Author Topic: Shadow Champions (Mastery Mod) - WNG  (Read 317475 times)

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Shadow Champions (Mastery Mod) - WNG
« on: 18 October 2018, 21:58:09 »

Hello, fellow TQ players. Our new mod has now be released, the first mastery mod since the Ragnarök expansion!

This mod will add 10 new unique masteries to play with, along with many gameplay changes and additions across the entire game.

1. Chaos Mastery
2. Geomancy Mastery
3. Necromancy Mastery
4. Archery Mastery
5. Lifegiving Mastery
6. Aqua Mastery
7. Barbarism Mastery
8. Time Mastery
9. Science Mastery
10. Witchcraft Mastery

Download Link :
Non-Steam :!dEEWmA5S!q_AFtN4b3hteGHGcNBlRI82jGrtMcvm4udEjEWTnqVk
« Last Edit: 23 March 2020, 04:14:40 by WNG »

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[WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG - 1. Chaos Mastery
« Reply #1 on: 18 October 2018, 21:58:16 »
↜ 1. Chaos Mastery ↝

The adepts of Chaos hold the most terrific powers, ones which can destroy souls and wreak havoc upon entire armies. To fully harness this power, one must devote their entire self to the chaotic forces and master the magic of darkness.

Dev's Note:
The Chaos Mastery is a very offensive one, heavily focuses on Vitality damage. It also supports Physical, Piercing and Bleeding as secondary damage types. Heroes that use this mastery will become deadly spellcasters or berserkers, but will also be very vulnerable...

Skill Tree:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mastery Info:

__________Mastery Bonus: __________

Level 1:
+15 Health
+2 Strength
+2 Intelligence
+2 Dexterity

Level 40:
+750 Health
+80 Strength
+80 Intelligence
+80 Dexterity

__________Tier 1: __________

Twisted Mind
Your sanity slowly fades away, resulting in havoc-wreaking prowess, along with loss of empathy.
+% Energy Regeneration
+% Attack Speed
+% Casting Speed

Impure Blood
By becoming familiar with the chaos, your whole body suffers drastic changes. Among other things, your blood turns impure and protects you from dark magic.
+ Health Regeneration
% Vitality Resistance
% Slow Resistance

Befoul Weapons
The corruption growing inside you allows you to imbue your weapons with chaotic power.
1 Active Energy Cost per Second
50 Energy Reserved
Vitality Damage
+% Vitality Damage

Death Pulse
A ring of flesh-reaping energy violently strikes any foes around the player.
Vitality Damage
__________Tier 2: __________

Obscure Crescent
Reap the foes in front of you with a slashing attack.
Requires a melee weapon.

250 Arc of Attack
+% Increased Pierce Ratio
+% Pierce Damage
Bleeding Damage over 3.0 Seconds
Seconds of Fear

Augmented Reflexes (requires Impure Blood from Tier 1)
Increases your stamina to incredible levels to always remain on the offensive.
+ Defensive Ability
+% Movement Speed
-% Shield Recovery Time

Dreadful Impact
Sends forth a wave of chaotic power, that damages the body and the mind alike.
Vitality Decay over 3.0 seconds
Vitality Damage
__________Tier 3: __________

Dividing Magic
Focus your arcane consciousness to decimate entire landscapes.
Requires a staff.

% Chance to be used
% Chance to pass through ennemies
Vitality Damage

Devil's Rush
Rush at an opponent with incredible agility and deliver a most certainly deadly blow.
Requires a melee weapon.

+% Physical Damage
+% Pierce Damage
Pierce Damage
Vitality Damage
+% Movement Speed

Unleash Fury (requires Befoul Weapons from Tier 1)
The cursed touch of your weapons delivers a quick and gruesome death upon mortal beings.
% Reduction to Enemy's Health
% Chance of Reduced Resistances for 3.0 seconds

Extreme Pressure (requires Dreadful Impact from Tier 2)
The damage of the shock is increased tenfold, leaving your enemies wounded and destabilized.
+% Physical Damage
% Chance of Seconds of Fear
% Slower Movement over 3.0 Seconds

__________Tier 4: __________

This dual-wielding technique reaps the flesh of your enemies with bloodletting strikes of unprecedented violence.
Allows dual-wielding; requires dual-wielding melee weapons.

% Chance to be Used
Bleeding Damage over 3.0 Seconds
Pierce Damage

Power Upsurge
Awakens your inner wrath to multiply your strength for a brief moment.
30.0 Second Duration
10.0 Meter Radius
+% Bleeding Damage
+% Vitality Damage
+% Health Regeneration
-% Energy Cost

Blood Harvest (requires Death Pulse from Tier 1)
Augments the speed of the pulse, causing an instant hemorrhage.
Pierce Damage
Bleeding Damage over 3.0 seconds

__________Tier 5: __________

Torturer's Delight (requires Devil's Rush from Tier 3)
Skill Modifier
The sole satisfaction of inflicting agonizing wounds upon multiple foes allows you to carry on the slaughter.

Seconds Recharge
Energy Cost
360 Arc of Attack
Target Maximum
Life Leech over 3.0 Seconds

Demon's Gift (requires Befoul Weapons from Tier 1)
Exceeding energy permeates your mind and reinforces your soul to overcome adversity with ease.
+ Health
+ Energy
+% Total Speed

Eradicate (requires Death Pulse from Tier 1)
Forces of neither life nor death can escape your wrath.
Energy Cost
% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+Damage to Constructs
+Damage to Devices
+Damage to Undead
+Damage to Ghosts

Hellborn (requires Dreadful Impact from Tier 2)
Skill Modifier
Although sibling to the mortal race, gazing into the depths of hell will quickly prove that you and the hellspawns have much more in common than you initially thought.

Seconds Recharge
+% Physical Damage
Burn Damage over 3.0 seconds
-% Vitality Damage
-% Vitality Decay
Fire Damage

__________Tier 6: __________

Insigna of Anguish
Starving forces of the underworld reach out to the ground's surface and corrupt the ground with hellish signs, eliminating anyone who gets too close.
10.0 Second Duration
3.0 Meter Radius
Vitality Decay over 3.0 Seconds
Vitality Damage

Everlasting Hatred (requires Power Upsurge from Tier 4)
Overwhelming power fills your thoughts with rancor and hatred.
Energy Cost
Second Duration
+% Total Damage
+% Strength

An aura of terror gathers around you; foes daring to approach can neither remain brave nor unscarred for too long.
Chance for one of the following :
   % Reduced Offensive Ability Retaliation for 3.0 seconds
   % Reduced Defensive Ability Retaliation for 3.0 seconds
% Health Reduction Retaliation

Frenzy (requires Death Pulse from Tier 1)
Every cast of Death Pulse has a chance to recharge the skill almost instantly.
% Chance of -90% Recharge

__________Tier 7: __________

Offer your whole self to the chaotic forces. Submerge your conscience in darkness. Allow it to increase your damage tremendously, but only for a mere moment.
Energy Cost
1.5 Second Duration
+% Total Damage

Shadow Riposte
Each blow you take can unleash a burst of concentrated dark magic, that eradicates all nearby forms of life.
8% Chance of Activating
Energy Cost
1 Active Energy Cost per Second
8.0 Meter Radius
Vitality Damage
Energy Reserved
« Last Edit: 06 July 2019, 13:52:39 by WNG »

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More Masteries Mod - WNG - 2. Geomancy Mastery
« Reply #2 on: 18 October 2018, 21:58:27 »
↜ 2. Geomancy Mastery ↝

Geomancers are well-known for being fierce defenders of the Earth. By controlling the forces of the underground and nature, they can cast powerful spells to either break the world or restore it. With enough determination, Geomancers may shape the world the way they want.

Dev's Note:
The Geomancy Mastery offers great defensive options for your character, though it also offers some decent offensive skills to use. Geomancers can stun ennemies by several means. Multiple skills require melee weapons to work, however.

Skill Tree:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mastery Info:

__________Mastery Bonus: __________

Level 1:
+25 Health
+10 Energy
+2 Strength
+1 Intelligence

Level 40:
+1000 Health
+400 Energy
+100 Strength
+60 Intelligence

__________Tier 1: __________

Boulder Toss
Quickly bring dirt and rocky mass together to form a large boulder and hurl it at your opponents.
3.0 Meter Radius
25.0% chance of +50% Stun Duration
1.0 seconds of Skill Disruption
2.0 seconds of Stun

Increased physical strength allows you to lift your shield with less effort, thus making its usage more efficient.
-% Strength Requirement for Armor
-% Strength Requirement for Shields
+% Shield Block Chance

For a brief moment, protect yourself inside an unbreakable wall of stone, nullifying all incoming damage. The enemies who attempt to attack you may get momentarily stunned.
Seconds Recharge
2.0 Second Duration
100% Damage Absorption
% Chance of Stun Retaliation
__________Tier 2: __________

Staggering Force
Geomancers’ remarkable display of physical strength is capable of grinding bones into mere dust.
Requires an axe or a club.

