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Art Manager / [Tutorial] Add yellow/green affixes to the game!
« on: 16 February 2019, 03:20:18 »
↜  Add yellow/green affixes to the game! by WNG ↝


Hello! This small tutorial will show you how to invent and implent new affixes that can appear on all items. The process is simple, quick and has a world of possibilities.

I may assume you have some basic knowledge and overlook some manipulations. Feel free to tell me if anything is unclear.

Without further ado, let's get started.

I. Creating the affixes files

I. Create a first affix file charisma
Open your Art Manager. Select the Database tab and, on the right window, right-click  > New > Record. Double click on it, and when you will be prompted to choose its template, select LootRandomizer.tpl.

You can now begin to create your affix. Check the spoiler below for the parameters to edit. Parameters that are irrelevant will be omitted, as always.

Spoiler for Hiden:
General Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
File Description : For your eyes only! Leaves a description or a note for the developper. No effect in-game.

Spoiler for Hiden:
Loot Randomizer Name : The displayed name of your affix. Reference it in your Modstrings.txt. More info here :
Loot Randomizer Jitter : Value ranging from 0 to 50. Variation of the affix's price.
Loot Randomizer Cost : Base value of your affix's value, in gold.
Item Classification : Determines what color your affix is (Magical = Yellow, Rare = Green.)
Market Adjustment Percent : Percentage value that increases your affix's value.
Level Requirement : The level requirement to wear an item that has this affix on it.

If you are unsure as to wich values to put in there, here's a small table containing values I deemed as okay if you don't want to put too much thought into it. Feel free to raise them if you want to make a particularly rare/strong affix.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Affixes' Bonuses Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
This is a review of the many (not all!) basic parameters you may set on your item. If you know about those, skip this.
Many of the parameters share the same proprietes. I'll explain them once.

Offensive Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Offensive Global (for offensive bonuses with a global chance (5% of +10% Total Damage, +20% Poison Damage, ...))
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • offensiveGlobalChance : Chance of offensive global effects to occur (choose the effects with booleans in the sections below.)

Offensive Absolute (for flat/percent based damage bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • offensiveXMin : Minimum of flat X damage.
  • offensiveXMax : Maximum of flat X damage.
  • offensiveXChance : Chance of the X damage set above to occur.
  • offensiveXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • offensiveXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • offensiveXModifier : Increases by X% the damage of the selected type.
  • offensiveXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage bonus to occur.

Offensive Duration (for damage/debuffs over time bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • offensiveSlowXMin : Minimum of X damage over time (every second).
  • offensiveSlowXMax : Maximum of X damage over time (every second).
  • offensiveSlowXDurationMin : Minimal duration of the DoT effect.
  • offensiveSlowXDurationMax : Maximial duration of the DoT effect.
  • offensiveSlowXChance : Chance of the X damage over time set above to occur.
  • offensiveSlowXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • offensiveSlowXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • offensiveSlowXModifier : Increases by X% the damage of the selected type.
  • offensiveSlowXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage bonus to occur.
  • offensiveSlowXDurationModifier : Increases the duration of the DoT effect by x%.

Offensive Influence (for debuffs for a set duration, such as Confusion, Mind-Control, etc.)
Spoiler for Hiden:
See the above sections, they share similar parameters.
Retaliation Parameters

Spoiler for Hiden:
Retaliation Global (for retaliation bonuses with a global chance (5% of 15 Piercing Retaliation, 20 Elemental Retaliation, ...))
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • retaliationGlobalChance : Chance of retaliation global effects to occur (choose the effects with booleans in the sections below.)
Retaliation Absolute (for flat retaliation bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • retaliationXMin : Minimal damage of the retaliation of the set type.
  • retaliationXMax : Maximal damage of the retaliation of the set type.
  • retaliationXChance : Chance of the retaliation to occur.
  • retaliationXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • retaliationXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • retaliationXModifier : Boosts the damage of the retaliation of X type by a set percent.
  • retaliationXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage boost to occur.
Retaliation Duration (for DoT retaliation bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • retaliationSlowXMin : Minimal damage of the retaliation of the set type (per second.)
  • retaliationSlowXMax : Maximal damage of the retaliation of the set type (per second.)
  • retaliationSlowXDurationMin : Minimal duration of the DoT of the set type.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationMax : Minimal damage of the DoT of the set type.
  • retaliationSlowXChance : Chance of the retaliation to occur.
  • retaliationSlowXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • retaliationSlowXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • retaliationSlowXModifier : Boosts the DoT of the retaliation of X type by a set percent.
  • retaliationSlowXModifierChance : Chance of the percent DoT boost to occur.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationModifier : Boosts the DoT of X type's duration by a set percent.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationModifierChance : Chance of the percent duration boost to occur.

