Hero's Nephele (sv_ew\creature\monster\oceanid\hero_nephele_17.dbr) skill level (skillName4,sv_ew\creature\monster\oceanid\skills\oceanid_arrowhail.dbr,) too powerful for Greece - almost oneshot for hero 15 lvl with more ~2500 hit points equipped with Ino's armor. Set it to skillLevel4, 3;6;9, (there was skillLevel4, 7;8;9,) for myself.
Proxy: No Limits equation file specified (records\proxies quest\greece\journal\jg05 - random loot monster proxy.dbr) RestoreState CreateObjectFromFile Records/Creature/NPC/Speaking/Greece/Sparta_Hippias.dbrreplaced the following dbr-records with vanilla ones
records\creature\monster\rumormonsters\greece\jg05 - random loot monster01.dbr records\creature\monster\rumormonsters\greece\jg05 - random loot monster02.dbr records\creature\monster\rumormonsters\greece\jg05 - random loot monster03.dbr records\creature\monster\rumormonsters\greece\jg05 - random loot monster04.dbr records\creature\npc\speaking\greece\sparta_hippias.dbrThe sparta_hippias.dbr was replaced due to concerns (possibly unfounded) of incorrect animation.
After that, the microfreezes disappeared and there were no departures for two or three sessions of the game in the first act. For the last time in 17 hours of continuous play of Act 1 and mopping up the embankment from the gates of Corinth to the pier of departure to the north (teleported to the Megara pass using the menanda spell records\skills\monster skills\attack_direct\reversal.dbr).
The only thing where I don't see anything wrong is : records\xpack2\proxiesnorth\pools\human\greekbandit_03_dark01.dbr All monsters exist and I don't see anything wrong with them. Can you re-check if that precise pool also causes crashes ? I don't think that one is used near Delphi.
А reason for suspecting a pool was a reference to it in TitanQuest.dmp.txt. So I can't be shure that something wrong exactly with this pool (changed it with vanilla and reported it just in case). However, I caught a CTD in Delphi again (*) and here is the log:
Begin Loading Level Levels/World/Greece/Delphi/Underground/OracleChamber01.lvl After Lock For Level Levels/World/Greece/Delphi/Underground/OracleChamber01.lvl Couldn't load resource 'Shaders\UndergroundTransparency.ssh' (file not found) After Load For Level Levels/World/Greece/Delphi/Underground/OracleChamber01.lvl End Loading Level Levels/World/Greece/Delphi/Underground/OracleChamber01.lvl RestoreState chunkId 5, 131 RestoreState CreateObjectFromFile Records/Creature/NPC/Speaking/Story/Oracle.dbr Couldn't load resource 'invalidMesh' (file not found)
I couldn't find the file UndergroundTransparency.ssh in the archive Shaders.arc. "invalidMesh" seems to be generated by the TQ-engine and it is possible that this error was caused by the previous one. ---- (*) and this time there is no link to records\xpack2\proxiesnorth\pools\human\greekbandit_03_dark01.dbr from TitanQuest.dmp.txt so he's most likely innocent.
records\creature\monster\satyr\am_bloodthirster_10.dbr records\creature\monster\satyr\am_bloodthirster_12.dbr have been missed in Soulvizier AERA v1.9e - v1.10f at least, but used by some pool-points:
Me fix it by cloning bm-version (bm_bloodthirster_10(12).dbr be copied to am_bloodthirster_10(12).dbr and injected to database.arz by Glacie from Lixiss), but fix from the Author would be preferable. This dbr-files
records\item\equipmentarmor\m_e_siren.dbr records\item\equipmentarmor\m_e_telkine.dbr records\item\equipmentarmor\m_l_siren.dbr records\item\equipmentarmor\m_l_telkine.dbr records\item\equipmentarmor\m_n_siren.dbr records\item\equipmentarmor\m_n_telkine.dbrcontain incorrect data for mesh-field:
records\creature\monster\satyr\us_nesisfleshmender_15.dbrand this is due to the use of his personal spells - game is freezing when he uses area buff. For now, me del
records\proxies greek\area005\ag_beastmen_centaur_01n.dbr records\proxies greek\area005\ag_beastmen_centaur_01t.dbr records\proxies greek\area005\ag_beastmen_centaur_02n.dbr records\proxies greek\area005\ag_beastmen_centaur_02t.dbr records\xpack2\proxiesnorth\pools\human\greekbandit_03_dark01.dbrthe game has stopped CTD in Delphi.
This is because your hero drinks too many healing wine.
That's because you were too quick to killing the centaurs, and I'm enjoying the neighborhood.
Seriously, i'm visit chiron's grove few times, and did not notice issue with this bridge. Sounds like engine bug.
Hmm. But you're playing at normal speed, and I'm at maximum speed. Perhaps the appearance of this bug is related to this. Okay, if nothing can be done about it, we'll know.
Im pretty sure the bridge problem, if we call that way, its from TQ itself rather with the mod
So yes. But, for example, I do not remember the character falling on the bridge in the Lower Delphi. I have associations with map editing for Heroes4. As soon as a massive object was placed, the landscape changed irreversibly.