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Topic: THQN Showcase and Gamescom, Cologne (Read 3564 times)
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Medea Fleecestealer
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THQN Showcase and Gamescom, Cologne
29 June 2024, 19:07:58 »
THQN's Digital Showcase 2024 goes live on Friday, August 2, 2024, at 12:00 PM PDT / 3 PM EDT / 8 PM BST / 9 PM CEST / 10 PM MSK. Our friends from HandyGames will kick things off with a pre-show once again, so tune in early and don't miss out on the fun!
Official THQ Nordic channels to watch the Showcase:
• YouTube:
• Twitch:
• Steam:
And if anyone plans to go to Gamescom in Cologne this year
THQ Nordic's playable games at gamescom 2024, Hall 7.1, Booth A11/B10
Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed
Gothic Remake
Titan Quest II
"unannounced game #1"
"unannounced game #2"
Medea Fleecestealer
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Re: THQN Showcase and Gamescom, Cologne
Reply #1 on:
01 August 2024, 11:03:27 »
Don't forget - showcase streams tomorrow at 12:00 PM PDT / 3 PM EDT / 8 PM BST / 9 PM CEST / 10 PM MSK.
Medea Fleecestealer
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Re: THQN Showcase and Gamescom, Cologne
Reply #2 on:
03 August 2024, 13:27:56 »
If you missed the showcase, here's the TQ2 part of it.
Medea Fleecestealer
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Re: THQN Showcase and Gamescom, Cologne
Reply #3 on:
21 August 2024, 10:37:04 »
TQ2 streams happening today.
At 16:30 CEST will do Gothic, TQ2 and Goldman
Last Edit: 21 August 2024, 12:08:43 by Medea Fleecestealer
Medea Fleecestealer
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Re: THQN Showcase and Gamescom, Cologne
Reply #4 on:
23 August 2024, 11:28:28 »
Translation from the German:
Writingbull + Game Dev (Technical Art Director) stream information on Titan Quest 2:
Early Access starting in winter this year (didn't clarify if it'll be December but he said with the start of winter we'll be able to play, otherwise December - March)
Full English and German language support, no information on other languages yet
The beach is the official starting area after the TQ 2 intro cinematic
Independent story from TQ 1, but it's playing in the same universe
Base attack icon changes depending on equipped weapon type
Game speed slower than average ARPG-type game to complement challenging fights which require you to think before you act
Adjustable difficulty settings
It's planned to give at least 6x the amount of skills to masteries on Early Access, compared to the demo version
Every skill has modifiers, which you can pick up to 5 from per skill
The horse will be with us through the whole story and continue talking to us
Respecing skill points possible, masteries are set in stone once you picked them
World is completely handcrafted
Story events throughout the world (in stream you can see an NPC telling you there's a hidden chest in the area or straight up destroying passage to an area you came from) added to the game, more exploring = more interactions you can find
They are brainstorming on how to further improve the inventory for us, hinting at a reduced chance of overloading your inventory in the future
Target farming enemies will be a thing again (no further info on that)
12 hours campaign planned for Early Access (not completely clear if it's the whole story or just part of it)
No info on how big the fully released game will be, dev says it depends on how the Early Access goes but also that the update will bring a lot of new content
Multiplayer is planned, not on Early Access though - only full release
Message to players from dev: The amount of additional content after the Early Access will partly depend on your feedback and wishes, so talk to us and we'll do our best to listen
After the Early Access there will be additional masteries to increase replayability (no info on amount of masteries during Early Access)
Medea Fleecestealer
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Re: THQN Showcase and Gamescom, Cologne
Reply #5 on:
24 August 2024, 10:56:20 »
Another translation from the German:
GameStar + Game Devs stream information on Titan Quest 2:
Confirmation on Nemesis hunting the hero we play, that's why we fled and are on our way to the Moirae (seen in the intro cinematic) to find out why
Keep an eye out for inconspicuous secrets (in the stream we can see the dev clicking on a regular looking statue or collecting Ichthian coins to place them at a shrine - both granted an item)
Implicit effects on all armor/weapon types (e.g. +% crit chance on daggers)
Item rarity colors aren't final, could be changed depending on feedback during Early Access
You can remove your auto attack/dodge later on if you want to have 10 instead of 8 slots for active skills
Visual effects/impact for abilities will change with stacks through modifiers (Stomp with 0 vs 3 Overwhelm stacks as an example)
50% and 100% progress on Passive Abilities unlocks Feats (their version of modifiers, seems like they're capped at 2 instead of 5)
Game might appear a bit more complex early on but you don't have to go in-depth to be able to beat the game, they just wanted theorycrafters to have enough content (referring to masteries)
Titan Ichor is now used to fill your mastery bar (bound to story progress, no further info)
There will be no always-online or microtransactions
Dawn-Day-Dusk-Night cycle, which during Early Access will only be visuals, later on it will include gameplay features (e.g. spots having quest giver/enemy depending on time of day)
Upcoming updates on Steam dev blog in the near future
Potions have levels and affixes
Recharging potions through dealt damage (more options might be added after Early Access, depending on ideas players and devs come up with)
Controls for Early Access will be mouse + keyboard, later on controller support will be added (they did test WASD movement out of interest, no further info)
There will be pet masteries
For now they are focusing on classic masteries we know from TQ1, Early Access will have more than two and additional masteries will follow DURING Early Access period
Enemy density complaints are known, further adjustments might happen before Early Access and afterwards depending on feedback
They will look into modding support later on
Crafting is in an too early stage at this point to talk about it
Pre-made selection of heroes at start of Early Access, later on we'll get actual character creation
3 weapon types within each weapon category, all with different stats and looks (examples were light, medium, heavy two-handed axes or curved/straight swords)
Non-unique weapons consist of at least 2 weapon parts which have multiple different variants (those change throughout your early to late game journey)
Visual effects on your weapons will appear depending on conversions to certain damage types or stats on your weapon, e.g. lightning damage
No seasons gameplay
You can teleport back to the spot you died at through waypoints, but enemies will be back to full strength
Hardcore Mode will most likely be a thing (according to dev)
The mount won't be part of Early Access as of now
Transmog will be a feature
No loot filter at the start of Early Access
They're planning to implement a search function in masteries
Artifacts will be back in some shape or form
Ritual system as a feature to increase enemy level in certain areas (some form of level scaling)
Dev hinted at a possible system to make low level uniques still usable later on
Medea Fleecestealer
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Re: THQN Showcase and Gamescom, Cologne
Reply #6 on:
24 August 2024, 13:46:13 »
Here are links to various streams:
About 17 minutes in
About 16 minutes in
About 2 hours in
Last Edit: 25 August 2024, 08:26:54 by Medea Fleecestealer
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