Defensive Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Defensive Absolute (for resistances bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • defensiveX :  Increases resistance to the damage type of by a set percent.
  • defensiveXChance : Chance of the resistance to the damage type of by the percent set above.
  • defensiveXModifier :  Increases the resistance bonus by a set percent.
  • defensiveXModifierChance : Chance of the resistance bonus to the damage type by the percent set above.
  • defensiveXDuration : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationChance : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationModifier : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationModifierChance : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
Defensive Special (for resistances versus certain DoTs)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Defensive Misc (for blocking/reflecting bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Defensive Influence (for secondary resistances)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Monster Defense (for tertiary resistances)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.

Character Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Character Base Attributes (Is irrelevant, do not touch.)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    No need to touch this.
Character Bonus Attributes (for direct stats bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterStrenght : Flat strenght increase.
  • characterDexterity : Flat dexterity increase.
  • characterIntelligence : Flat intelligence increase.
  • characterLife : Flat health points increase.
  • characterMana : Flat energy points increase.
  • characterStrenghtModifier : Percent strenght increase.
  • characterDexterityModifier  : Percent dexterity increase.
  • characterIntelligenceModifier  : Percent intelligence increase.
  • characterLifeModifier  : Percent health points increase.
  • characterManaModifier  : Percent energy points increase.
  • characterIncreasedExperience  : Increases experience gained.
  • characterPhysToElementalRation  : x% converted to elemental damage.
Character Speed (for speed bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterRunSpeed : Increases base run speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterAttackSpeed : Increases base attack speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterSpellCastSpeed : Increases base spell cast speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterRunSpeedModifier : Increases run speed by x%.
  • characterAttackSpeedModifier : Increases attack speed by x%.
  • characterSpellCastSpeedModifier : Increases spell cast speed by x%.
  • characterTotalSpeedModifier : Increases total speed by x%.
Character Regeneration (for regeneration bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterLifeRegen : Increases health regeneration by a flat amount.
  • characterManaRegen : Increases energy regeneration by a flat amount.
  • characterLifeRegenModifier : Increases health regeneration by a percent amount.
  • characterManaRegenModifier : Increases energy regeneration by a percent amount.

Character Ability (for dodge/critical hit bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterOffensiveAbility : Increases OA by a flat amount.
  • characterDefensiveAbility : Increases DA by a flat amount.
  • characterOffensiveAbilityModifier : Increases OA by a percent amount.
  • characterDefensiveAbilityModifier : Increases DA by a percent amount.
  • characterDefensiveBlockRecoveryReduction : Reduces shield recovery time.
  • characterEnergyAbsorptionPercent : Recovers energy when hit by spells by percent amount.
  • characterDodgePercent : Increases melee attack dodge chance.
  • characterDeflectProjectile : Increases projectile dodge chance.

Character Reserve (for mana reservation reduction bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterManaLimitReserve : Not quite sure...
  • characterManaLimitReserveReduction : Decreases energy reserved by a flat amount.
  • characterManaLimitReserveModifier : Not quite sure...
  • characterManaLimitReserveReductionModifier : Decreases energy reserved by a percent amount.

Requirement Reduction (for requirement reduction bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

Self-explanatory. Also, you do NOT need to add the negative.

Skill Parameters (for bonuses that regard spells)
Spoiler for Hiden:
Skill Reduction (for reduced recharge and mana costs)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • skillCooldownReduction  : Flat cooldown reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionChance : Chance of flat cooldown reduction.
  • skillManaCostReduction : Flat mana cost reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionChance : Chance of flat mana cost reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionModifier : Percent cooldown reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionModifierChance : Chance of percent cooldown reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionModifier : Percent mana cost reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionModifierChance : Chance of percent mana cost reduction.
Projectile Bonus (for projectile speed)
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • skillProjectileSpeedModifier  : Percent increase of the projectile speed.
  • skillProjectileSpeedModifierChance : Chance of percent increase of the projectile speed.
Skill Augment (boosts or grants skills)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • augmentSkillName1  : The database entry of the skill you wish to boost. (ex.: records\skills\stealth\envenomweapon.dbr)
  • augmentSkillLevel1  : Level by wich the skill above is increased.
  • augmentSkillName2  : The database entry of ANOTHER the skill you wish to boost.
  • augmentSkillLevel2  : Level by wich the skill above is increased.
  • augmentMasteryName1  : The database entry of a mastery you wish to boost all of its skills.
  • augmentMasteryLevel2  : Level by wich the skills of the mastery above is increased.
  • augmentMasteryName2  : The database entry of ANOTHER mastery you wish to boost all of its skills.
  • augmentMasteryLevel2  : Level by wich the skills of the mastery above is increased.
See this for masteries names :
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • Warfare : records\skills\warfare\warfaremastery.dbr
  • Defense : records\skills\defensive\defensivemastery.dbr
  • Rogue : records\skills\stealth\stealthmastery.dbr
  • Hunting : records\skills\hunting\huntingmastery.dbr
  • Dream : records\xpack\skills\dream\dreammastery.dbr
  • Nature : records\skills\nature\naturemastery.dbr
  • Earth : records\skills\earth\earthmastery.dbr
  • Storm :records\skills\storm\stormmastery.dbr
  • Runes : records\xpack2\skills\runemaster\runemaster_mastery.dbr
  • Spirit :records\skills\spirit\spiritmastery.dbr
  • augmentAllLevel : Level by wich all skills should be increased.
  • itemSkillName : See the part IV.
  • itemSkillLevel : See the part IV.
  • itemSkillAutoController : See the part IV.
Racial Bonus (for increased offense/defense versus certain races)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • racialBonusRace  : Races that will be affected by the bonuses below. You can have as many as you like.
  • racialBonusPercentDamage  : Percent damage increase versus the race.
  • racialBonusAbsoluteDamage  : Flat damage increase versus the race.
  • racialBonusPercentDefense  : Percent reduced damage received from the race.
  • racialBonusAbsoluteDefense  : Flat reduced damage received from the race.
Pet Bonus (for bonuses to all pets)
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • petBonusName  : Select a pet bonus for the item. May explain the creation of one of these later.