+% Stun Duration
50% chance for one of the following :
   Crushing damage over 3.0 seconds
   +% Physical Damage

Sharpstones Veil
A set of razor-sharp rocks quickly orbits around you, reducing incoming damage and injuring nearby opponents.
5.0 Seconds Duration
3.0 Meter Radius
% Damage Absorption
% Chance to Dodge Attacks
Crushing damage per second

This shield technique can hit multiple targets in front of you, dealing high damage and incapacitating their skills.
Requires a shield.

360 Arc of Attack
Target Maximum
Crushing damage over 2.0 seconds
Seconds of Skill Disruption

Aftershock (requires Block from Tier 1)
Skill Modifier
Extends the duration of the stone barrier briefly, granting it a painful revenge on those who strike it, however, it consumes your entire reserve of energy.

2.0 Second Duration
10000 Energy Reserved
200% Damage Reflected

__________Tier 3: __________

Summon Stone Golem
Give life to mere pieces of stone, forming a powerful golem to fight by your side.

Original Creation
Form a barrier around yourself or an ally to reduce the susceptibility to elemental attacks.
%Damage Absorption
Protects Agaisnt :

Shield Expertise (requires Overpower from Tier 1)
Use your shield with unmatched dexterity to minimize the chances of getting injured.
Requires a shield.

-% Shield Recovery Time
% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

Worldbuilder's Aura
Connecting to the very core of nature serves as both a protective ward and an empowering essence to you and your minions.
1 Active Energy Cost per second
% Damage Absorption
+ Strength
+ Intelligence
+% Health Regeneration

Bonus to all pets:
+% Physical Damage
+% Elemental Damages

75 Energy Reserved
__________Tier 4: __________

Bedrock (requires Summon Stone Golem from Tier 3)
Build your golem out of the deepest rocks in the Earth’s crust to make it more resistant to damage.
+% Health
+% Health Regeneration
+% Energy Regeneration

Orogenesis (requires Sharpstones Veil from Tier 2)
Sharpstones Veil may be used more often, but it also becomes more energy-hungry.
Energy Cost
-Seconds Recharge

Violent Bash
A ruthless, bone-crushing shield technique which reduces enemies’ resilience as well as their precision.
Requires a shield.

% Chance to be Used
Crushing Damage over 2.0 seconds
Reduced Resistances for 3.0 seconds
% Chance to Fumble attacks for 3.0 seconds

Makes your skin as hard as stone, diminishing the effectiveness of all piercing attacks used on you.
% Pierce Resistance
% Bleeding Resistance

__________Tier 5: __________

Stone Hurler (requires Summon Stone Golem from Tier 3 and Bedrock from Tier 4)
Your golem may now toss large stone boulders at your opponents.
3.0 Meter Radius
1.0 - 3.0 Seconds of Stun

Crack the ground beneath your enemies to damage them and obstruct their movement.
Requires a melee weapon.

1.5 Seconds of Stun
% Slower Movement for 1.0 Seconds

Earthen Energy (requires Worldbuilder's Aura from Tier 3)
Knowledge and practice allow geomancers to manage and harness their energy better.
+% Energy Regeneration
Less Energy Reserved
% Absorption of Spell Energy
-% Energy Cost

Bonus to all Pets:
-% Energy Cost

__________Tier 6: __________

Shockwave (requires Summon Stone Golem from Tier 3 and Stone Hurler from Tier 5)
Gives your golem the ability to shake the Earth with it’s brute force.
9.0 Meter Radius
Electrical Burn over 3.0 Seconds
65% Slowed for Seconds

Primordial Creation (requires Original Creation from Tier 3)
Your link to nature grows stronger than ever, keeping your life forces and resolve at high levels.
+Offensive Ability
%Life Leech Resistance
%Energy Leech Resistance

Craggy Edges (requires Fissure from Tier 5)
Sharp rocky edges pierce your opponents, leave their armor damaged, and hinders their movement for longer.
Reduced Armor for 3.0 Seconds
+0% Slow Movement with +% Improved Duration

Exert every effort to improve the pulverizing power of your attacks.
+0% Crushing Damage with +% Improved Duration

__________Tier 7: __________

Sundering (requires Fissure from Tier 5)
Seismic forces awake as you strike to unfurl calamitous damage.
Energy Cost
+% Physical Damage
% Reduction to Enemy's Health

Seismic Strength
Charge the power of the Earth in your weapons, incapacitating multiple foes in a single attack.
Apply this skill to your left mouse button.
Requires a melee weapon.

1 Energy Cost
360 Arc of Attack
Target Maximum
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
6 Charge Levels
Seconds of Stun
% Slowed for Seconds
« Last Edit: 13 July 2019, 16:08:15 by WNG »

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Re: More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #3 on: 18 October 2018, 21:58:43 »
↜ 3. Necromancy Mastery ↝

Necromancers are feared worldwide for their ability to control the fallen. Raising their minions one by one, they can create their own small army to vanquish the living, who shall inevitably serve them in the afterlife.

Dev's Note:
Necromancy offers both spells with high damage, as well as regenerative abilities. It's also the favorite mastery of petmancers, as you can raise an army of skeletons to follow you around. Although fragile, they are cheap, numerous and on a low cooldown.

Skill Tree:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mastery Info:

__________Mastery Bonus: __________

Level 1:
+25 Health
+10 Energy
+2 Intelligence
+2 Dexterity

Level 40:
+1000 Health
+400 Energy
+80 Intelligence
+80 Dexterity

__________Tier 1: __________

Forbidden Codex
Study the archives of the Forbidden Codex, learning how to best utilize all sorts of weapons. Necromancers can put this knowledge into practice, which can ultimately give them an advantage in combat.
-% Strenght Requirement for all Weapons
-% Dexterity Requirement for all Weapons
-% Intelligence Requirement for all Weapons

Banishing Spell
This surge of shadow energy effectively defeats the living and the dead alike.
Vitality Damage
+Damage to Undead
Preview :

Cold Hand of Death
Cold and chilling magic wraps around the weapons of you and your allies, desecrating the foes touched by them with necrotic power.
1 Active Energy Cost per Second
8.0 Meter Radius
+% Vitality Damage
+% Vitality Decay
Vitality Damage
75 Energy Reserved

Summon Undead Minion
Invoke a weak but obedient skeletal pawn, to fight for you, for a short period of time.
Summon Limit
Preview :
__________Tier 2: __________

Skull Grenade
Throw a skull imbued with torturous fear, causing foes to panic, and in turn, becoming easy targets.
5.0 Meter Radius
% Reduction to Enemy's Health
% Reduced Offensive Ability for 3.0 seconds
Chance of seconds of Fear
Preview :

Vanquish Undead
Learn how to fend off the undead efficiently, with a special aura that increases control over them.
1 Active Energy Cost per Second
7.0 Meter Radius
50 Energy Reserved
+ Damage To Undead
+ Damage to Ghosts

Early Grave
Although Necromancers rely on vicious magic, which tortures their foes to death, they always find a way to quicken the process.
+% Attack Speed
% Increased Projectile Speed

Summon Undead Archer
Invoke a skeletal archer, that targets weak points and makes your opponents bleed, for a short period of time.
Summon Limit
Preview :
__________Tier 3: __________

Impaling Bones
Raises a row of piercing bone spires that tears your opponents’ flesh.
2.5 Meter Radius
100% Chance to Pass through Enemies
Crushing Damage per Second
Piercing Damage
Preview :

Bone Cage
Snares your opponents in a cage of piercing bones, preventing any movement for a short while.
5.0 Meter Radius
Second Duration
Crushing Damage per second
Piercing Damage
-% Defensive Ability
Preview :

Mana Source
Grants you the ability to gather magical energy out of seemingly nothing, empowering yourself and allowing you to cast spells tirelessly.
10.0 Second Duration
Seconds Recharge
+10.0 Energy Regeneration per Second
+% Energy Regeneration
+% Movement Speed
Preview :

Summon Undead Wizard
Invoke a long-dead wizard, that casts powerful spells, for a short period of time.
Summon Limit
Preview :
__________Tier 4: __________

Doom Sealing (requires Impaling Bones from Tier 3)
The bone spires, now inhabited by ghostly forces, terrorize and disrupt your opponents’ spellcasting.
Energy Cost
Energy Leech over 3.0 seconds
Seconds of Skill Disruption
Chance of seconds of Fear

Deathshield (requires Vanquish Undead from Tier 2)
Improve your ward to give protection from revenants' attacks, and bolster the damage of you and your allies.
75 Energy Reserved
+% Absorption of Spell Energy
+% Energy
+% Less Damage from Undead
+% Less Damage from Ghosts

Soul Chill (requires Cold Hand of Death from Tier 1)
Terrorize the very souls of your opponents with a chilling enchantment reserved to the strongest necromancers.
+% Cold Damage
Cold Damage
+25% Damage to Ghosts

Summon Undead Captain
Invoke an ancient commander to inspire its allies, for a short period of time.
Preview :
__________Tier 5: __________

Leave an enchanted, cursed gravestone as a grim reminder of what awaits your enemies.
This summon is invincible and cannot be destroyed by enemies.

