

I have seen this on a couple of items now where the prefix looks to be applied as the suffix and vice versa.
I haven't enough time to fix those tags. It was caused after showing affixes on all items, normally they should be hidden. But i'd rather rework them than hide them again. It will be fixed in the future.

The character being gray is unrelated to the DLLs. It means that the game is not finding the custom textures from the mod among it's base resources. Copy "LoCNewSkins.arc" and paste it in the "Resources" folder of your main game installation directory.

Legion of Champions AE / Re: LoC 2024 - Development Thread
« on: 30 December 2024, 01:08:52 »
Pretty cool indeed!

I would change the vitality with a animated skull if possible, to be more unique, or the bleeding with a drop of blood.
Pretty good ideas, i'll see what i can do about them. I'd also like the cold res to be a snowflake again...

Anyway, i post the latest version of the UI mod (see attachments). Animated Health and Mana bars are included as well. Previews:

Hey Nargil,

I've been playing a Nature + Defense build and having a great time overall, but there are a few things to raise after testing the latest build over the last couple of days.

1: Crashes - I am crashing to desktop regularly with the mod in it's current state, but can't identify a common link in the crashes. Sometimes it's when I am opening a chest or transitioning areas, but mostly when I am just walking around. I'm not getting any bug reports or feedback as to why the game crashed either, so unless there is a log somewhere that might shed some light on it, all I can really do is raise the issue as is. I'd say I'm up to about 20 crashes so far and have just made it to the outskirts of Athens. This has been the main issue so far, the next few are largely cosmetic / minor.

2: Flute sound on the Overgrowth Skill - The flute sound for the Overgrowth skill is quick loud compared to other game sounds. It was also very puzzling as to what it was when I first heard it, trying to find out where it was coming from. I like the idea of it, but it's quite distracting in its current form.

3: Place name missing for Parnassus Caves - When entering the caves, I could see the little symbols that are at the start and end of a place name when it appears in the middle of the screen, but the words for Parnassus cave was missing.

4: Character is now grey upon loading - I used one of the god cosmetics on my character but it didn't seem to work. Now each time when I load into the game, my character is grey until I apply a new dye to them.

5: Fishing and Mining skills are unclear - I wasn't sure how to interact with the fishing spots until I hit Megara and found the vendor. I still don't know how to interact with the mining spots.

6: Fishing and Mining markers - With the abundance of fishing and mining markers that have been added, there are a couple of areas where they are quite distracting and can make finding quest markers a little more difficult. Would it be possible to change them or are they needed at all?

Overall, I am really enjoying this mod and the direction you have taken with it though, so keep it up :)

To answer on your points:

1. Crashes have been there in LoC since forever, neither Bumbleguppy or I have found the reason by now. Sorry i don't know the cause, so i dont know what to fix.

2. I'll try to find less intrusive sound for the nymph's flute. In the worst case i'll tune down the sound significantly.

3. Hm, that is strange, I havent changed anything on the locations tags, the map is also untouched. I'll look for the cause.

4. There are two ways to fix the grey textures issue - a "soft" way and a "solid" way. The first way is to press the K hotkey ("Reset player"), this will teleport you to the active rebirth fountain and restore your character's textures.

The second way is to take these steps:
For the dyes to be applied permanently, you need to do the following instructions. Otherwise, your characters will look grey/shaded when you reload the game.
This procedure may have to be reapplied if the skins are updated and your character becomes shaded again. Otherwise, doing it once will suffice.
If you have installed the mod manually (Custom Quest)
- You need to copy this file:
...My Games\Titan Quest - Immortal Throne\custommaps\-legionofchampions_2024\Resources\LoCNewSkins.arc
- Paste it in this directory:
...Steam\steamapps\common\Titan Quest Anniversary Edition\Resources (if you load the mod through Steam) OR
...Titan Quest Anniversary Edition\Resources (if you play the GoG version)
(the directory may vary depending on where the game is installed)

5. About Fishing and Mining - Maybe i will add the Fishing pole to the Bumbleguppy NPC Vendor, thank you for feedback. Mining is unfinished and unusable ATM, along with the rest of the harvesting skills.

6. I added the markers for easier finding of the sites, but there is no problem to remove them again for the next update.

Other than that, enjoy the mod :)

Edit - about the non-working god illusion: have you installed the DLLs and have you launched the game as admin?

Legion of Champions AE / Re: LoC 2024 - Development Thread
« on: 28 December 2024, 06:13:54 »
What is new - the rework of skeleton warriors will be delayed a bit. I had this idea before and i wanted to test it. What if I use animated textures for some of the UI elements, instead of the same old boring icons? Resistances for example. So here is the idea in action:

7 icons are made, 9 remain. I apply the current progress as attachment below, so it doesn't get lost. If you want to test, put "ingameui" folder in your Database folder, as with any addon mod. A more finished mod is coming soon!

