Author Topic: Titan Quest II A Dive As Deep As Hades: Latest Titan Quest II Video & info  (Read 1913 times)

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Munich, Germany / Vienna, Austria - September 5th, 2024: The essence of every ARPG lies in its core mechanics, and for dedicated fans, understanding how these elements work and interconnect is essential. Titan Quest II is pulling back the curtain on these fundamentals. Join Balint Marczin, Lead Systems Designer, and Florian Jonas, Technical Art Director at Grimlore Games, for a 40-minute playthrough of the recent Gamescom demo. Get an in-depth look at the core systems of Titan Quest II.

Discover more about the story, the setting, and the combat mechanics. Learn how the loot system is designed, how attributes enable personalized builds, and what the masteries are all about.

Check out the gameplay video here:
(Please note: This gameplay footage is from a limited demo and does not represent the final quality of the game or showcase all features to their full extent.)
« Last Edit: 10 September 2024, 11:29:56 by Medea Fleecestealer »

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Re: Titan Quest II A Dive As Deep As Hades: Latest Titan Quest II Video
« Reply #1 on: 06 September 2024, 21:30:43 »
This is the team that did Spellforce 3? I was a big fan of the original Spellforce games. Quit the third after a couple hours. I'm getting the same sense about Titan Quest II watching this video. I don't like this modern dodge/block/parry gameplay.

Offline Medea Fleecestealer

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Follow up info:

Info: Early Access will be starting in winter this year.
Follow-up: Early Access will happen, that is correct. The final date will be confirmed soon.
Info: There will be full English and German language support, no information on other languages yet.
Follow-up: In general, we will support many languages, but for Early Access start we might even start with only English.
Info: The beach is the official starting area after the TQ 2 intro cinematic.
Follow-up: No, the game has an entire introductory chapter/act before that area, with a playtime of 30-40 minutes.
Info: the story will be independent from TQ 1, but it's set in the same universe.
Follow-up: The story is set in Greek mythology, but it is a whole new plotline using established characters and concepts of Greek mythology.
Info: The base attack icon changes depending on equipped weapon type.
Follow-up: Yes, that is correct.
Info: The game speed will be slower than that of the average ARPG-type game to complement challenging fights which require you to think before you act.
Follow-up: The time to kill is slower than the genre standard, but there is plenty of player input, and many enemy actions to react to.
Info: The game will have adjustable difficulty settings.
Follow-up: We have an in-game ritual system that will allow you to manipulate the level of enemies (and thus the loot they drop). This will give you a greater challenge and also more reward via higher level item drops. You can also revisit prior areas and get valuable loot exclusive to those areas, so long as you opt in to increase the difficulty, or to raise the minimum level to your own.
Info: It's planned to give at least 6x the amount of skills to masteries on Early Access, compared to the demo version.
Follow-up: That is correct. A lot more active and passive skills as well as modifiers are coming to the EA.
Info: Every skill has modifiers, of which you can pick up to 5 per skill.
Follow-up: That’s correct. The modifiers also have a capacity cost. You gain capacity by investing skill points into the skills. Thus, you can’t immediately activate 5 modifiers, but the maximum is indeed 5.
Info: The horse will be with us through the whole story and continue talking to us.
Follow-up: That is correct as far as the Early Access goes. We aren’t looking to give story spoilers beyond that point.

Info: Respecing skill points is possible, but masteries are set in stone once you picked them.
Follow-up: Yes, that is correct.

Info: The world is completely handcrafted
Follow-up: That is correct for the main campaign. However, we might introduce endgame content that is using different concepts.
Info: Story events throughout the world have been added to the game. The more you explore, the more interactions you can find.
Follow-up: Yes, that is correct.
Info: The developers are brainstorming on how to further improve the inventory for players, hinting at a reduced chance of overloading your inventory in the future.
Follow-up: That is correct. We will be introducing a loot filter and a stash system during the Early Access.

Info: Target farming enemies will be possible again.
Follow-up: Crafting will be added during the Early Access, and target farming will be mostly relevant when it comes to collecting materials.
Info: A 12 hours campaign is planned for Early Access.
Follow-up: The Early Access content takes between 10-15 hours in one playthrough.
Info: There is no info on how big the fully released game will be. It will depend on how the Early Access goes. The update will bring a lot of new content.
Follow-up: The content we are targeting for full release is at least around 50 hours.
Info: Multiplayer is planned, not on Early Access though - only for the full release.
Follow-up: The game will feature multiplayer, but not on initial Early Access release.
Info: The amount of additional content after the Early Access will partly depend on player feedback and wishes, so talk to the developers and they’ll do their best to listen.
Follow-up: In the past, Grimlore’s general approach has been to work on meaningful addon chunks if desired by the players, and that continues to be our plan.
Info: After the Early Access there will be additional masteries to increase replayability.
Follow-up: Additional masteries depend entirely on feedback and demand.


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