Preview :

Degeneracy (requires Bone Prison from Tier 3)
Augmented necrotic magic saps the vitality of your ensnared victims.
Energy Cost
Vitality Decay per Second
Life Leech per Second

Reaper's Avatar (requires Cold Hand of Death from Tier 1)
Further embody the emblem of death and claim lives with unrivaled efficiency.
+% Pierce Damage
+% Offensive Ability
+% Movement Speed

__________Tier 6: __________

Soulflaying Magic (requires Impaling Bones from Tier 3)
Skill Modifier
Allows you to trade off all the physical pain for spiritual dolor, effectively increasing the damage done to your opponents' spirits but also decreases the damage done to their bodies.

-% Piercing Damage
Vitality Decay over 3.0 seconds
Vitality Damage

Spellbound Souls
Your countless victims are bound to your supremacy, obliged to serve you as a ward from incoming attacks.
+Defensive Ability
+%Chance to Avoid Projectiles
%Physical Resistance

Ossein Recovery (requires Summon Skeleton Warrior from Tier 1, requires Summon Skeleton Archer from Tier 2, requires Summon Skeleton Wizard from Tier 3 and requires Summon Skeleton Captain from Tier 4)
Prevent the bones of your minions from decaying and increase their overall toughness.
Bonus to Undead Pets:
   +% Health
   %Elemental Resistance

__________Tier 7: __________

Energy Rush (requires Mana Source from Tier 3)
Overflowing with energy, your spells grow much more potent for a short period of time.
Energy Cost
+% Elemental Damages
+% Vitality Damage
+% Life Leech
+% Energy Leech

Necromania (requires Ossein Recovery from Tier 6)
Awakening the undead makes their past regrets and vengeful desires reappear.
Second Duration

Bonus to Undead Pets:
   +% Total Damage
   +% Attack Speed
   +% Casting Speed
« Last Edit: 27 June 2019, 16:34:28 by WNG »

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Re: More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #4 on: 18 October 2018, 21:58:55 »
↜ 4. Archery Mastery ↝

The most well-trained Archers are unmatched in ranged combat, firing arrows at blinding speed combined with deadly accuracy. This masterfulness, however, only comes to those who are willing to spend years dedicated to training.

Dev's Note:
This mastery favors bow and thrown weapon users, with many boosts including attack speed, piercing damage, and bleeding damage. Unlike the Hunting mastery, it solely focuses on ranged weapons. It can be used as a secondary mastery if you switch weapons and use a bow as a secondary weapon.

Skill Tree:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mastery Info:

__________Mastery Bonus: __________

Level 1:
+30 Health
+4 Energy
+1 Strength
+3 Dexterity

Level 32:
+1020 Health
+128 Energy
+32 Strength
+96 Dexterity

__________Tier 1: __________

Split Shots
This special technique allows you to fire multiple projectiles at once to manage large groups more easily.
Requires either a bow or a thrown weapon.

% Chance to Pass through Enemies
Launches 5 Projectiles
Total Damage
Spoiler for Hiden:

Target Practice
Learn to remain steady and shoot under all conditions and from all angles to always hit the mark.
Requires a ranged weapon.

+% Dexterity
+% Attack Speed

Raptor Hunter
Call upon a bird of prey to assist you in hunting down your victims.
Spoiler for Hiden:

__________Tier 2: __________

Eagle Eye
Firing rapidly allows you to enter a state of increased focus, reducing the energy cost of your attacks and increasing the piercing power of your weapon. Apply this skill to your left mouse button.
Requires either a bow or a thrown weapon.

1 Energy Cost
Charge Levels
+% Pierce Damage
-% Energy Cost

Magical Winds
Concentrate a great amount of magical energy in a single, powerful projectile that damages all enemies in its path.
Requires either a bow or a thrown weapon.

3.0 Meter Radius
100% Chance to Pass through Enemies
Piercing Damage
Elemental Damage
% Slower Movement for 2.5 Seconds
Spoiler for Hiden:

Monster Hunter
Special training allows you to face all kinds of demons and giants with no hesitation.
+% Damage To Demons
+% Damage To Giants
+% less Damage from Demons
+% less Damage from Giants

Razor Sharpening
Increase the piercing potential of the weapons of the nearby allied units. Requires a bow, a thrown weapon, a sword or a spear.
1 Active Energy Cost per Second
Meter Radius
+% Increased Pierce Ratio
+% Pierce Damage

Bonus to All Pets:
+% Pierce Damage

50 Energy Reserved
Preview :
Spoiler for Hiden:

__________Tier 3: __________

Hunting Net
Throw a hunting net, entangling an enemy, preventing them from taking a single step for a duration, as well as heavily reducing their damage output.
Second Duration
Meter Radius
% Reduced Damage for 5.0 Seconds
-% Movement Speed

Blinding Winds (requires Magical Winds from Tier 2)
Intense rays of light emerge from your projectiles, which blind your enemies, making them unable to aim properly or defend themselves.
Energy Cost
Lightning Damage
% reduced Offensive Ability for 3.0 Seconds
% Chance of Impaired Aim for 3.0 Seconds
% Chance of seconds of Confusion

Intimidating Screech (requires Raptor Hunter from Tier 1)
The raptor’s screech sends a shivering wave, which lowers enemies’ resistance and damage dealt, for a short while.
8.0 Second Duration
-% Total Damage
-% Pierce Resistance

__________Tier 4: __________

Acute Precision (requires Eagle Eye from Tier 2)
The projectiles of your ranged weapons pass through enemies and deal increased piercing damage.
1 Energy cost
% Chance to Pass through Enemies
+% Pierce Damage

Ranger's Prowess
Rangers can share their techniques with companions and allies, improving their damage output and speed for a short moment.
Second Duration
Piercing Damage
+% Attack Speed
+% Casting Speed
Preview :
Spoiler for Hiden:

Scorching Edge (requires Razor Sharpening from Tier 2)
Instead of sharpening your arrows, you dip them into ignited oil to melt your opponent’s armor. However, the tar-like complexion of the arrow will make it dull.
Requires a bow.

+% Physical Damage
-% increased Pierce Ratio
-% Pierce Damage
Fire Damage
Reduced Armor for 3.0 Seconds

Silver Feathers (requires Bloodletting Talons from Tier 3)
Your raptor may now throw its piercing feathers to damage from afar and disturb eyesight.
% Chance to pass through Enemies
Piercing Damage
% Chance of Fumble for Seconds
% Chance of Impaired Aim for Seconds

__________Tier 5: __________

Languid Death (requires Eagle Eye from Tier 2)
Coat your projectiles with deadly poison, which brings slow but certain demise.
1 Energy Cost
Bleeding Damage over 4.0 Seconds
+% Bleeding Damage
Poison Damage over 4.0 Seconds
+% Poison Damage
% Chance of % Slower Movement for 3.0 Seconds

Vampire Shots (requires Magicwind Arrow from Tier 2)
Skill Modifier
Upgrade your magical shots to drain life from your enemies and restore yours. However, this technique will greatly increase the energy required to cast the skill.

150 Energy Cost
35% of Attack Damage Converted to Health

Divine Defiance (requires Monster Hunter from Tier 2)
The resolve of a monster slayer amplifies equally to the greatness of the challenge before them.
+% Damage To Deities
+% Damage To Titans
+% Damage To Telkines
+% less Damage from Deities
+% less Damage from Titans
+% less Damage from Telkines

Scavenger (requires Silver Feathers from Tier 4)
Feeding on the flesh of its sufferers and tracking those who attempt to flee becomes trivial to the most relentless raptors.
% of Attack Damage Converted to Health
+% Attack Speed

__________Tier 6: __________

Headshot (requires Eagle Eye from Tier 2)
Shots perfectly aimed at the head may cause critical damage and knock out enemies.
Energy Cost
+% Physical Damage
% Chance of Seconds of Stun
% Increase in Projectile Speed

Devastating Shots (requires Bow Mastery from Tier 4)
Perfected skills with ranged weapons allows you to aim where your opponents least expect it and deal extraordinary damage.
Requires either a bow or a thrown weapon.

Energy Cost
% Chance of +% Increased Pierce Ratio
% Chance of +% Bleeding Damage over 3.0 Seconds
% Chance of +% Total Damage

Ominous Arrows
Multiple piercing arrows, imbued with dreadful essence, explode in a small radius burst upon contact.
Requires a bow.

3 Projectile(s)
1.5 Meter Radius
% Chance to pass through Enemies
Bleeding Damage over 3.0 Seconds
Cold Damage
Vitality Damage
Spoiler for Hiden:

Light Armor Specialist
Learn how to adjust and customize the armor pieces of you and your allies, allowing for faster movement and an increase in durability.
% Pierce Resistance
+% Movement Speed
Spoiler for Hiden:

__________Tier 7: __________

Dragon Arrow
Launch a scorching, fiery arrow that explodes upon hitting the first enemy it encounters and deals a great deal of burn damage over time.
Requires a bow.

