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Pantheon Mod - Development
« Reply #645 on: 18 December 2022, 05:52:51 »
Ok, i decided to dig up my old Deities files, and for start to at least adapt my old masteries that are relatively done to EE. Not working on this mod puts a heavy burden to my heart and makes me feel guilty... this means i just have to start again and finish it. The initial hype may be gone, but i'm more experienced now and this time i can do things  properly.

Last two days i started writing a draft for new Ares skill tree, and the main skeleton of the mastery is relatively finished. As before it is based on vanilla Warfare with a twist. Here it is:

Spoiler for Hiden:



The dreadful god of war is both revered and hated by gods and mortals. Always thirsty for blood, Ares delights in the carnage, the terror, and agony of dying soldiers. The disciples of Ares are formidable in close combat. Drawing power from their inner rage, they sow fear in the hearts of enemies; daimons of war themselves are obeying their commands.


//Column I - Weapon Skills
tagAresSkill01=Armor-Piercer (8/12)
tagAresSkill01Desc=Blessed by Ares Rhinotoros, the Piercing, your weapons can penetrate both armor and flesh, leaving deep bleeding wounds.{^n}{^y}Requires spear, axe, sword or bow.
//33% Chance of:
//+% Weapon Pierce Ratio
//% Piercing Damage
//% Bleeding Damage with % Improved Duration

tagAresSkill02=Mutilate (6/10)
tagAresSkill02Desc=With the aspect of Ares Theritas, The Brutish, your attacks have a chance to cripple the enemy, leaving them slowed, bleeding and defenseless.{^n}{^y}Requires spear, axe or sword.
//% Chance to be used
//X Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
//33% Reduced Attack Speed for 3 Seconds
//33% Reduced Movement Speed for 3 Seconds

tagAresSkill03=Sweep Attack (6/10)
tagAresSkill03Desc=Much like Ares Enkhespalos, the Spear-Brandishing, you sweep your weapon in the midst of battle, hitting multiple enemies at once.{^n}{^y}Requires spear, axe or sword.
//% Chance to be used
//180 Degrees Arc of Attack
//3 Target Maximum
//-50% Weapon Pierce Ratio
//-25% Offensive Ability for 3 Seconds
tagAresSkill04=Massacre (6/10)
tagAresSkill04Desc=Channeling the power of Ares Brotoloigos, the Slaughtering, you perform a devastating spinning attack that can damage and bleed a half-dozen of enemies with a single strike.{^n}{^y}Requires spear, axe or sword.
//% Chance to be used
//360 Degrees Arc of Attack
//6 Target Maximum
//+100% Physical Damage
//X Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
//1 Second of Fear


//Column II - Shield Skills

tagAresSkill05=Evasion (8/12)
tagAresSkill05Desc=Like Ares Thoos, the Swift, you can use your shield, body and weapon equally well to avoid or parry incoming attacks.
//% Chance to Dodge Attacks
//% Chance of +100% Armor Absorption Ratio
//+% Shield Block Chance

tagAresSkill06=Shield Bash (6/10)
tagAresSkill06Desc=A strong shield attack that knocks the enemy off-balance.{^n}{^y}Requires shield.
//% Chance to be used
//+50% Physical Damage
//33% Reduced Defensive Ability for 3 Seconds
//1 Second of Stun

tagAresSkill07=Shield Ram (10/14)
tagAresSkill07Desc=With the force of a raging boar you slam into an enemy with your shield causing extra damage and stunning them.{^n}{^y}Requires shield.
//1 Target(s) Maximum
//X-X Physical Damage
//1 - 3 Seconds of Stun
//+300% Movement Speed

tagAresSkill08=Shield Ram ~ Overwhelm (6/10)
tagAresSkill08Desc=Your sudden assault will overwhelm adjacent enemies, disrupting attacks and weakening their defenses.
//+X Target(s) Maximum
//X Reduced Armor for 3 Seconds
//1 - 3 Second of Skill Disruption
//+% Stun Duration