Notice how you are not asked to define whether your affix is a prefix or a suffix. This is because the prefixes and suffixes are stored in different tables. You will see this below shortly.

II. Create multiple versions

Depending on what you have in mind, you might want to create upgraded versions of your affix (of Life < of Endurance < of Survival ...). Doing this is very simple, as you only have to copy and paste your .dbr the number of times you wish, rename the new .dbrs accordingly and make the needed changes, that is increase the power of the bonus, increase the cost and perhaps even a new name. Once your work is done, do not forget to build your .dbrs.

Spoiler for Hiden:

III. Include your affixes to tables

Now that your affixes are fully done, it is now time to include them in the affixes tables to finally make them appear on items from chests and merchants. To do so, you will need to import the needed tables. This is where they are located.

records\item\lootmagicalaffixes\... => for the Vanilla Game
records\xpack\item\lootmagicalaffixes\... => for the Immortal Throne Expansion
*Ragnarök does not have its own tables, therefore it uses the same as IT's.

From there, you will have to select if you want to add your affix to the prefix or suffix tables. With this exemple, I'll go with suffixes.


Thereafter, you select for what type of item it'll be. My suffixes will be exclusively for shields (but nothing prevents you from including it to swords and mage bracelets at the same time.)


Here you see the .dbr files that contain all possible affixes for specified category of items, for the difficulty X and the act Y. If I want to include it from the beginning to the end of the game, I'll need to import all the entirety of the two folders mentionned just above.

Open the files you just imported. You will see an array containing other affixes (or in this case, suffixes) that can drop. To include yours, all you need to do is to double-click on an empty space named "randomizerNameX" and insert the access path of the .dbr of your affix.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Just under, there should be a slot "randomizerWeightX". Here, input a flat number that will act as the odds for your affix to be selected by the table.

Keep on editing all the tables you have imported and build them when your work is done. Since those tables are the ones used by the original game, your work is now over, and your new affixes may now begin to appear.

Art Manager / [Tutorial] Add a new weapon to the game!
« on: 15 February 2019, 14:32:44 »
↜ Add a new weapon to the game! by WNG ↝


Hello! This guide will show you how to create new uniques items and how to make them available in the game (to be dropped and found in chests.) I'll use a sword for this example, but any other item type would work just the same way.

I may assume you have some basic knowledge and overlook some manipulations. Feel free to tell me if anything is unclear.

I. Copy and recolor an item

This step will require:

I. Gather ressources:
The plan is to start from an existing item, take its textures and give it a new hue. Start by opening your Art Manager and open your mod. Click on Database > Import Record... and browse to an item you want to work from. For this tutorial, I will make a new blade. Here's where the swords are stored.


Pick the one of your choice. For this tutorial, I'll pick the sword Silence.


Select it and press OK. The original sword is now loaded in your mod for consultation. Open the file and go to Actor Variables. Look at the file path that is set at "baseTexture". For Silence, it's this :


Now this is where ARC Explorer comes in. Open it, press File > Open and go to this directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Titan Quest Anniversary Edition\Resources

When you get there, you will notice a bunch of .arc files. That's where the game's assets are stored. Now, open Items.arc, or choose the one located in the XPack/XPack2 folder if you chose an item from an expansion.

You will see a bunch of folders appear. Browse to find the texture file as seen in the "baseTexture". Double click on it, and save it where you wish. This is the texture applied to item in a 3D environment. Also, go to the Item Parameters tab, and also import the texture that's specified on the "bitmap" field. It's the texture used to represent the item in your inventory.

II. Edit the textures:
When the two textures have been exported, launch TEX Viewer. Open one of the newly imported textures. Once opened, all you have to do File > Export, and save it under another name. Make sure to add the ".tga" extension at the end, or you will receive an error message.

Now, open your image-editing software. Open your .tga files and edit them as you please. I simply changed their color, turning the green of the blade with a red and the yellow handle was turned into gray.

Spoiler for Hiden:
UI Bitmap:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Save your work, still in .tga format.

III. Import your texture into your mod:
Open the Art Manager and select your mod. It will now be time to import your texture into your mod. Before importing it, I'd recommend creating a folder specifically for your custom textures. To do so, right-click on "name_of_your_mod/source > Create New Directory".

