Hello. I created a list of Atlantis errors.
Act 6.
- 1. The Ascolots do not have a chance to spawn champions. Ascolot heroes x3hero_deepone_38.dbr, x3hero_deepone_42.dbr and x3hero_starspawn_b_39.dbr, x3hero_starspawn_b_43.dbr are not added to the pool. These heroes do not differ from each other in any way. They have the same characteristics and skills.
- 2. Basilisk heroes x3hero_harrier_37.dbr and as_basilisk_35.dbr have not been added to the pool. Also, the heroes as_basilisk_35.dbr, as_basilisk_37.dbr and as_basilisk_39.dbr do not differ from normal basilisk, only in health. And they don't have their own unique skills.
- 3. Heroes of reef guardians x3hero_coralking_34.dbr, x3hero_coralking_38.dbr and x3hero_stoneweaver_b_40.dbr, x3hero_stoneweaver_b_44.dbr are not prescribed in the pool. And they do not have their own unique skills.
- 4. Crabmen heroes x3hero_clackersnap_39.dbr and x3hero_clackersnap_43.dbr are not added to the pool. Heroes have the same characteristics (except health) and skills as normal crabmen.
- 5. The list of monsters in Atlantis has folders "rimtus", "skeleton" and "dragonspawn", but the monsters contained in it do not appear anywhere on Atlantis.
- 6. Heroes dune stalkerx 3hero_ripjaw_38.dbr, 3hero_ripjaw_42.dbr are not added to the pool and do not have their skills.
- 7. Heroes embalmed priest x3hero_abdosir_34.dbr, x3hero_abdosir_38.dbr; x3hero_milkyaton_34.dbr, x3hero_milkyaton_38.dbr; x3hero_yutpan_34.dbr, x3hero_yutpan_38.dbr not added to pool, added only heroes 36 levels, others do not spawn. They, as always, do not have their own unique skills. In addition, all embalmed priest with staffs, in the tree of skills prescribed path to the skill "runecircle_enemy" (records\xpack2\skills\runemaster\runecircle_enemy.dbr), but in the configuration of skills path is not specified.
- 8. Heroes golden mosquito x3hero_stinger_31.dbr and x3hero_stinger_35.dbr not added to the pool, there is only hero level 33. And they do not differ much from each other.
- 9. Heroes Hesperides x3hero_bloodleaf_38.dbr, x3hero_bloodleaf_42.dbr are not in the pool, only x3hero_bloodleaf_40.dbr. Heroes x3hero_rootmaiden_38.dbr and x3hero_rootmaiden_40.dbr are prescribed in the pool, but x3hero_rootmaiden_42.dbr is not.
- 10. All lobsters in the configuration of the skills have a path to the skill "Melee_Poison" (Records\Skills\Monster Skills\Melee_Poison.dbr), but in the tree of skills it is not spelled. Only one hero (x3hero_skullcracker_b_42.dbr) is prescribed in the pool, the rest x3hero_skullcracker_b_39,40,41,43,44 - are not prescribed. All the lobster heroes have the same skulls.
- 11. Merfolks heroes x3hero_alexa_b_38.dbr, x3hero_alexa_b_42.dbr are not added to the pool.
- 12. Heroes monkeymans x3hero_gorefang_32.db and x3hero_gorefang_36.db; x3hero_firebristle_b_36.dbr and x3hero_firebristle_b_40.dbr; x3hero_stoneguts_32. dbr and x3hero_stoneguts_36.dbr; x3hero_mountainking_b_36.dbr and x3hero_mountainking_b_40.dbr have not been added to the pool. Heroes x3hero_firebristle_b_36.dbr, x3hero_firebristle_b_38.dbr, x3hero_firebristle_b_40.dbr have the path to the skill "enchantment_cold" in the configuration of skills, but it is not in the tree of skills. All of these heroes do not have their unique powers, they are no different from simple champions (only characteristics).
- 13. Heroes mudman x3hero_sirsilt_32.dbr and x3hero_sirsilt_36.dbr are not added to the pool. These heroes do not differ from each other by skills.
- 14. Heroes Potamois x3hero_erymanthos_b_40.dbr and x3hero_erymanthos_b_44.dbr; x3hero_pliplup_39.dbr and x3hero_pliplup_43.dbr are not added to the pool. Their skills are no different than a simple potamoi mage. Then x3sq11_leadera and x3sq11_leaderb are misclassified as "Hero", it should be "Quest".
- 15. Heroes serpentoids x3hero_melee_34.dbr and x3hero_melee_38.dbr; x3hero_ssilli_b_42.dbr and x3hero_ssilli_b_44.dbr; x3sq09_priest_38.dbr, x3sq09_priest_40.dbr, x3sq09_priest_42.dbr and x3sq16_serpentoidhomemonster.dbr are NOT added to the pool. Heroes x3hero_melee has the wrong classification "Quest", it should be "Hero". Quest serpentoid x3sq08_ssaquath should have "Quest" classification, not "Hero". And, as always, heroes do not differ from each other by their skills.
- 16. Heroes Serpentoid Mounted x3hero_ssseathsssillalli_39.dbr and x3hero_ssseathsssillalli_43.dbr are not added to the pool and do not differ from each other by skills.
- 17. There is xboss_scylla in the list of Atlantis bosses. But there doesn't seem to be any Scylla in the game.
- 18. Many skills in Atlantis have the wrong level.
u_e_set06.dbr, u_l_set01.dbr, u_l_set04.dbr, u_n_set08.dbr, um_e_set05.dbr, um_l_set02.dbr, um_l_set07.dbr, um_n_set09.dbr.
GREAVES: um_n_set09.dbr, u_e_set03.dbr, u_e_set06.dbr, u_l_set01.dbr, u_l_set04.dbr, u_n_set08.dbr, um_e_set05.dbr, um_l_set02.dbr, um_l_set07.dbr.
HELM:u_e_set06.dbr, u_l_set01.dbr, u_l_set04.dbr, um_l_set02.dbr, um_l_set07.dbr, um_n_set09.dbr.
TORSO:u_e_set03.dbr, u_e_set06.dbr, u_l_set04.dbr, um_e_set05.dbr, um_l_set02.dbr, um_l_set07.dbr, um_n_set09.dbr.
All of the above armor in Skill Agument has non-functional paths to certain masterys skills. The paths to the masterys are spelled out, but there is no +1/2 point to those masterys. Because of this, they are not displayed in the game.