//Column III - Battle Rage Skills

tagAresSkill09=Battle Rage (8/12)
tagAresSkill09Desc=Each enemy hit has a chance to awaken the aspect of Ares Thouros, the Furious, sending you into a trance-like state that enhances your combat abilities for a duration. 
//10% Chance to Activate
//15 Seconds Cooldown
//6 Seconds Duration
//+X Physical Damage
//+% Offensive Ability
//+% Attack Speed

tagAresSkill10=Battle Rage ~ Intimidate (8/12)
tagAresSkill10Desc=The sight of your relentless rage can strike weakness even in the bravest foe, giving you the egde in close combat.{^n}{^y}Increases the duration of Battle Rage.
//+3 Seconds Duration 
//% Reduced Physical Damage Retaliation for 3 Seconds
//% Reduced Offensive Ability Retaliation for 3 Seconds
//% Chance of 1 Second of Fear

tagAresSkill11=Battle Rage ~ Vengeance (8/12)
tagAresSkill11Desc=You turn into an embodiment of rage, striking back in vengeance to anyone who is foolish enough to attack you.{^n}{^y}Increases the duration of Battle Rage.
//+3 Seconds Duration 
//% Chance of X Physical Damage
//% Chance of:
//% Health Reduction Retaliation
//X Seconds of Stun Retaliation

tagAresSkill12=Battle Rage ~ Heart of War (8/12)
tagAresSkill12Desc=Posessed by the spirits of war, you become ecstatic, feeling invincible and more alive than ever.{^n}{^y}Increases the duration of Battle Rage. 
//+3 Seconds Duration
//X Damage Absorption
//+% Health
//+% Health Regeneration


//Column IV - Onslaught Skills

tagAresSkill13=Onslaught (8/12)
tagAresSkill13Desc=Like Ioke herself, the spirit of onrush and battle pursuit, you become stronger and fiercer as you press your attack forward, while the courage of your enemies wavers.{^n}{^y}Assign this skill to your left mouse button.
//+% Physical Damage
//+% Strenght
//+% Increase in Projectile Speed

tagAresSkill14=Onslaught ~ Endure Pain (6/10)
tagAresSkill14Desc=Those who master the aspect of Ares Arriktos, the Unbreakable, can endure tremendous pain and injury without even flintching.
//+% Physical Resistance
//+% Pierce Resistance
//+% Bleeding Resistance

tagAresSkill15=Onslaught ~ Bloodlust (6/10)
tagAresSkill15Desc=By the will of Ares Miaiphonos, the Blood-stained, your weapons will feast on your enemies' blood, stealing their life to rejuvenate you.
//+X Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
//% Attack Damage Converted to Health
//+% Life Leech

tagAresSkill16=Onslaught ~ Impetus (6/10)
tagAresSkill16Desc=The aspect of Ares Hippios, the Horseman, will give you the speed and momentum of a charging chariot, making you nearly unstoppable.
//% Movement Speed
//% Slow Resistance
//% Stun Resistance


//Column V - War Horn Skills

tagAresSkill17=War Horn (12/16)
tagAresSkill17Desc=Blow the mighty war horn of Kydoimos, god of battle noise, to deafen and injure your enemies, leaving them vulnerable.
//30 Seconds Cooldown
//X Meter Radius
//% Reduction to Enemy's Health
//X Reduced Armor for 6 Seconds
//3 - 6 Seconds of Skill Disruption

tagAresSkill18=War Horn ~ Fright (8/12)
tagAresSkill18Desc=Your War Horn will invoke Phobos - god of fear, frightening your foes and weakening their attacks.
//% Reduced Offensive Ability for 6 Seconds
//% Reduced Total Damage for 6 Seconds
//1 Second of Fear

tagAresSkill18=War Horn ~ Terror (8/12)
tagAresSkill18Desc=The god Deimos will turn enemy's fear into paralyzing terror, reducing their defenses, while empowering you at the same time.
//% Reduced Defensive Ability for 6 Seconds
//% Attack Damage Converted to Health
//3 - 6 Seconds of Stun

tagAresSkill19=War Horn ~ Ares' Legions (16/20)
tagAresSkill19Desc=Answering the call, the very embodiments of battle - the fearsome Makhai, will appear to fight side by side with you.
//2-6 Summon Limit
//6 Seconds Life Time
//Makhos ~ Embodiment of Battle Attributes:
//X Health
//X Energy
//Makhos ~ Embodiment of Battle Abilities:
//Javelin Throw
//Shield Ram


