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Updated retail version with mods.
« on: 08 December 2024, 22:16:45 »
Yo, lately I decided to come back to this game after some years. I am one of those who got the retail DVD Gold Edition. The thing is I am trying out for the first time the Soulvizier mod, and I am playing on 1.10, and so recently I did a brief research on the game's internal state and mechanics, silly bugs and things that don't work. It seems like the 1.17a community patch would solve most of that mess (to be clear, I was using that patch back in the day). So i started wondering if it is worth the try. Therefore I performed a simple yet painful test (due to lack of debug options) on my retail 1.10 Soulvizied version.

    That simple test consisted in checking the +10% Poison Damage completion bonus of Diseased Plumage Charm. Maybe this was wrong but the way i inflicted poison damage was by a RETALIATION effect (it should get boosted too imo). And yeah, the +10% was not working (tried on monsters with the same level) which is unfortunate for me.

    So I was about to reinstall and rebuild the whole thing including the 1.17a patch but nonetheless there are some strange notes everywhere over the place, so I wanted to ask for clarity here, thus docummenting the procedure of how to make things work.

    Right so the first, last and lazy thing I attempted was to just run the 1.17a installer; it couldn't identify the database.arz file. That means Soulvizier prolly replaces directly some stuff in there (this is important).

    Then, according to your guide, you should install Soulvizier 0.90, then 0.96, and lastly 0.98i. But I got mine from moddb and I only installed the 0.98i and it works. So what's the matter with including previous versions? Also, there's a topic posted at this Forum asking for something related to the version 0.98g? But I cannot find anything like that. Can someone explain?

    Regarding 1.17a, I can't be 100% sure but I remember how people were disccussing back in the day a strat that made you have 100% CDR and -X% Energy Cost in the original IT, and the 1.17a was changing  some skills and masteries stuff, changing the formula of that strat or something (go easy on me, I am not an expert of this game). Not like it bothers me, but if Soulvizier reworks masteries (and maybe if it sets some global constants like MAX_CDR=100 that may differ from the patch's), aren't these changes totally replaced? Anyway the thing that really worries me is that while this patch fixes the poison bonus in Charms for instance, Soulvizier rebalances some Charms (like Mechanical Parts), meaning there is a possibility that some fixes included in 1.17a will get overlapped by Soulvizier implementation which has not been developed with community patches in mind (I guess). There is no word anywhere about wheter you can use or not the community patch. I have no clue how modding works so yeah dont r4pe me please.

So yeah, my final question would be : Given patch 1.17a and Soulvizier 0.90-0.98i releases, and installing the environment in the order TQ -> IT -> 1.17a -> S0.90 -> S0.96 -> S0.98i, will my game get the bugs fixed and also get all the mod features added correctly? And if not, is there a way to do so with my retail copy of the game? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Updated retail version with mods.
« Reply #1 on: 09 December 2024, 08:30:37 »
All I can suggest is you see if Soa might have some advice for you since none of the original people working on the mod are around here.

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Re: Updated retail version with mods.
« Reply #2 on: 10 December 2024, 01:26:07 »
@someone There is also optional patch 1.17c
Note that 1.17c might not be installed, I installed it only once on my pc, for some reason it failed in past many times. Also if its old IT disc version and if you want fresh installation, while installing the game you should disable internet connection, then install the game properly and patches, then mod and patches and in firewall you should create inbound and outbound rules to stop the game communication with internet just in case.
I heard in past about more than just these 3 SV patches, but I also saw on moddb and maybe 1 more site where are available more SV patches, but nothing worked for me (or I never tried them.). Few mods that I tried from moddb never worked for me.
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Re: Updated retail version with mods.
« Reply #3 on: 15 December 2024, 00:08:42 »
Allright people, I've been performing more tests, reading stuff and so on.

    First of all I have to strongly apologise for the rubbish i just posted instead of researching deeper into this game environment (more on this in a sec.).

    So I installed the mod in the mentioned way TQ -> IT -> 1.17a -> S0.90 -> S0.96 -> S0.98, and yes, the poison scaling works correctly now, although i found another issue, but it is related to the Soulvizier mod so I am going to make a proper post under its section. Also, in the guide I quoted, it is clearly written that no community patch (i'm assuming 1.17a) is needed. And on top of that when I was writing this post in the first place, I had no access to TQVault (been searching it anywhere), and short time after, I accidentally bumped into it at this forum, so after that i could perform more refined tests.

    However, this new bug I ran into is concerning, and if I will not be able to fix it, I might want to purchase the AE (and maybe the newest DLCs) and try there, but I have to know if I can fully export my character (yes I know SoulvizierAE has different items and some of them may not be migrated, but what if I get rid of those items before exporting?). Thanks for your response guys.

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Re: Updated retail version with mods.
« Reply #4 on: 15 December 2024, 01:01:29 »
Have you tried to install 1.17c and have you read what I wrote to you in previous post?
I'm not a game expert like some others on this forum and I don't understand what exactly you are trying, but Soulvizier is what it is for IT and it should be final. For me its more than enough since I mostly play periodically, one time Soulvizier, the some Lilith and Legion Of Champions mod and they are all final for IT unless you find some forgotten updated version of some mod.
If you go AE, there are LOC and SV updated for AE, so its like to be not exactly the same game and mods that work on IT probably won't work on AE and vice versa, but it doesn't have to be 100%, someone else can confirm this.
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