Now, select the matching folder, right-click, and select "Import...". Find your texture and select it. It should appear in the menu. Right-click it and choose Auto-Create Asset. You will be prompted to choose between Texture or Bitmap. Choose Bitmap, and proceed by pressing OK.

Spoiler for Hiden:

IV. Build your texture:
Your texture isn't quite in your mod yet. You will need to visit the "Assets" tab, and seek your texture in the folder structure, wich should be the same as in your "Source" tab. Right-click on it and choose "Build". When that is done, build your mod by pressing F7. Your texture will now become usable in your mod.

Spoiler for Hiden:

II. Create your new item

I. Copy an item:
Right-click on the .dbr of the item and copy it. Paste it where you like (I did in a custom directory) to create a new instance. Rename it, then right-click > Build.

Spoiler for Hiden:

II. Edit your new item:
Open your new item. There is a few parameters that you are going to be interested in editing. See the Spoiler below for details. Irrelevant parameters are omitted.

General parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Item Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Item Name Tag: The name of your item. Reference it in your ModStrings.txt. More info here :
Bitmap: Texture file of your item when in the inventory. !! Include your own texture here !!
ItemCostName: Contains equations that, when combined with the ItemLevel value below, sets automatic requirements. For more control and simplicity, I recommend to set them manually.
ItemSetName: .dbr file that refers to the set your item belongs to.
ItemClassification: Rarity of your item.

Item Requirements
Spoiler for Hiden:

Actor Variables
Spoiler for Hiden:
BaseTexture: Texture of your item in a 3D environement.  !! Include your own texture here !!

Item Parameters (the actual stats of your item)
Spoiler for Hiden:
This is a review of the many (not all!) basic parameters you may set on your item. If you know about those, skip this.
Many of the parameters share the same proprietes. I'll explain them once.

Offensive Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Offensive Global (for offensive bonuses with a global chance (5% of +10% Total Damage, +20% Poison Damage, ...))
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • offensiveGlobalChance : Chance of offensive global effects to occur (choose the effects with booleans in the sections below.)

Offensive Absolute (for flat/percent based damage bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • offensiveXMin : Minimum of flat X damage.
  • offensiveXMax : Maximum of flat X damage.
  • offensiveXChance : Chance of the X damage set above to occur.
  • offensiveXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • offensiveXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • offensiveXModifier : Increases by X% the damage of the selected type.
  • offensiveXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage bonus to occur.

Offensive Duration (for damage/debuffs over time bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • offensiveSlowXMin : Minimum of X damage over time (every second).
  • offensiveSlowXMax : Maximum of X damage over time (every second).
  • offensiveSlowXDurationMin : Minimal duration of the DoT effect.
  • offensiveSlowXDurationMax : Maximial duration of the DoT effect.
  • offensiveSlowXChance : Chance of the X damage over time set above to occur.
  • offensiveSlowXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • offensiveSlowXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • offensiveSlowXModifier : Increases by X% the damage of the selected type.
  • offensiveSlowXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage bonus to occur.
  • offensiveSlowXDurationModifier : Increases the duration of the DoT effect by x%.

Offensive Influence (for debuffs for a set duration, such as Confusion, Mind-Control, etc.)
Spoiler for Hiden:
See the above sections, they share similar parameters.
Retaliation Parameters

Spoiler for Hiden:
Retaliation Global (for retaliation bonuses with a global chance (5% of 15 Piercing Retaliation, 20 Elemental Retaliation, ...))
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • retaliationGlobalChance : Chance of retaliation global effects to occur (choose the effects with booleans in the sections below.)
Retaliation Absolute (for flat retaliation bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • retaliationXMin : Minimal damage of the retaliation of the set type.
  • retaliationXMax : Maximal damage of the retaliation of the set type.
  • retaliationXChance : Chance of the retaliation to occur.
  • retaliationXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • retaliationXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • retaliationXModifier : Boosts the damage of the retaliation of X type by a set percent.
  • retaliationXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage boost to occur.
Retaliation Duration (for DoT retaliation bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • retaliationSlowXMin : Minimal damage of the retaliation of the set type (per second.)
  • retaliationSlowXMax : Maximal damage of the retaliation of the set type (per second.)
  • retaliationSlowXDurationMin : Minimal duration of the DoT of the set type.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationMax : Minimal damage of the DoT of the set type.
  • retaliationSlowXChance : Chance of the retaliation to occur.
  • retaliationSlowXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • retaliationSlowXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • retaliationSlowXModifier : Boosts the DoT of the retaliation of X type by a set percent.
  • retaliationSlowXModifierChance : Chance of the percent DoT boost to occur.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationModifier : Boosts the DoT of X type's duration by a set percent.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationModifierChance : Chance of the percent duration boost to occur.

Defensive Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Defensive Absolute (for resistances bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • defensiveX :  Increases resistance to the damage type of by a set percent.
  • defensiveXChance : Chance of the resistance to the damage type of by the percent set above.
  • defensiveXModifier :  Increases the resistance bonus by a set percent.
  • defensiveXModifierChance : Chance of the resistance bonus to the damage type by the percent set above.
  • defensiveXDuration : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationChance : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationModifier : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationModifierChance : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
Defensive Special (for resistances versus certain DoTs)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Defensive Misc (for blocking/reflecting bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Defensive Influence (for secondary resistances)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Monster Defense (for tertiary resistances)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.