//Column VI - Warlord Skills

tagAresSkill21=Hoplite Training (6/10)
tagAresSkill21Desc=After years of training with the spear, axe, sword and shield you wield these weapons with admirable speed and skill.
//X Offensive Ability
//% Attack Speed
//-% Strenght Requirements for Shields

tagAresSkill22=Birds of Ares (16/20)
tagAresSkill22Desc=The stench of blood and death is likely to attract the Ornithes Areioi, or "Birds of Ares". These voracious vulture-like creatures will come to feast on living and dead alike, attacking your enemies with deadly volleys of razor-sharp feathers.{^n}{^y}Has a chance to summon a bird upon slaying an enemy.
//% Chance to Activate
//12 Seconds Lifetime
//6 Summon Limit
//Ornis Areios ~ Bird of Ares Attributes:
//X Health
//X Energy
//Ornis Areios ~ Bird of Ares Abilities:
//Razor Feathers
//5 Projectiles
//X Piercing Damage
//X Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
//% Chance to pass through enemies

tagAresSkill23=Standard Bearer (16/20)
tagAresSkill23Desc=Summon the mighty Homados - a high general of the Makhai - to follow you in battle, inspiring your minions for heroic feats and sowing disorder in the enemy lines.
//X Energy Cost
//X Seconds Lifetime
//1 Summon Limit
//Homados ~ Makhai Commander Attributes:
//X Health
//x Energy
//Homados ~ Makhai Commander Abilities:
//Basic Attack
// X - X Physical Damage
//Battle Standard
//12 Meter Radius
//% Damage Absorbtion
//% Total Damage
//X Offensive Ability
//% Fear Resistance (Pets/Traps Only)

tagAresSkill24=Standard Bearer ~ Vanquish (8/12)
tagAresSkill24Desc=The mere presence of the dreadful horseman is enough to cast enemies in despair and diminish their resistance.
//-% Physical Damage
//-% Physical Resistance
//-% Stun Resistance
//% Chance of 1 Second of Fear


//Column VII - Summon Skills

tagAresSkill25=Man-Slaying (6/10)
tagAresSkill25Desc=The aspect of Ares Androphontes, the Manslayer, will give you the upper hand when fighting human enemies - mortals and demigods alike.
//% More Damage to Humankind
//% Less Damage from Humankind
//Bonus to All Pets:
//% More Damage to Humankind
//% Less Damage from Humankind

tagAresSkill26=Daughter of Strife (16/20)
tagAresSkill26Desc=Gaining the favor of Eris, goddess of strife and companion to Ares, you can summon one her cruel daughters, the Androktasiai - underworld daimons of slaughter.
//1 Summon Limit
//Androktasia ~ Blood Maiden Attributes:
//X Health
//X Energy
//Androktasia ~ Blood Maiden Abilities:
//Basic Attack
//X-X Physical Damage (25% Pierce Ratio)
//15% Chance of X Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds
//Blade dance
//360 Arc of Attack
//6 Target Maximum
//% Physical Damage
//% Piercing Damage
//X Bleeding Damage over 3 Seconds

tagAresSkill27=Daughter of Srife ~ Bloodthirst (12/16)
tagAresSkill27Desc=The Androktasia becomes insatiable in her thirst for blood, stealing life from enemies to recover her own.
//% Attack Damage Converted to Health
//% Bleeding Damage
//X Life Leech over 3 Seconds

tagAresSkill28=Daughter of Srife ~ Blood Rage (12/16)
tagAresSkill28Desc=When wounded, the Androktasia can use her own pain to fuel her rage, becoming even more dangerous.
//Activates under 34% Health
//% Damage Absorbtion
//% Total Damage
//% Total Speed