Energy Cost
3.0 Meter Radius
Burn Damage over 5.0 Seconds
Piercing Damage
Fire Damage
1.5 seconds of Stun
Preview :
Spoiler for Hiden:

Astuteness (requires Light Armor Specialist from Tier 6)
Having more cunning and cleverness than your opponents allows you to use different defensive strategies to outsmart your foes.
Energy Reserved
+% Defensive Ability
% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
% Reduced Entrapment Duration
« Last Edit: 21 July 2019, 14:36:12 by WNG »

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Re: [WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #5 on: 20 October 2018, 22:10:38 »
↜ 5. Lifegiving Mastery ↝

The adepts that follow the way of the light learn to spread health and peace wherever their journey leads them. Even though the Lifegivers hold great healing powers, they do not hesitate to use powerful magic to stop those who hinder their quest.

Dev's Note:
The Lifegiving mastery is generally a defensive one, granting strong buffs for allied units, which offer both survivability and damage potential. Though it is not an offensive mastery, it contains a few damaging skills to play with, favoring Fire and Burn damage.

Skill Tree:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mastery Info:

__________Mastery Bonus: __________

Level 1:
+50 Health
+12 Energy
+2 Intelligence
+1 Dexterity

Level 40:
+1800 Health
+480 Energy
+80 Intelligence
+40 Dexterity

__________Tier 1: __________

Torchbearer's Bastion
Wield your aegis as a victorious symbol, bolstering your defense, and increasing the damage of your strikes.
Requires a shield.

+% Physical Damage
+% Burn Damage
+% Shield Block Chance

Gift of Life
Close the wounds and replenish the lost vigor of an ally with a curing light.
Health Restored
Spoiler for Hiden:

Fiery Strikes
Charge heavenly power in your attacks to deal serious injuries and burns.Apply this skill to your left mouse button.
Hits twice when used on melee range

4.0 Seconds Recharge
100% chance to pass through enemies
Fire Damage
+33% Offensive Ability

__________Tier 2: __________

Pure Heart
Strong-willed warriors always prevail when fighting for what they believe.
+% Health
% Poison Resistance

Godly Presence
Powerful radiant energy emanates from you, strengthening all friendly entities.
14.0 Meter Radius
100 Energy Reserved
Spoiler for Hiden:

Crystal Balls
Sends a wave of crystalline projectiles, imbued with elemental magic, which damages enemies on contact.
10 Projectiles
1.5 Meter Radius
Burn Damage over 3.0 seconds
Elemental Damage
Spoiler for Hiden:

Those who attempt to stop beneficence are sentenced to a punishment deserving of their sins.
25.0% Chance of Burn Retaliation over 3.0 Seconds

__________Tier 3: __________

Screen of Light
Assault your opponents with a violent flash of blinding light that weakens them and spreads to nearby enemies at lightspeed.
6.0 Second Duration
Burn Damage over 6.0 Seconds
Reduced Damage for 6.0 Seconds
Reduced Resitances for 6.0 Seconds
-% Health Regeneration
Spoiler for Hiden:

Depraved Act (requires Godly Presence from Tier 2)
Skill Modifier
Go against the teachings of the light, sacrificing a part of your humanity for achieving higher power.

% Attack damage converted to Health
-% Strength
-% Intelligence
-% Dexterity
-% Energy

Skyward Shock (requires Crystal Balls from Tier 2)
Invisible forces from the sky upgrade your crystals to cripple the vital energy from your foes faster.
Energy Cost
% Energy Drain (% of lost Energy as Damage)
Seconds of Skill Disruption

Guilt (requires Punishment from Tier 2)
Regardless of the option they choose, your enemies shall regret their wretchedness.
+% Physical Retaliation
+% Pierce Damage Retaliation
+% Fire Retaliation
+% Cold Retaliation
+% Lightning Retaliation
+% Instant Poison Retaliation
+% Vitality Damage Retaliation
+% Bleeding Retaliation
+% Burn Retaliation
+% Frostburn Retaliation
+% Electrical Burn Retaliation
+% Poison Retaliation
+% Life Decay Retaliation

__________Tier 4: __________

Numbing Magic (requires Screen of Light from Tier 3)
Your foes get dazed and confused, which greatly stifles their fighting ability.
Energy Cost
% Chance to Fumble Attacks for 1.0 Seconds
% Chance of Impaired Aim for 1.0 Seconds
Seconds of Disruption
1.0 Seconds of Confusion

Celestial Armory (requires Godly Presence from Tier 2)
Bless all your weapons with a powerful angelic enchantement.
50 Energy Reserved
+% Fire Damage
Fire Damage
% of Attack Damage Converted to Health
+% Damage to Demons

Radiant Orb
Creates a veil of light that absorbs a certain quantity of physical damage until it breaks.
Damage Absorption
Protects against :
+50% Health Regeneration
Spoiler for Hiden:

__________Tier 5: __________

Heavenly Order
Call upon the skies to summon an archangel to assist you in your journey. Later levels unlock new spells for her to use.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Angelic Altar
Summon a shrine from the heavens that casts a large aura of protection.
Cannot be dispelled.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Diamond Rage (requires Crystal Balls from Tier 2)
Diminishes the mental resources required to conjure the crystal balls.
-% Recharge
-% Energy Cost

Celerity (requires Radiant Orb from Tier 4)
Empower your shield with a spell that grants great speed and agility.
+ Defensive Ability
+% Attack Speed
+% Casting Speed

Reciprocate (requires Punishment from Tier 2)
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Anyone who attempts to harm you suffers just as much pain.
% Damage Reflected

__________Tier 6: __________

Guardian Angel (requires Heavenly Order from Tier 5)
The sole presence of the purest being fosters hope and empowers allied units.Cannot be dispelled.
15.0 Meter Radius

Bonus to All Pets:
+%Armor Absorption

Fury of the Skies (requires Angelic Altar from Tier 5)
The altar channels a powerful thunder spell that bounces to all nearby targets, seriously damaging them.
Lightning Damage
0.5 Seconds of Stun

Strength Bestowal
Lend great amounts of power to a unique ally, allowing them to wreak havoc for a short period of time.
15.0 Second Duration
+% Total Damage
+% Health Regeneration
+% Energy Regeneration
+% Offensive Ability
+% Defensive Ability
Spoiler for Hiden:

__________Tier 7: __________

Purity (requires Strength Bestowal from Tier 6)
Push the limits of a mortal envelope further, banishing all evil from within the target’s soul.
Energy Cost
Seconds Duration
+Health Regeneration
% Vitality Resistance

Painkiller (requires Radiant Orb from Tier 4)
The best tool to survive is an unbreakable resolve.
+Health Regeneration
% Physical Resistance
% Bleeding Resistance
« Last Edit: 21 July 2019, 15:29:08 by WNG »

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Re: [WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #6 on: 20 October 2018, 22:11:17 »
↜ 6. Aqua Mastery ↝

Aquamancers control everything related to water and ally it with magic to pursue their restless quests. The domain of Aquamancy holds various destructive spells to chill and freeze, all with enormous destructive power.

Dev's Note:
The Aqua Mastery favors Cold and Frostburn damage, with its powerful array of related abilities, though they tend to be very energy-hungry at the maximum level with synergies included. You can also raise Water Spirits, which are powerful ranged minions, to aid you.

Skill Tree:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mastery Info:

__________Mastery Bonus: __________

Level 1:
+27 Health
+5 Energy
+1 Strength
+1 Intelligence
+2 Dexterity

Level 40:
+1080 Health
+200 Energy
+40 Strength
+40 Intelligence
+80 Dexterity

__________Tier 1: __________

Oceanic Might
The power of the ocean is invoked in your every fourth hit, blasting enemies with a powerful jet of water that instantly turns to ice. Apply this skill to your left mouse button.
1 Energy Cost
45 Arc of Attack
2 Target Maximum
3 Charge Levels
+% Total Damage
Frostburn Damage over 3.0 seconds

Aquamancer's Bounty
Temporarily increase your own power, or permeate an ally with the teachings of aquamancy, granting them control over water, even despite their lack of knowledge in this school of magic.
120.0 Second Duration
Cold Damage
+% Total Speed
25.0% Chance of Cold Retaliation
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mark of the Trident
Mastery of trident-like weapons has been a vital part of all Aquamancers’ studies, thus improving their overall ability with using spears.
Requires a spear.