Character Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Character Base Attributes
Spoiler for Hiden:
    characterBaseAttackSpeed : Base Attack Speed.
    characterBaseAttackSpeedTag : Displayed Attack Speed.
Character Bonus Attributes (for direct stats bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterStrenght : Flat strenght increase.
  • characterDexterity : Flat dexterity increase.
  • characterIntelligence : Flat intelligence increase.
  • characterLife : Flat health points increase.
  • characterMana : Flat energy points increase.
  • characterStrenghtModifier : Percent strenght increase.
  • characterDexterityModifier  : Percent dexterity increase.
  • characterIntelligenceModifier  : Percent intelligence increase.
  • characterLifeModifier  : Percent health points increase.
  • characterManaModifier  : Percent energy points increase.
  • characterIncreasedExperience  : Increases experience gained.
  • characterPhysToElementalRation  : x% converted to elemental damage.
Character Speed (for speed bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterRunSpeed : Increases base run speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterAttackSpeed : Increases base attack speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterSpellCastSpeed : Increases base spell cast speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterRunSpeedModifier : Increases run speed by x%.
  • characterAttackSpeedModifier : Increases attack speed by x%.
  • characterSpellCastSpeedModifier : Increases spell cast speed by x%.
  • characterTotalSpeedModifier : Increases total speed by x%.
Character Regeneration (for regeneration bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterLifeRegen : Increases health regeneration by a flat amount.
  • characterManaRegen : Increases energy regeneration by a flat amount.
  • characterLifeRegenModifier : Increases health regeneration by a percent amount.
  • characterManaRegenModifier : Increases energy regeneration by a percent amount.

Character Ability (for dodge/critical hit bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterOffensiveAbility : Increases OA by a flat amount.
  • characterDefensiveAbility : Increases DA by a flat amount.
  • characterOffensiveAbilityModifier : Increases OA by a percent amount.
  • characterDefensiveAbilityModifier : Increases DA by a percent amount.
  • characterDefensiveBlockRecoveryReduction : Reduces shield recovery time.
  • characterEnergyAbsorptionPercent : Recovers energy when hit by spells by percent amount.
  • characterDodgePercent : Increases melee attack dodge chance.
  • characterDeflectProjectile : Increases projectile dodge chance.

Character Reserve (for mana reservation reduction bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterManaLimitReserve : Not quite sure...
  • characterManaLimitReserveReduction : Decreases energy reserved by a flat amount.
  • characterManaLimitReserveModifier : Not quite sure...
  • characterManaLimitReserveReductionModifier : Decreases energy reserved by a percent amount.

Requirement Reduction (for requirement reduction bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

Self-explanatory. Also, you do NOT need to add the negative.

Skill Parameters (for bonuses that regard spells)
Spoiler for Hiden:
Skill Reduction (for reduced recharge and mana costs)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • skillCooldownReduction  : Flat cooldown reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionChance : Chance of flat cooldown reduction.
  • skillManaCostReduction : Flat mana cost reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionChance : Chance of flat mana cost reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionModifier : Percent cooldown reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionModifierChance : Chance of percent cooldown reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionModifier : Percent mana cost reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionModifierChance : Chance of percent mana cost reduction.
Projectile Bonus (for projectile speed)
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • skillProjectileSpeedModifier  : Percent increase of the projectile speed.
  • skillProjectileSpeedModifierChance : Chance of percent increase of the projectile speed.
Skill Augment (boosts or grants skills)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • augmentSkillName1  : The database entry of the skill you wish to boost. (ex.: records\skills\stealth\envenomweapon.dbr)
  • augmentSkillLevel1  : Level by wich the skill above is increased.
  • augmentSkillName2  : The database entry of ANOTHER the skill you wish to boost.
  • augmentSkillLevel2  : Level by wich the skill above is increased.
  • augmentMasteryName1  : The database entry of a mastery you wish to boost all of its skills.
  • augmentMasteryLevel2  : Level by wich the skills of the mastery above is increased.
  • augmentMasteryName2  : The database entry of ANOTHER mastery you wish to boost all of its skills.
  • augmentMasteryLevel2  : Level by wich the skills of the mastery above is increased.
See this for masteries names :
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • Warfare : records\skills\warfare\warfaremastery.dbr
  • Defense : records\skills\defensive\defensivemastery.dbr
  • Rogue : records\skills\stealth\stealthmastery.dbr
  • Hunting : records\skills\hunting\huntingmastery.dbr
  • Dream : records\xpack\skills\dream\dreammastery.dbr
  • Nature : records\skills\nature\naturemastery.dbr
  • Earth : records\skills\earth\earthmastery.dbr
  • Storm :records\skills\storm\stormmastery.dbr
  • Runes : records\xpack2\skills\runemaster\runemaster_mastery.dbr
  • Spirit :records\skills\spirit\spiritmastery.dbr
  • augmentAllLevel : Level by wich all skills should be increased.
  • itemSkillName : See the part IV.
  • itemSkillLevel : See the part IV.
  • itemSkillAutoController : See the part IV.
Racial Bonus (for increased offense/defense versus certain races)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • racialBonusRace  : Races that will be affected by the bonuses below. You can have as many as you like.
  • racialBonusPercentDamage  : Percent damage increase versus the race.
  • racialBonusAbsoluteDamage  : Flat damage increase versus the race.
  • racialBonusPercentDefense  : Percent reduced damage received from the race.
  • racialBonusAbsoluteDefense  : Flat reduced damage received from the race.
Pet Bonus (for bonuses to all pets)
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • petBonusName  : Select a pet bonus for the item. May explain the creation of one of these later.