Armor-Piercer (8/12) - Mutilate (6/10) - Sweep Attack (6/10) - Massacre (6/10) = 8+6+6+6 = 26

Evasion (8/12) - Shield Bash (6/10) - Shield Ram (10/14) > Overwhelm (6/10) = 8+6+10+6 = 30

Battle Rage (8/12) > Intimidate (8/12) > Vengeance (8/12) > Heart of War (8/12) = 8+8+8+8 = 32

Onslaught (8/12) > Endure Pain (6/10) > Bloodlust (6/10) > Impetus (6/10) = 8+6+6+6 = 26

War Horn (12/16) > Fright (8/12) > Terror (8/12) > Ares' Legions (16/20) = 12+8+8+16 = 44

Hoplite Training (6/10) - Birds of Ares (16/20) - Standard Bearer (16/20) > Vanquish (8/12) -  = 6+16+16+8 = 46

Man-Slaying (6/10) - Daughter of Strife (16/20) > (12/16) Bloodthirst > (12/16) Blood Rage = 6+16+12+12 = 46

26+30+32+26+44+46+46 = 250
« Last Edit: 18 December 2022, 06:18:48 by nargil66 »

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Re: Pantheon Mod - Development
« Reply #646 on: 19 December 2022, 06:54:46 »
Testing a new model for Androktasia pet:

I plan to make the second pet tier with 4 arms, as before.

Edit: early first and second tiers:

« Last Edit: 19 December 2022, 11:10:56 by nargil66 »

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Re: Pantheon Mod - Development
« Reply #647 on: 19 December 2022, 17:10:20 » Wow.

Stellar work, it's a really great looking model!

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Re: Pantheon Mod - Development
« Reply #648 on: 26 March 2023, 15:49:18 »
Been playing Titan Quest for several years now trying to hunt down and play through all the mods I can, and came across yours. I've always modded my game through Steam so this is the first time using mods on an external site. How can I play it? I've downloaded and extracted the files on 'Mega' and put them into Steam's TQAE folder, but when I run the game, the mod doesn't appear.
Did I extract the files incorrectly?
If anyone can guide me to a tutorial on how to do this that would be helpful. Thanks. Looking forward to playing this mod.

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Re: Pantheon Mod - Development
« Reply #649 on: 27 March 2023, 02:36:15 »
The mod is not updated for the latest version of AE. I have to do it first, before it becomes playable.
Also, it is not an addon mod, so place it in Documents/My Games/Titan Quest - Immortal Throne/CustomMaps directory. If you dont have a CustomMaps folder, just create one manually.
Most probably the masteries will appear broken tho.
« Last Edit: 27 March 2023, 02:41:31 by nargil66 »

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Re: Pantheon Mod - Development
« Reply #650 on: 10 October 2023, 06:53:04 »
A small, but important update - i added descriptions for all Masteries, both in English and in Bulgarian. I post them here, just in case:


Spoiler for Hiden:
Apollo, the radiant god of light, music, poetry, healing, archery, and prophecy, is one of the most revered Olympian deities. His followers possess many extraordinary skills. They can heal allies, afflict enemies with diseases, inspire companions with divine music, foretell the future, and scorch enemies with the heat of the sun. They are also skilled archers, capable of striking down foes with unerring accuracy.

Ares, the fearsome god of war, is both revered and hated by gods and mortals alike. Insatiable in his lust for battle, he revels in the bloodshed, terror, and the agony of dying soldiers. The warriors of Ares are formidable in close combat. Fueled by their inner rage, they instill fear in the hearts of their enemies. The demons of war themselves obey their commands.

