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Hello,Sorry for the question but is this mod still in development ? Latest post was 5 months ago and I can't help but remember when amgoz1 abandoned the dev of Soulvizier without notice back in the days before the AE edition. I really hope history will not repeat in this case.Underlord followed by Soulvizier has always been my favorite TQ mod, the only one needed imho. I can't wait to see this mod updated for Eternal Embers expansion.
Hi, cool mod so far. I watched a short gameplay where the player could go through a portal shortly after the helos exit into a room full of deities and buy skins. Is there something like that in the current version, 1.13?
Hi,First, thanks for all your work in the best TQ mod imho. I notice a bug in the fracture addon skill for the Core Dweller. The skill is used from times to times but doesn't appear to do any damage at all to the enemies. I even add a 10x multiplier to the phys, fire and fire DOT dmg from Art Manager but still no damage done. I've noticed that the drxstonehandbuff.dbr skill uses "skillbuff_debuftrap" as its template. Not sure if that could explain the bug.edit : copied drxstonehandbuff.dbr to drxstonehand.dbr. In the latter, I changed the template name and actor name to "Skill_AttackProjectileAreaEffect". The Fracture skill now does damage enemies.
I made a few personal modifications to the Soulvizier mod to suit my tastes. In one of them (where I set soul drop chances to 25% instead of 8%), I noticed something strange in the "um_wolverine_ulfgan_50.dbr" monster record. This creature has its soul equipped to "lootFinger2Item2" instead of "lootFinger2Item1" as it is for the other 1228 monster that have a soul.Besides, the chanceToEquipFinger2Item2 is set to 0. Unless mistaken, the ulfgan creature has then no chance to equip (and drop) its soul. I set its 3 difficulty related souls to lootFinger2Item1 instead.