Give the item the stats of your choosing. When you are done, right-click on it and build your .dbr.

Modifications / Scripts to modify masses of .dbrs
« on: 13 February 2019, 00:51:36 »
Hi, I came up with a new idea for a mod, but accomplishing it will require to modify tons of .dbrs, and I figured it would be nice to have a "script" to run that would modify the the files I need and their parameters in the background, only I've never done it or know if it's even possible.

Anyone can enlighten me?

General Discussion / Results of my TQ Survey
« on: 21 December 2018, 00:58:56 »
Hello there.

A while ago I had made a survey about how people were playing TQ. Though it was originally intended to learn about the players, find patterns to ultimately guide me in during the design of my new masteries, I felt like maybe some of you would be curious to learn what were the results like. So here they are!

*All questions have been answered by 45 people. Special thanks if you are one of those. ;)

Question 1: Wich of those points describe you best?

1. I like characters that deal a lot of damage, whether is it to a single target or large groups. (11/45)
2. I like characters that hold their ground with ease and are tough to kill. (8/45)
3. I like characters that are well-rounded, wich means they have an equally good offense and defense. (20/45)
4. I like any type of character. (6/45)

Question 2: How do you prefer to play a character in general?

1. With very few active skills. (11/45)
2. With few active skills (8/45)
3. With some active skills. (15/45)
4. With many active skills. (5/45)
5. With lots active skills. (6/45)

Question 3: Wich of those do you prefer in a mastery?
*Multiple answers can be chosen

1. AoE skills (24/45)
2. LMB skills (26/45)
3. Single-target skills (8/45)
4. Mobility skills (9/45)
5. Self-buff skills (15/45)
6. Aura skills (16/45)
7. Pet skills (9/45)
8. Passives skills (33/45)
9. Strong skills with long cooldowns (4/45)
10. Debuff skills (9/45)

Question 4: How do you like pets?

1. Not at all. (7/45)
2. Just a bit. (10/45)
3. Moderately. (9/45)
4. I enjoy their company. (10/45)
5. Absolutely love pets! (9/45)

Question 5: Do you prefer single pets or an army of pets?

1. Army of pets (24/45)
2. Single pets (21/45)

Question 6: What is your favorite weapon type?

1. Swords (12/45)
2. Axes (3/45)
3. Clubs (3/45)
4. Staves (7/45)
5. Throwing Weapons (1/45)
6. Spears (7/45)
7. Bows (8/45)
8. Dual-wielding (4/45)

Forum News and Info / Role/Titles banners
« on: 14 December 2018, 16:54:21 »
Been working on some sketches for potential banners for every role. Please let me know if you like their look or if you want them to be changed.

New Members Introduction / Farewell, I'll be gone for a while
« on: 28 November 2018, 02:23:59 »
Hi, people. I haven't found any other spot to post this, so I'll leave it here.

Life has been very rough lately for me, and just now I can barely endure it. I have been forced to rethink my life and I came to the conclusion it was best for me to focus on myself and leave the games aside for a while.

With that said, I'll be gone for a while. I hope that, during my absence, the community will grow with new members and meet old members again. (Consider Shadow Champions paused, not abandonned!)

Well then, I will be on my way. Take care and see you some other time I hope.

Art Manager / [Tutorial] Create new scrolls!
« on: 27 October 2018, 02:54:42 »
↜ Create new scrolls! by WNG ↝


Hello! This guide will show you how to make bind skills to your own customized scrolls.

I may assume you have some basic knowledge and overlook some manipulations. Feel free to tell me if anything is unclear.

Without further ado, let's get started.

I. Creating the pictures

This step will require:
  • Software for image-editing
    A custom scroll isn't truly "custom" without your own picture. To make one, you will need a software that edit images, such as Photoshop. If you don't own it, GIMP is a free software that will suffice for this task. MS Paint just won't cut it.
  • Scroll canvas
    For this step, you will be required to make your own scroll drawings. You can use my canvas if you wish to:[/i]

I. Load your canvas and draw a picture:
If you haven't used such software in the past, you should try out a few tools and experiment. Also, you may use some images as models to get the shape of an item just right. Anyways, we're not here to make work of art.