Artemis, the virgin goddess of the forests and wild beasts, tirelessly hunts deer under the silvery moon, accompanied by a vast entourage of graceful nymphs. Mortals who follow Artemis master the art of hunting to perfection and gain dominion over animals and forest spirits. In battle, they rely on agility, expertise with the bow and spear, and their predatory instincts.

Athena, the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts, is the patroness of heroes and a zealous protector of the virtuous. Athena's disciples are renowned for their strategic thinking, tactical prowess, and impenetrable defenses. They rely equally on their courage and intellect to overcome their enemies and achieve victory.

Demeter, the goddess of fertility, harvest, and the seasons, gives life and abundance to the earth. Her joy sparks new growth in spring, while her sorrow ushers in the cold of winter. Demeter's devotees understand deeply the natural world. They communicate with plants, freeze enemies with the icy breath of winter, and summon nature spirits for protection.

Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry, indulges in endless feasts, along with his party of satyrs and maenads. Born as a mortal, he reveals the divine to his devotees through ecstasy. Followers of Dionysus can ignite wild fervor in their allies or drive their enemies into chaos and madness. They master various aspects of animals, create potent potions, and summon faithful companions to their side.

Hecate, the enigmatic Titan goddess of sorcery, the underworld, and nocturnal spirits, holds the keys to the secrets of the occult. Those who explore the hidden mysteries seek enlightenment in her flickering torches. The followers of Hecate are masters of the arcane. They control the primal elements, subdue powerful demonic entities, and can even rule over the dead.

Hephaestus, the god of fire and volcanoes, is also the patron of blacksmiths, inventors, carpenters, craftsmen, and sculptors. Although born lame, he is one of the strongest and most talented Olympians. Hephaestus's students gain mastery over fire, the strength and skill of a master smith, and the ability to construct incredible machines.

Hermes, the fleet-footed herald of Olympus, the patron of messengers, travelers, and thieves, is an elusive and resourceful god, unmatched in speed, agility, and cunning. His followers move swiftly across the battlefield, effortlessly outpacing their enemies. They often rely on trickery to gain the upper hand, using deception, setting traps, and launching surprise attacks from the shadows.

Poseidon, the ruler of the seas, earthquakes, horses, and the patron of sailors, is a temperamental and unpredictable god, second in power only to Zeus. Followers of Poseidon rule over the land and sea. They can summon powerful tidal waves, shake the earth beneath their enemies' feet, or call forth creatures from the depths to aid them in battle.

Zeus, the king of the gods and ruler of the sky, stands as the most powerful of all the Olympian deities. Those who swear allegiance to Zeus become living embodiments of his divine power. They can unleash mighty thunderbolts, or bring gentle rain to nourish the earth. Winged creatures from the heavens offer their aid, and Zeus himself bestows his royal blessings upon them.


Spoiler for Hiden:
Аполон, лъчезарният бог на светлината, музиката, поезията, лечението, стрелбата с лък и пророчеството, е един от най-почитаните олимпийски богове. Неговите последователи притежават множество необикновени дарби. Те могат да лекуват, да поразяват враговете с болести, да вдъхновяват спътниците си с божествена музика, да предсказват бъдещето и да изгарят врага с жегата на слънцето. Също така те са изкусни стрелци, способни да поразяват противника с безпогрешна точност.

Арес, страховитият бог на войната, е както почитан, така и мразен от богове и смъртни. Ненаситен в жаждата си за битки, той се наслаждава на кръвопролитията, ужаса и агонията на умиращите войници. Воините на Арес са несравними в близък бой. Подхранвани от вътрешната си ярост, те всяват страх в сърцата на враговете си. Самите демони на войната се подчиняват на волята им.

Артемида, девствената богиня на горите и дивите зверове, неуморно ловува елени под сребристата луна, придружена от голяма свита прелестни нимфи. Смъртните, които следват Артемида овладяват изкуството на лова до съвършенство и получават власт над животни и горски духове. В битка те разчитат на ловкост, умения с лъка и копието, както и на хищнически инстинкти.