In Nature mastery you can acess the skill Gaea Avatar before unlocking the final mastery tier (you can unlock in tier 30ish i think  and not 40)
Fixed, thank you

Legion of Champions AE / Re: LoC 2024 Alpha Download
« on: 27 December 2024, 00:14:10 »
Nope that didn't work either because the folder isn't called legion of champions, it's called LoC.  I had to remove the folders inside that one and put in CustomMaps then deleted the now empty LoC folder.
You need the inside folder "-legionofchampions_2024", containing Database and Resources

Also had my F-Secure anti-virus quarantine a couple of the files; had to unquarantine them.
I assume those were the included transmog DLLs by HekTo? That's kinda "normal" :) It's a false alert, i added exception to mine too.

Legion of Champions AE / Re: LoC 2024 - Development Thread
« on: 26 December 2024, 15:50:19 »
Ok, after the Xmas release, i wanted to continue on Spirit Mastery. I always prefered ghostly, instead of "bony" skeletons, like the ghost army in LotR. So here they are, starting with the archers:

I hope you like them Bumble. If you want i can return to the white skeleton mesh, but i'll certaily keep the ghostly equipment.

Legion of Champions AE / Re: LoC 2024 Alpha Download
« on: 26 December 2024, 11:23:22 »
Is this okay or should I have told it to overwrite the other LoC 2024 folder?  Or should I delete that one and then install the new one?
Better delete and install anew. The mod folder must be called "-legionofchampions_2024".

Legion of Champions AE / Re: LoC 2024 Alpha Download
« on: 25 December 2024, 22:56:36 »
Oh my God, you are totally right Sauruz, thank you! Link on the OP is updated, should be working now.

Legion of Champions AE / Re: LoC 2024 Alpha Download
« on: 25 December 2024, 02:31:09 »
The download link on the first post is updated. Merry Christmas everybody!

LEGION OF CHAMPIONS 2024 Update 2 - Changelog (from 25.12.2024)

(+) = Added new feature/change
(-) = Fixed bug

1. Monsters

(-) Removed orange projectile from salt spitting skill used by sea turtles

2. Items

(+) Only for this Christmas - the starting Santa NPC in Helos (on Normal) is giving away Divine Illusions. This type of illusion will change your character looks to one of the deities from the Greek patheon. There are currently 14 available Divine Illusions: For male character - Apollo, Ares, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Poseidon, Zeus. For female character - Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hecate, Hera, Persephone.
(+) Moreover, you will also be able to transmogrify some of your weapons to match your chosen deity.
(+) There are also Cosmetic Auras, equipped in Artifact slot to complete your divine look.
(+) Improved visuals of Dryad MI greaves to fit with the rest of set
(+) Added 5 new hairstyles to the Greek Barber (4 Female, 1 Male)
(+) Added 1 new hairstyle to the Egyptian Barber (Female)
(+) Added 1 new Illusion to the Illusionist NPC in Athens - Dryad (Female only)
(+) The Bumbleguppy NPC in the temple near Helos sells new unique quest item: Chronos' Hourglass (it will give you the Temporal Shift skill, allowing you to change or freeze the in-game hour to one of your desire)

3. Skills, Masteries and Pets

(+) Reworked the glitching Raise Skeleton skill in Spirit Mastery. The new skill (called Conjure Spirit Wisps) gives you 20% Chance to summon at least 2 short-lived familiars upon slayng an enemy, increasing the summon count on higher levels.
(+) Tweaked textures of Liche King, also he has a new model on lower levels (Spirit Mastery)
(-) Fixed Skeleton Warriors wearing double helmets on levels 16-20 (Spirit Mastery)

4. Playing Characters and Quality of Life (QoL)

(-) Removed the buggy hitbox from both playing character models (causing some enemy projectiles to miss)
(+) Updated the female chracter base model to the latest
(+) Updated some of the chracter skin packs
(+) Upon failing the Hardcore challenge, a red skull will appear over the character's head

5. Non-Playing Characters (NPCs)

(+) Added a new immersive scene at Olympian Arena. Defeat Typhon and light the Beacon on Olympus to summon all 12 major gods of the Greek Pantheon. Now the Zeus end dialog will have more sense :)

6. Other

Maybe some other things that I forgot :P

Legion of Champions AE / Re: LoC 2024 - Development Thread
« on: 25 December 2024, 00:43:41 »
The new Christmas update is almost ready for release. I start to prepare the files and will come back to you sometime later :)

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