I extracted the database of a mod for mobile phones, but when I rebuilt it, it reported an error with the wrong path for some template types. I looked in my templates folder but couldn't find those templates. So where can I download these missing templates?
Error building record (Unable to load template) C:\Users\lucif\Documents\My Games\Titan Quest - Immortal Throne\Working\CustomMaps\Tonghop1/database/records/xpack4/ui/skills/select mastery/masterybasebitmap.dbr, database\Templates\InGameUI\BitmapUIAware.tpl
Error building record (Unable to load template) C:\Users\lucif\Documents\My Games\Titan Quest - Immortal Throne\Working\CustomMaps\Tonghop1/database/records/xpack4/skills/neidan/deathbomb.dbr, database\Templates\Skill_PassiveOnTargetKilled.tpl