Атина, богинята на мъдростта, отбраната и занаятите, е покровителка на героите и ревностна закрилница на добродетелните. Учениците на Атина са известни със своите водачески умения, майсторска стратегия и непроницаема защита. Те разчитат в еднаква степен на смелостта и интелекта си, за да надвият врага и да постигнат победа.

Деметра, богинята на плодородието, реколтата и годишните времена, дава живот и изобилие на земята. Нейната радост предизвиква нов растеж през пролетта, а скръбта й довежда студа на зимата. Поклонниците на Деметра са дълбоко свързани с царството на природата. Те общуват с растенията, смразяват враговете с ледения дъх на зимата и призовават природни духове за помощ и защита.

Дионис, богът на виното и веселието, се отдава на безкрайни пиршества, заедно с шумната си свита от сатири и менади. Роден като смъртен, той разкрива божественото на хората чрез екстаза. Последователите на Дионис могат да разпалят див възторг в своите съюзници или да хвърлят враговете си в объркване и лудост. Те овладяват различни аспекти на животните, създават мощни отвари и призовават предани спътници на своя страна.

Хеката, загадъчната титанска богиня на магията, подземния свят и нощните духове, държи ключовете към тайните на окултното. Тези, които изследват скритите мистерии, търсят просветление в нейните мъждукащи факли. Последователите на Хеката са изключително опитни магьосници. Те контролират първичните елементи, подчиняват могъщи демонични същности и дори могат да заповядват на мъртвите.

Хефест, богът на огъня и вулканите, също така е покровител на ковачи, изобретатели, дърводелци, занаятчии и скулптори. Макар и куц по рождение, той е един от най-силните и талантливи олимпийци. Учениците на Хефест придобиват неговата власт над огъня, силата и уменията на майстор-ковач, както и способността да конструират невероятни машини.

Хермес, бързоногият вестител на Олимп, покровителят на пратениците, пътешествениците и крадците, е неуловим и находчив бог, несравним по бързина, ловкост и хитрост. Последователите му се носят устремно пo бойното поле, изпреварвайки без усилие враговете си. Те често разчитат на измама за да спечелят надмощие, като използват хитри трикове, поставят капани или предприемат изненадващи атаки от сенките.

Посейдон, владетелят на моретата, земетресенията, конете и покровителят на моряците, е темпераментен и непредсказуем бог, втори по сила след Зевс. Последователите на Посейдон властват над сушата и морето. Те могат да призовават мощни приливни вълни, да разтърсят земята под краката на враговете си или да извикат същества от дълбините на океана, за да им помогнат в битка.

Зевс, царят на боговете и владетелят на небето, е най-могъщият от всички олимпийски богове. Тези, които му се кълнат във вярност стават живи въплъщения на божествената му сила. Те могат да отприщят могъщи гръмотевици или да донесат кротък дъжд, който да подхрани земята. На помощ им се притичват крилати създания от небесата, а самият Зевс ги дарява с царствената си благословия.

A huge thanks to @Amaryllis who helped with editing the final English version.
« Last Edit: 10 October 2023, 07:16:46 by nargil66 »

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Re: Pantheon Mod - Development
« Reply #651 on: 10 October 2023, 15:10:56 »
Awesome :D
discord: efko#5979
╚►They say "Before you die your whole life flashes before your eyes…". Make it worth watching. It's true, even for a blind man... ◄╝
              ╚►It is said some lives are linked across time, connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages ◄╝

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Re: Pantheon Mod - Development
« Reply #652 on: 17 June 2024, 22:04:21 »
Still in development is there a demo i can try so far? looks great

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Re: Pantheon Mod - Development
« Reply #653 on: 10 December 2024, 02:28:56 »
Mastery color themes revisited:

I think the next year will be a Pantheon year, only this time I'll use Legion of Champions as a foundation. And don't worry, the current LoC will remain intact, you will be able to play either the original Bumble's masteries or Pantheon masteries.


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