Yes, that's where I got the wolf skin from

But from what I understand the Nymph Mods Collection just changes the player character and the wolves, not the Sylvan Nymph you can summon as a nature mastery skill.
What I want to say is that I would love if you changed the Nymph summon skill, like you changed the wolf summon skill, to look better! You already have awesome Nymph skins for the player character so it would be amazing if you could use this or something similiar on the summon nymph skill: also wanted to say that I really respect your work, you created a highly customizable, easy to use mod with really good quality!
This is the problem I have with the hair: The silver hair from your mod looks blue (you can also see your wolf skin I'm talking about)
Edit: I saw you already changed the looks of the nymph pet in the gameplay mod , maybe it's possible to make a standalone version to just change how the nymph pet looks without the gameplay changes?