Pierce Damage
+% Attack Speed

__________Tier 2: __________

Environmental Adaptation
Your body adapts to living in most climates and conditions; dry land, pollution and even underwater.
% Fire Resistance
% Cold Resistance
% Poison Resistance
% Reduced Freeze Duration

Hypothermia (requires Aquamancer's Bounty from Tier 1)
Lingering frost is brought upon your enemies, ensuring a slow and certain demise, crippling both the tough and the weak.
+% Frostburn Damage
33% Chance of Frostburn Retaliation over 3.0 Seconds

Shore Uprising
Deliver a blow of concentrated water, with the pressure capable of breaking bones.
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
Cold Damage
Spoiler for Hiden:

Summon Water Spirit
You call upon a water spirit from the depths of an ocean, that will follow you and aid you in taking down monsters with cold water. Later levels increase the summon limit.
Spoiler for Hiden:

__________Tier 3: __________

Concentrated water pulses cause metal armor to rust, almost completely negating its effectiveness.
1 Energy Cost
Reduced Armor for 3.0 seconds

Scaly Skin (requires Environmental Adaptation from Tier 1)
Your skin becomes scaly and resilient, similar to that of a reptile, yet doesn't diminish your agility.
% Pierce Resistance

Tsunami Spin (requires Mark of the Trident from Tier 1)
A technique reserved to spear-wielders. This trick allows you to hit two enemies twice in a single attack. 
Requires a spear.

% Chance to be Used
250 Arc of Attack
2 Target Maximum
Frostburn Damage over 3.0 Seconds
+% Cold Damage

__________Tier 4: __________

Cast large torrents of water on a specific zone, assaulting any hostile units with a cold and drenching rain.
2.5 Meter Radius
Cold Damage
Spoiler for Hiden:

Absolute Zero (requires Aquamancer's Bounty from Tier 1)
Masterful control over water and ice allows your magic to reach the lowest temperatures.
+% Cold Damage
5% Chance of Seconds of Freeze
33% Chance of % Slowed for 3.0 Seconds

Ire of Storms (requires Shore Uprising from Tier 2)
Heeding the call of the storms, your surging tides, ever increasing in power, are now  allied with the wrath of the tempest.
Lightning Damage
-% Energy Cost

Wash Out (requires Summon Water Spirit from Tier 2)
Blast enemies with a destabilizing pulse of water, effectively worsening the victims' fighting skills.
Energy Cost
2.0 Second Duration
3.0 Meter Radius
Cold Damage
% reduced Offensive Ability for 5.0 seconds

__________Tier 5: __________

Flash Freeze (requires Oceanic Might from Tier 1)
When using a ranged weapon, imbue your shots with biting cold, capable of freezing and impaling multiple targets at once.
Requires a ranged weapon.

1 Energy Cost
% Chance to pass through enemies
+% Cold Damage
+% Frostburn Damage
% Chance of Seconds of Freeze
100% Increase in Projectile Speed

Acid Rain (requires Rain from Tier 4)
Skill Modifier
Toxic and acidic water chips away at your enemies’ life force and resistances.

-% Cold Damage
Poison Damage over 5.0 Seconds
% Reduction to Enemy's Health
Reduced Resistances for 3.0 Seconds
% Slowed for 3.0 Seconds

Dive forward and attack violently in melee range, and do so with unexisting cooldown constraints, allowing you to quickly travel around the battleground.
Requires a melee weapon.

+% Total Damage
Cold Damage
Lightning Damage
1.0 Seconds of Disruption
+125% Movement Speed
80% Slow Resistance

Magical Sea Sources (requires Wash Out from Tier 4)
Spirits born from enchanted water sources are able to use an enhanced arsenal of spells, alongside a life-leeching ability.
+% Cold Damage
+% Frostburn Damage
% of Attack damage Converted to Health
% Increased Projectile Speed

__________Tier 6: __________

Regenerative Shell
Preventively creates an enveloppe of protective energy, blocking most attacks and reducing potential damage inflicted by enemy sources.
8% Chance of Activating
12.0 Second Duration
+Health Regeneration per second
+Energy Regeneration per second
% Chance to Dodge Attacks
% Chance to Avoid Projectiles

Bonus to all pets:
+Health Regeneration per second
+Energy Regeneration per second
% Chance to Dodge Attacks
% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
Spoiler for Hiden:

Torrential Flow (requires Rain from Tier 4)
Invoking rain with strength of a waterfall allows you to crush foes with immense power.
Energy Cost
% Chance of 1.5 - 3.0 Seconds of Stun
% Slowed for 3.0 Seconds

Tidal Wave
Summon a colossal, circular wave of water around you, violently disabling everyone caught in it.
15.0 Meter Radius
Frostburn Damage over 3.0 Seconds
Cold Damage
2.0 Seconds of Stun
Spoiler for Hiden:

Tempest Spear (requires Mark of the Trident from Tier 1)
A strong technique only usable by spear-wielders. Learn how to strike an enemy thrice in a row, with unmatched speed and tempestuous force.
Requires a spear.

% Chance to be Used
+% Lightning Damage
Lightning Damage

__________Tier 7: __________

Dangerous Waters (requires Tidal Wave from Tier 6)
The indomitable seas submerge your enemies in the coldest waves, freezing their whole bodies.
Energy Cost
+% Cold Damage
+% Frostburn Damage with +% Improved Duration
1.5 Seconds of Freeze

Hydrothermal Explosion
Heat the water beneath the soil, causing a geyser to erupt, scorching anything that comes in contact with it.
6.0 Second Duration
5.0 Meter Radius
Burn Damage per Second
Frostburn Damage per Second
% Chance to Fumble attacks for 2.0 Seconds
% Chance to Impaired Aim for 2.0 Seconds
Spoiler for Hiden:
« Last Edit: 15 July 2019, 01:24:55 by WNG »

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Re: [WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #7 on: 20 October 2018, 22:11:44 »
↜ 7. Barbarism Mastery ↝

Barbarians are universally acknowledged as fearless berserkers, fierce warmongers and unrivaled melee duelists. Guided by their pride, they will make sure no man daring to defy their superiority is left standing.

Dev's Note:
Barbarism is an aggressive mastery, mostly revolving around melee weapons, physical and bleeding damage. There are also a few berserker-themed skills, that grant high attack speed, offensive potential and invoke fear in enemies. It also allows dual-wielding and the usage of some exclusive techniques.

Skill Tree:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mastery Info:

__________Mastery Bonus: __________

Level 1:
+38 Health
+3 Strength
+1 Dexterity

Level 40:
+1500 Health
+120 Strength
+40 Dexterity

__________Tier 1: __________

Berserker's Wrath
Give up logical thinking for brute strength, unleashing attacks of greater force.

Battle Momentum
The act of fighting awakens the truculent warrior inside you, unlocking the full potential of your fighting skills, in the heat of the battle. Apply this skill to your left mouse button.
Charge Levels
+% Attack Speed
% Increased Projectile Speed

Warlord's Challenge
Intimidate your enemies with a fierce battle shout, weakening their resolve.
10.0 Meter Radius
% Reduced Damage for 3.0 Seconds
% Slowed for 3.0 Seconds
Spoiler for Hiden:

__________Tier 2: __________

Learn to effectively use two weapons and attack with both at the same time.
Allows and requires dual-wield.

% Chance to be Used
+% Physical Damage

Combat Spirit
As an expert of melee weaponry and a fighting veteran, you inspire your allies to conquer and seek greater challenges.
10.0 Meter Radius
+% Physical Damage
Piercing Damage
+Offensive Ability
75 Energy Reserved

Slam the ground with extreme power, breaking the soil beneath your enemies.
Requires a melee weapon or a staff.

4.0 Meter Radius
1.5 Seconds of Stun
Spoiler for Hiden:

For a short moment, you are able to ignore grave injuries, preventing wounds and detrimental effects from lasting.
Seconds Recharge
3.0 Second Duration
%Damage Absorption
100% Reudction in Bleeding Duration
100% Reudction in Burn Duration
100% Reudction in Frostburn Duration
100% Reudction in Electrical Burn Duration
100% Reudction in Poison Duration
100% Reudction in Vitality Decay Duration
100% Reudction in Life Leech Duration
100% Reudction in Energy Leech Duration

__________Tier 3: __________

Unhuman Physique (requires Combat Spirit from Tier 2)
The usage of heavy weapons comes easily to a hero with an unbelievable constitution.
+% Strength
-% Strength Requirement for Melee Weapons
25 Energy Reserved

Mutilating Edge (requires Battle Momentum from Tier 1)
Your strike violently, making a sanguine river flow; a bloodbath for your slain opponents to rot in.
Requires either a melee or a one-handed ranged weapon.

15% Chance of Bleeding Damage over 3.0 Seconds
+% Bleeding Damage

Battleground's Menace (requires Warlord's Challenge from Tier 1)
Legends speak of your indescribable wrath; those that defy you quickly understand that they are outclassed, and cower before your undeniable supremacy.
Energy Cost
%Chance of:
  % reduced Offensive Ability for 3.0 Seconds
  % reduced Defensive Ability for 3.0 Seconds
% Chance of Seconds of Fear

Even when critically injured, you ignore the pain and open wounds, to carry on with an unquestionable will to survive and a triumphant resolve.
Remains active while health is low.
Cannot be dispelled.