Save your files when you are done. Very important to save your pictures in .tga/.psd format! Those are the only formats the Art Manager can read.

II. Import your picture in your mod:
Open the Art Manager and select your mod. It will now be time to import your texture into your mod. Before importing it, I'd recommend creating a folder specifically for your custom textures. To do so, right-click on "name_of_your_mod/source > Create New Directory".

Now, select the matching folder, right-click, and select "Import...". Find your texture and select it. It should appear in the menu. Right-click it and choose Auto-Create Asset. You will be prompted to choose between Texture or Bitmap. Choose Bitmap, and proceed by pressing OK.

Spoiler for Hiden:

III. Build your texture:
Your texture isn't quite in your mod yet. You will need to visit the "Assets" tab, and seek your texture in the folder structure, wich should be the same as in your "Source" tab. Right-click on it and choose "Build". When that is done, build your mod by pressing F7. Your texture will now become usable in your mod.

Spoiler for Hiden:

II. Create the scroll


I. Create the scroll entry:

In the Art Manager, go to the Database tab. Determine wich folder will contain your scroll entries. At this place, create a new record with the template 'oneshot_scroll.tpl' if you wish to start from scratch or copy an existing scroll. Open your scroll file and modify the parameters as you see fit. Look at the spoiler below for a description regarding each field.

General Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
File Description : For your eyes only! Leaves a description or a note for the developper. No effect in-game.

Scroll Config
Skill Name : The .dbr file of the skill you wish to be used when the scroll is consumed. We will get to that later...

OneShot Parameters
Use Delay Time : The duration of the cooldown after using your scroll.
Bitmap : Texture file of your scroll when appearing in the inventory.
Bitmap Button Up : Texture file of your scroll when appearing in the skill bar (outset).
Bitmap Button Down : Texture file of your scroll when appearing in the skill bar (inset).

Item Parameters
Item Text : This is the description for your scroll. We will get to that later...
Item Cost : The value in gold of your scroll. If sold at merchants, it will be sold for this price.

Item Requirements

Actor Variables
Description : The name of your scroll.
The other parameters are irrelevant for us.

Edit the parameters until you are satisfied. When you are, save and build your file.

II. Add a custom description:

Let's include a description for a scroll. For this step, we will need to open our Modstrings.txt. This file contains all the texts from your mod. You can find it in the Source Tab of the Art Manager, by default located inside the Text folder. Double-click it to edit it.

To first add text to your item, you will need to use a tag (for example, "scroll_1_Desc".) You will use this tag as a reference for your scroll description. It is quite useful if you need to edit for whatever reason a piece of text you used in several places.

Following your tag, put a "=" and then the text you wish to be displayed in the player's inventory.

Once your text is done, save your Modstrings.txt, and build its asset. Then, open your scroll file and insert your tag in Item Parameters > Item Text. Following my example, I would put "scroll_1_Desc". Save your file, build it.

III. Create and bind the skill

Determine wich skill you will be using for your scroll. Since there's so many kind of skills to create and it would need a tutorial of its own, I will skip this part and leave it for a future tutorial (maybe?).

Once you have a skill in mind, you may bind it to your scroll. To do so, go to the .dbr file of your scroll, then visit the Scroll Config tab. Insert the .dbr file of the skill you want to associate, then save and build to apply the modifications.

IV. Make the skill usable

It may seem like it's all set for your scroll to work, right? If you attempt to use it in a game, you will notice that there will be no skill attached to it! That is because you also need to set it into another file wich contains all the skills that may be used on scrolls. There are two of them that have room for you to insert the skills you want.

records\xpack\skills\scroll skills\scrollskilltree2.dbr
records\xpack2\skills\scroll skills\scrollskilltree3.dbr

Import any of those two files above and open it. Go to the Skill List tab, you will notice many different skills. Those are indeed all the skills that are "authorized" to be attached to a scroll. Find an empty spot to put in the skill of your choice from earlier. Save your work and build this file.

V. Create Epic/Legendary versions

Your first scroll being completed, you might want to make an Epic or Legendary version. To do so, duplicate your scroll and rename them. Do not forget to edit their parameters, too.

General Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Scroll Config
Skill Name : Duplicate your skill's .dbr file and make stronger versions of the spell. Apply the new version here AND do not forget to reference it inside one of the two files from the previous step.

OneShot Parameters
Bitmap : Replace with the fitting texture.
Bitmap Button Up : Replace with the fitting texture.
Bitmap Button Down : Replace with the fitting texture.

Item Parameters
Item Cost : Increase the gold value of your superior versions.

Item Requirements
You may want to increase the level requirement for the superior versions.

Actor Variables
Description : The name of your scroll.
The other parameters are irrelevant for us.

Save your new scrolls and build them. You now will have access to a new set of scrolls to play with.

New Projects / Shadow Champions (Mastery Mod) - WNG
« on: 18 October 2018, 21:58:09 »

Hello, fellow TQ players. Our new mod has now be released, the first mastery mod since the Ragnarök expansion!

This mod will add 10 new unique masteries to play with, along with many gameplay changes and additions across the entire game.