Activates when Health drops below 40%
3.0 Second Duration
+% Movement Speed
% Chance to Dodge Attacks
% Chance to Avoid Projectiles
% Chance of % Physical Resistance
Spoiler for Hiden:

__________Tier 4: __________

Slash Flurry (requires Dual Wield from Tier 2)
Hack your foes to pieces with this powerful dual-wielding technique, cutting through limbs like paper.
Requires dual-wielding melee weapons.

% Chance to be Used
Bleeding Damage over 3.0 Seconds

Mayhem (requires Earthshock from Tier 2)
Unleash thunderous destruction to rip apart the enemies unlucky enough to cross your path.
Energy Cost
Electrical Burn Damage over 3.0 Seconds
% Slower Attack over 3.0 Seconds

Treacherous Javelin
Mark your target for certain demise, with a piercing javelin throw.
5.0 Second Duration
1.0 Meter Radius
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
Bleeding Damage per Second
Piercing Damage
-% Armor Protection
-% Pierce Resistance
-% Bleeding Resistance
Spoiler for Hiden:

__________Tier 5: __________

Barrage (requires Dual Wield from Tier 2)
Rapidly throw a flurry of weapons at your victims, bombarding them with unavoidable, flesh-cutting projectiles.
Requires dual-wielding ranged weapons.

% Chance to be Used
% Chance to pass through Enemies
+25% Increased Pierce Ratio

Hemorrhage (requires Combat Spirit from Tier 2)

Various strategies are used to cause grave bleeding, though barbarians often opt for the least subtle one: continuously striking hard.

30% Chance of +% Bleeding Damage
% Slowed for 3.0 Seconds
50 Energy Reserved

Undying Fury
Reduce all damage taken for a short period of time, continuing on a battle even against all odds.
10 Second Duration
% Damage Absorption
+% Armor Absorption
Spoiler for Hiden:

Nerves of Steel (requires Ferocity from Tier 3)
Physical injuries barely affect your fighting skills, as you remain surprisingly steady and focused, even in the heat of the battle.
+% Bleeding Damage
+% Health Regeneration
% Bleeding Resistance
% Sleep Resistance
% Stun Resistance
% Slow Resistance

__________Tier 6: __________

Blade Blaze
Attack with a blind rage, slaughtering a single victim with an avalanche of violent blows.
Requires dual-wielding melee weapons.


Champion of the Pit (requires Battle Momentum from Tier 1)
Years spent undefeated in the arena made you into a warrior of unprecedented resolve and talent.
% Pierce Resistance
% Skill Disruption Resistance

Landslide (requires Earthshock from Tier 2)
Skill Modifier
Focus the damage of Earthshock solely on inflicting as many open wounds as possible.

-40% Physical Damage
480 Bleeding Damage over 3.0 Seconds
-300% Stun Duration

Stab Wound
Whet your bladed weapons to inflict greater piercing damage.
+% increased Pierce Ratio
+% Pierce Damage

__________Tier 7: __________

Whirlwinding Blades (requires Dual Wield from Tier 2)
A secret technique of the elite bladedancers, which allows you to spin around and hit all nearby enemies.
Requires dual-wielding melee weapons.

% Chance to be Used
360 Arc of Attack
Target Maximum
Reduced Resistances for 3.0 Seconds
Spoiler for Hiden:

Untameable (requires Undying Fury from Tier 5)
The wrath of the barbarians turns them into uncontrollable killing machines.
Energy Cost
% of Attack Damage converted to Health
+% Total Speed
% Chance to Dodge Attacks
« Last Edit: 13 July 2019, 16:12:08 by WNG »

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Re: [WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #8 on: 20 October 2018, 22:11:52 »
↜ 8. Time Mastery ↝

Timetravellers prevent wars and catastrophes from happening unbeknown to simple mortals. With the power to control the flow of time, they may accelerate, slow and even stop the timeline they are in.

Dev's Note:
The Time mastery focuses on effects over time and speed modifications. The users of this mastery are excellent at using damage over time by increasing its duration, and reducing the span of attacks inflicted on them.

Skill Tree:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mastery Info:

__________Mastery Bonus: __________

Level 1:
+20 Health
+15 Energy
+1 Strength
+2 Intelligence
+1 Dexterity

Level 40:
+800 Health
+600 Energy
+40 Strength
+80 Intelligence
+40 Dexterity

__________Tier 1: __________

Temporal Energy
Wrap your weapons with ardent flux that causes serious injuries upon contact.
Active Energy Cost per Second
Chance for one of the following:
   Burn Damage over 3.0 Seconds
   Frostburn Damage over 3.0 Seconds
   Electrical Burn Damage over 3.0 Seconds

Abiding Majesty
Decades of practice have created a link between you and the universe, to a point where handling magical energy comes easier than ever.
% Elemental Resistance
-% Energy Cost

Young Years
Remain quick-witted like in your youth, eager to experience and learn from your mistakes, all with a childlike curiosity.
-% Health
+% Increased Experience

__________Tier 2: __________

Mend Wounds
Greatly speed up the natural process of cicatrization, allowing to efficiently recover health, even in the midst of the battle.
4.0 Seconds Duration
+Health Regeneration
+%Health Regeneration
Spoiler for Hiden:

Interdimensional Breach
Tear a gap in your reality, allowing you to disappear and sneakily attack unaware victims.
250 Arc of Attack
Target Maximum
+% Physical Damage
Electrical Burn over 3.0 Seconds
Lightning Damage
+1000% Movement Speed
Spoiler for Hiden:

An eternity spent fighting has rendered you partially insensible to pain.
+% Armor Protection
+% Armor Absorption

__________Tier 3: __________

Using your arcane weapon, synchronize with an alternate dimension to attack multiple times at once.
Requires a staff.

% Chance to be Used
5 Projectiles

Eye of the Mind (requires Temporal Energy from Tier 1)
Your mindfulness allows you to predict your enemies’ movements and always stay a step ahead of them.
Active Energy Cost per Second
+ Offensive Ability
% Stun Resistance
% Reduced Entrapment Duration

Hourglass of Waning
Turn the tides of time against your foes, aging them into foreseeable and feeble fools.
5.0 Meter Radius
-% Total Damage
-% Total Speed
-% Offensive Ability
Spoiler for Hiden:

Cosmic Nebula
Summon raging clouds of gas, alike cosmic nebulas, to obscure enemies’ vision and burn their bodies, in a relentless pursuit.
Spoiler for Hiden:

__________Tier 4: __________

Slowing Rift
Massively slow down nearby foes with a wide field that distorts the current timeline in its area of effect.
Active Energy Cost per Second
8.0 Meter Radius
% Slowed for 1.0 Second
Spoiler for Hiden:

Time Freeze
Send a wave of temporal energy that immobilizes enemies in time and space, leaving them open to attacks.
Seconds of Petrify

Seeker (requires Cosmic Nebula from Tier 3)
The summoned nebulas move quicker between enemies, and burn them gravely.
+% Elemental Damage
+% Movement Speed

__________Tier 5: __________

Celestial Quintessence (requires Temporal Energy from Tier 1)
Stellar energy gathers in your weapon, increasing all elemental damage dealt.
Active Energy Cost per Second
Elemental Damage
+% Elemental Damage

Rise of the Ancestors
Invoke powerful mages from the past era to take up fight anew alongside you, for a brief moment.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Share your time-controlling power with your minions, allowing them to use their skills more often.
Active Energy Cost per Second
10.0 Meter Radius
75 Energy Reserved

Bonus to All Pets:
-% Recharge
Spoiler for Hiden:

Timeless Power (requires Interdimensional Breach from Tier 2)
Skill Modifier
Uncover an ancient technique, which turns your weapon’s damage into that of the primary elements, striking multiple foes with extended reach.

Energy Cost
360 Arc of Attack
3 Target Maximum
20 Elemental Damage
100% Weapon Base Damage becomes Elemental

__________Tier 6: __________

Bewildering Speed (requires Slowing Rift from Tier 4)
The energy from the distorted rift allows you to move at higher speed, yet the enemies caught in it, who can’t control it as well, get severely electrocuted.
Active Energy Cost per Second
Electrical Burn Damage per Second
+% Movement Speed

Wrathful Sorcery (requires Rise of the Ancestors from Tier 5)
Empowers the magic of your ancestors, unlocking their full potential.
+% Energy Regeneration
+% Casting Speed
% Increased Projectile Speed

Astral Mergence
Connect to an alternative timeline, in order to briefly combine the powers with your other self.
26.0 Second Duration
+% Elemental Damages
+% Intelligence
+% Health
Spoiler for Hiden:

Eternize (requires Perenniality from Tier 2)
Inflict wounds which cause your enemies to suffer eternally.
+0% Crushing Damage with % Increased Duration
+0% Bleeding Damage with % Increased Duration
+0% Burn Damage with % Increased Duration
+0% Frostburn Damage with % Increased Duration
+0% Electrical Burn Damage with % Increased Duration
+0% Poison Damage with % Increased Duration
+0% Vitality Decay Damage with % Increased Duration

__________Tier 7: __________

Gravity Nova
Modify the rules of time in a circular area, shattering and imploding everything inside.
3.0 Second Duration
7.0 Meter Radius
Crushing Damage per Second
Lightning Damage
% Reduction of Enemy's Health
Reduced Armor for 5.0 Seconds
1.0 Seconds of Petrify
Spoiler for Hiden:

Forgotten Knowledge (requires Rise of the Ancestors from Tier 5)
The spirits imbue you and your allies with long-lost secrets from the past, increasing all magical potential.
30.0 Second Duration
10.0 Meter Radius
Chance for one of the following :
   +% Fire Damage
   +% Cold Damage
   +% Lightning Damage
+% Attack Speed
-% Energy Cost

Accelerate (requires Perenniality from Tier 2)
As you master controlling the flow of time, you become able to accelerate your own reality.
% Reduction in Bleeding Duration
% Reduction in Burn Duration
% Reduction in Frostburn Duration
% Reduction in Lightning Duration
% Reduction in Poison Duration
% Reduction in Vitality Decay Duration
% Reduction in Life Leech Duration
% Reduction in Energy Leech Duration
« Last Edit: 13 July 2019, 16:17:28 by WNG »

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Re: [WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #9 on: 20 October 2018, 22:12:00 »
↜ 9. Science Mastery ↝

Scientists are the masters of technology, which gives them an outstanding advantage on the battlefield. Their knowledge of physics, chemistry, and other domains of science, allows them to use lethal toxins and build powerful machines.

Dev's Note:
The Science mostly favors Poison and Lightning damage. With it, you may gain access to multiple useful skills and pets that can complement your other mastery.

Skill Tree:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mastery Info:

__________Mastery Bonus: __________

Level 1:
+20 Health
+15 Energy
+1 Strength
+1 Intelligence
+1 Dexterity

Level 40:
+800 Health
+600 Energy
+53 Strength
+53 Intelligence
+53 Dexterity

__________Tier 1: __________

You hit your foes precisely where it causes the most damage, and in turn, you become very efficient at dismantling mechanical devices.
+% Physical Damage
+% Damage to Constructs
+% Damage to Devices

Build Automaton
Use scrap metal pieces to form a fully customizable battle automaton that obeys your orders and proves itself immensely powerful in battle.

Poison Weapons
Profound knowledge of alchemy allowed you to develop a potent poison that brings deadly effects in mere seconds.
Poison Damage over 3.0 seconds
+% Instant Poison Damage
Instant Poison Damage

__________Tier 2: __________

Technological Advancement (requires Rubblemaker from Tier 1)
Your knowledge and innovation give your weapons and gear an edge over your opponents.
+% Attack Speed
+% Armor Protection

Sprockets (requires Build Automaton from Tier 1)
Study closely the plans of your automaton to figure new possible improvements to speed up its movements.
+% Total Speed
80% Slow Resistance

Electrical Field
Cast a zone of electrifying energy, damaging enemies who find themselves caught in its radius.
5.0 Meter Radius
6.0 Second Duration
Electrical Burn Damage per Second
Lightning Damage

Nature Familiarity
Your past studies on biology prove useful during your journey, when it comes to knowing how to better deal with beasts and plants alike.
+Health Regeneration per second
+Less Damage from Beasts
+Less Damage from Beastmen
+Less Damage from Insectoids
+Less Damage from Plants

__________Tier 3: __________

Proximity Mine
Deploys an explosive device that triggers when an enemy comes nearby, bursting with an electric blast.

Corrode (requires Poison Weapons from Tier 1)
Enhance the poison with burning acid that melts both flesh and bones.
25 Energy Reserved
+% Instant Poison Damage
+% Damage to Constructs
+% Damage to Undead

Build Bolt Trap
Create a durable trap, which shoots poisonous piercing projectiles in all directions.

Emergency Plan
In case things don’t go according to plan, this smokescreen allows you to escape almost any situation.
5.0 Meter Radius
%Reduced Damage for 3.0 seconds
% Chance of Seconds of Confusion
% Slowed for Seconds

__________Tier 4: __________

Mutagen Prototype
An injection of this serum empowers the attacks of an ally with vicious poison, but it also deteriorates their organism slowly. Use with caution.
25 Second Duration
Poison Damage over 3.0 Seconds
+% Instant Poison Damage
+% Poison Damage
Instant Poison Damage
-Health Regeneration per second
Poison Retaliation over 3.0 seconds

Spinning Gears (requires Sprockets from Tier 2)
Implement rotating gears, allowing your automaton to attack multiple enemies at once.
360 Arc of Attack
Target Maximum
% Reduction to Enemy's Health
% Reduced Damage for 3.0 seconds

With great experience, you learn how to do more with less resources.
% Chance of -50% Energy Cost

__________Tier 5: __________

Radioactive Core (requires Spinning Gears from Tier 4)
Install a core of radioactive energy at the center of your automaton, causing irreparable damage to anyone standing too close.
5.0 Meter Radius
Poison Damage over 3.0 Seconds
Instant Poison Damage
Reduced Resistances for 3.0 Seconds
-% Poison Resistance

Antidote (requires Poison Weapons from Tier 1)
Mastering the art of elixir-making, you are able to create an antidote, which protects you from toxins and life-decaying attacks.
50 Energy Reserved
% Poison Resistance
% Reduction in Poison Duration

Magnetize (requires Electrical Field from Tier 2)
The strong magnetism inside the field prevents enemies from leaving it, alongside an increase in electrical damage it deals.
+% Electrical Burn Damage
% Slower Movement for 1.0 seconds
+33% Damage to Constructs
+33% Damage to Devices

Build Electric Trap (requires Build Bolt Trap from Tier 2)
Create a durable trap, which shoots stunning, charged projectiles, splitting into smaller fragments on contact.
__________Tier 6: __________

Hazardous Alteration (requires Mutagen Prototype from Tier 4)
Skill Modifier
The mutagen’s effects last for much longer, however it doesn’t come without drawbacks to the user.

65 Second Duration
-75 Health Regeneration per Second

Send out nanomachines, which implant themselves in the heads your opponents, damaging their mind and causing long-lasting injuries.
3.0 Second Duration
Electrical Burn over 9.0 Seconds
Poison Damage over 9.0 Seconds
% Reduced Damage for 7.0 Seconds

Mechanical Masterpiece
Your traps shoot faster, are sturdier and deal more damage.
Bonus to Construct Pet:
   +% Total Damage
   +% Casting Speed

Miracle Solution (requires Ingenuity from Tier 4)
The best savants are resourceful and can achieve wonders with their skills.
% Chance of -50% Recharge

__________Tier 7: __________

Black Widow
Even the smallest dose of this substance heavily cripples anyone struck by a blade covered in it.
Requires either a melee or a one-handed ranged weapon.

Poison Damage over 6.0 Seconds
+% Instant Poison Damage
+% Poison Damage
Pierce Damage
% Slowed for 6.0 Seconds

Last Stage (requires Ingenuity from Tier 6)
Ill and weak, your enemies can already feel the reaper’s touch.
-% Armor Protection
-% Bleeding Resistance
-% Elemental Resistance
-% Poison Resistance
« Last Edit: 13 July 2019, 16:19:05 by WNG »

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Re: [WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #10 on: 20 October 2018, 22:12:07 »
↜ 10. Witchcraft Mastery ↝

The sorcerers of this realm hold the secrets of magic in their palms. They posses a boundless arsenal of various spells, as well as auras to increase the potency of  their allies' abilities. Anyone who studies the secrets of Witchcraft is rewarded with inconceiveable spellpower.

Dev's Note:
The Witchcraft mastery offers a wide array of magic spells and buffs/auras. Furthermore, it favors a lot of different damage types, which gives birth to a lot of interesting combinations.

Skill Tree:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Mastery Info:

__________Mastery Bonus: __________

Level 1:
+20 Health
+15 Energy
+3 Intelligence
+1 Dexterity

Level 40:
+960 Health
+400 Energy
+120 Intelligence
+40 Dexterity

__________Tier 1: __________

School of Fire
Exclusive Skill
Learn the secrets of emberlike, scorching spells, empowering all fire-based attacks around you.

1 Active Energy Cost per Second
10.0 Meter Radius
+% Fire Damage
Fire Damage
+% Casting Speed
50 Energy Reserved

School of Frost
Exclusive Skill
Learn the secrets of cold, chilling magic, boosting the lethality of all frost-based attacks near you.

1 Active Energy Cost per Second
10.0 Meter Radius
+% Cold Damage
Cold Damage
+ Energy
50 Energy Reserved

School of Lightning
Exclusive Skill
Learn the secrets of thunderous, electrifying spells, multiplying the strength of all lightning-based attacks around you.

1 Active Energy Cost per Second
10.0 Meter Radius
+% Lightning Damage
Lightning Damage
+% Movement Speed
50 Energy Reserved

School of Poison
Learn the secrets of alchemy and toxins, increasing the potency of all poison-based damage inflicted by you and your allies.
1 Active Energy Cost per Second
10.0 Meter Radius
+% Instant Poison Damage
Instant Poison Damage
+% Poison Damage with +% Improved Duration
50 Energy Reserved

School of Shadows
Learn the secrets of the dark and chaos, improving the power of all vitality-based attacks near you.
1 Active Energy Cost per Second
10.0 Meter Radius
+% Vitality Damage
Vitality Damage
+ Intelligence
50 Energy Reserved
__________Tier 2: __________

Cone of Flames
Unleash a violent blast of fire, which burns to the bone the enemies it touches.
Burn Damage over 3.0 Seconds
% reduced Defensive Ability for 3.0 Seconds

Rot Zone
Plague the air of an area, to spread disease and death to those that inhale it.
6.0 Second Duration
4.0 Meter Radius
Poison Damage over 3.0 Seconds
Instant Poison Damage
Vitality Damage

Your staff attacks get divided into three projectiles, increasing your area of attack.
Requires a staff.

% Chance to pass through Enemies
% Total Damage
__________Tier 3: __________

Magic Gems
Throw a set of magical gemstones at your opponents, releasing the stored tempestuous energy.
2.5 Meter Radius
Cold Damage
Lightning Damage

Sever Minds
A shocking, darkened blast, which shatters the minds of nearby foes into pieces.
Affects up to x targets
Energy Leech over 3.0 Seconds
Vitality Damage

Conjured Steel
Expert sorcerers are able to masterfully imbue all sorts of items with magic, even steel-crafted weapons.
Requires any weapon that is not a staff.

+% Physical Damage
% Weapon Base Damage becomes Elemental

__________Tier 4: __________

Infinite Reach (requires Cone of Flames from Tier 2)
Your spell has now an extended reach, allowing it to travel much further than usual.
+% Burn Damage
Fire Damage

Ice Blockade
Form a wide, slow-moving wall of frost energy, damaging anything that passes through it.
Frostburn Damage over 3.0 Seconds
Cold Damage
% Slower Movement for 3.0 Seconds

Electrostatic Veil
When the situation calls for it, create an electrical veil around you, granting new energy to fight despite the hopelessness.
Remains active while health is low.
Cannot be dispelled.

Activates when Health drops below 20%
4.0 Second Duration
+% Total Damage
+% Total Speed
+ Energy Regeneration per second
Lightning Retaliation
% Lightning Resistance
% Energy Leech Resistance

__________Tier 5: __________

Intense Frost (requires Ice Blockade from Tier 3)
Freeze the opponents that cross your frost barrier on the spot, and increase the frost damage of your spell.
+% Frostburn Damage
Seconds of Freeze

Bouncing Plague (requires Rot Zone from Tier 2)
Whenever Rot Zone inflicts damage, it will throw poisonous bolts towards the enemies near you, extending the plague’s area of effect.
Instant Poison Damage
Vitality Damage
% of Attack damage converted to Health

Inner Turmoil (requires Sever Minds from Tier 3)
Intensifies the blast of Sever Minds with elemental damage, and leaves the psyches of your enemies in shambles.
Fire Damage
Lightning Damage
Seconds of Skill Disruption

Archmage's Cloak
Those who understand the root of magic itself can utilize its power to increase their stamina and vitality alike.
+% Health
+% Energy
+% Defensive Ability

__________Tier 6: __________

Magma Barrier
Make magmatic stones rise from the ground, blocking the path of your enemies and burning them with intense heat.
The aura does not activate if there is no enemy nearby.


Outburst (requires Electrostatic Veil from Tier 4)
Release stored lightning energy to blast all nearby enemies, draining their energy and causing severe electrocutions.
6.0 Meter Radius
Electrical Burn Damage over 3.0 Seconds
% Energy Drain (% of lost Energy as Damage)
% Slowed for 3.0 Seconds

Make fear and doubt arise in hearts of your victims, crippling and preventing them from counter-attacking.
6.0 Meter Radius
Reduced Resistances for 4.0 seconds
% Chance of Fumble attacks for 4.0 seconds
% Chance of Impaired Aim for 4.0 seconds

Physical Ward
Upon taking damage, there’s a chance that a defensive ward forms around you, protecting you physical and piercing damage.
% Chance of Activating
10.0 Second Duration
+% Defensive Ability
% Chance of 100% Physical Resistance
% Chance of 100% Pierce Resistance
__________Tier 7: __________

Elemental Dominion
Merge the power of storms, blizzards and volcanos into a single, powerful aura that empowers you with unthinkable elemental power.
3 Active Energy Cost per Second
10.0 Meter Radius
+% Elemental Damages
Elemental Damage
Elemental Retaliation
75 Energy Reserved

Magical Catastrophe
In an attempt to produce the most powerful magic technique, fuse the power of all schools of magic into a singular, powerful pulse of arcane power, disintegrating everything in range.
10.0 Meter Radius
Burn Damage per Second
Frostburn Damage per Second
Electrical Burn Damage per Second
Poison Damage per Second
Vitality Decay per Second
Fire Damage
Cold Damage
Lightning Damage
Instant Poison Damage
Vitality Damage
% of Attack damage converted to Health
« Last Edit: 13 July 2019, 16:20:28 by WNG »

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Re: [WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #11 on: 21 October 2018, 23:26:56 »
Just wanted to say this looks very interesting. Keep it up WNG :D

(If you needed this post reserved, tell me to remove mine)
No worries, you're good.

Also thanks for the support, I appreciate it a lot.
congrants on your project!

the chaos mastery looks fun! alot of bleeding and vitality dmg :D

im wondering , will be the undead will be a weakness to the mastery ? since they absorve alot of main dmg used?
congrants on your project!

the chaos mastery looks fun! alot of bleeding and vitality dmg :D

im wondering , will be the undead will be a weakness to the mastery ? since they absorve alot of main dmg used?

Probably. I'm not sure of how much of a threat the Undeads will be right now. After multiple playthroughs I will be making adjustements if it is needed.
but its good i think, each mastery could have its cons and pros :)
Cool looking,my  ;D friend,very good so far!
Do you plan to add some pets  to your masteries so far ?
Yes! Though Chaos doesn't have a pet in its skilltree, many masteries will offer at least one pet. One of them (masteries) should also please the most dedicated petmasters.
Man, I really love a good backstory for a mastery and the spell descriptions are powerful and dramatic and really drive home the mastery theme. Just the flavor text for a skill can get me really pumped up to play!

Keep up the powerful creative writing for the skills!
Just the flavor text for a skill can get me really pumped up to play!

Definetly ^^ Glad you liked those flavor texts so far.
Yes! Though Chaos doesn't have a pet in its skilltree, many masteries will offer at least one pet. One of them (masteries) should also please the most dedicated petmasters.

Cool ,i am a  pet person ;D

Split topic was done and I made small change on topic subject so had to manually fix it for all posts. WNG will make post for each mastery so all masteries will be included in his original topic, and later this will be merged with original topic.
Unfortunately I failed and its not possible to be done what was expected, so it is decided with WNG to remove posts, and to let 1-10 masteries to be better organized, like you see now.
« Last Edit: 21 October 2018, 23:31:20 by efko »
discord: efko#5979
╚►They say "Before you die your whole life flashes before your eyes…". Make it worth watching. It's true, even for a blind man... ◄╝
              ╚►It is said some lives are linked across time, connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages ◄╝

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Re: [WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #12 on: 24 October 2018, 00:08:40 »
Quick question for everyone : I am planning to make a mastery very interesting to Petmasters. With it, I am hoping to refresh the Petmaster experience.

I was thinking of making it a more active gameplay. Instead of keeping buffing your pets, you keep summoning them... and build an army of epic proportions.


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Re: [WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #13 on: 24 October 2018, 01:16:51 »
Quick question for everyone : I am planning to make a mastery very interesting to Petmasters. With it, I am hoping to refresh the Petmaster experience.

I was thinking of making it a more active gameplay. Instead of keeping buffing your pets, you keep summoning them... and build an army of epic proportions.


sounds fun! so the pets will have low cd , good attack and low duration/ hp? thats it ?
Check my upcoming TQ project - Titanomachy - ""

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Re: [WIP] More Masteries Mod - WNG
« Reply #14 on: 24 October 2018, 02:52:14 »
Quick question for everyone : I am planning to make a mastery very interesting to Petmasters. With it, I am hoping to refresh the Petmaster experience.

I was thinking of making it a more active gameplay. Instead of keeping buffing your pets, you keep summoning them... and build an army of epic proportions.


sounds fun! so the pets will have low cd , good attack and low duration/ hp? thats it ?

The way I pictured it is they would be weaker than usual pets, but more numerous. They would be fragile to massive AoEs, like maybe Hydra's breath. However, since they are on a low CD, you can easily recover your army. Basically, their strenght is to overwhelm your ennemies.

And of course, the mastery would come with some nice auras to keep them strong  8)

The intent is to make feel the Petmaster different to play and be true to the playstyle at the same time.


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