1. Chaos Mastery
2. Geomancy Mastery
3. Necromancy Mastery
4. Archery Mastery
5. Lifegiving Mastery
6. Aqua Mastery
7. Barbarism Mastery
8. Time Mastery
9. Science Mastery
10. Witchcraft Mastery

Download Link :
Non-Steam :!dEEWmA5S!q_AFtN4b3hteGHGcNBlRI82jGrtMcvm4udEjEWTnqVk

Art Manager / [Tutorial] Create your own relics and charms!
« on: 05 October 2018, 01:27:50 »
↜ Create your own relics and charms! by WNG ↝


Hello! This guide will describe the creation process of the relics and charms. At the end of the tutorial, you will know everything you need to make your custom relics!

I may assume you have some basic knowledge and overlook some manipulations. Feel free to tell me if anything is unclear.

Without further ado, let's get started.

I. Creating the pictures

This step will require:
  • Software for image-editing
    A custom artifact isn't truly "custom" without your own picture. To make one, you will need a software that edit images, such as Photoshop. If you don't own it, GIMP is a free software that will suffice for this task. MS Paint just won't cut it.
  • Charm and Relics canvas
    I have some sweet canvas for you right here; they will be useful for making your new relics/charms : (you can also make something different if you wish to)

I. Load your canvas and draw a picture:
If you haven't used such software in the past, you should try out a few tools and experiment. Also, you may use some images as models to get the shape of an item just right. Anyways, we're not here to make work of art.

Save your files when you are done. Very important to save your pictures in .tga/.psd format! Those are the only formats the Art Manager can read.

II. Import your picture in your mod:
Open the Art Manager and select your mod. It will now be time to import your texture into your mod. Before importing it, I'd recommend creating a folder specifically for your custom textures. To do so, right-click on "name_of_your_mod/source > Create New Directory".

Now, select the matching folder, right-click, and select "Import...". Find your texture and select it. It should appear in the menu. Right-click it and choose Auto-Create Asset. You will be prompted to choose between Texture or Bitmap. Choose Bitmap, and proceed by pressing OK.

Spoiler for Hiden:

III. Build your texture:
Your texture isn't quite in your mod yet. You will need to visit the "Assets" tab, and seek your texture in the folder structure, wich should be the same as in your "Source" tab. Right-click on it and choose "Build". When that is done, build your mod by pressing F7. Your texture will now become usable in your mod.

Spoiler for Hiden:

II. Create the relic or charm


I. Create the relic entry:

In the Art Manager, go to the Database tab. Find a spot where you wish to put your relics in. When you found it, right-click > New > Record, and choose the template ItemRelic. You can also copy+paste an existing relic of the game and work from it. In fact, I'd recommend the latter method, since creating a new record out of the blue removes many parameters common to all the relics that you probably won't bother to change.

You are now ready to edit your item! Check the spoilers below to see what is each panel about and wich parameters are worth editing.

General Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
File Description : For your eyes only! Leaves a description or a note for the developper. No effect in-game.

Relic Config
Completed Relic Level : Determines how many pieces must be gathered to complete the relic.
Shard Bitmap : Tells the game wich texture to use when the relic is not completed. !!! Modify it to show your own texture !!!
Relic Bitmap : Tells the game wich texture to use when the relic is completed. !!! Modify it to show your own texture !!!
Bonus Table Name : Manages the completion bonuses. We will get to that later...

Relic Qualifiers
This section is filled of booleans that determines wich pieces of equipment your relic can enchant. 1 will allow the enchantement, 0 will not allow it.

Item Parameters
Item Text : This is the description for your relic. We will get to that later...
Item Cost : The value in gold of your relic. Add entries in the array equivalent to the Completed Relic Level set earlier to determine the price for 1 piece, 2 pieces, etc...

Item Requirements

Actor Variables
Description : The name of your relic.
The other parameters are irrelevant for us.

Item's Bonuses Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
This is a review of the many (not all!) basic parameters you may set on your item. If you know about those, skip this.
Many of the parameters share the same proprietes. I'll explain them once.

Offensive Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Offensive Global (for offensive bonuses with a global chance (5% of +10% Total Damage, +20% Poison Damage, ...))
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • offensiveGlobalChance : Chance of offensive global effects to occur (choose the effects with booleans in the sections below.)

Offensive Absolute (for flat/percent based damage bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • offensiveXMin : Minimum of flat X damage.
  • offensiveXMax : Maximum of flat X damage.
  • offensiveXChance : Chance of the X damage set above to occur.
  • offensiveXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • offensiveXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • offensiveXModifier : Increases by X% the damage of the selected type.
  • offensiveXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage bonus to occur.

Offensive Duration (for damage/debuffs over time bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • offensiveSlowXMin : Minimum of X damage over time (every second).
  • offensiveSlowXMax : Maximum of X damage over time (every second).
  • offensiveSlowXDurationMin : Minimal duration of the DoT effect.
  • offensiveSlowXDurationMax : Maximial duration of the DoT effect.
  • offensiveSlowXChance : Chance of the X damage over time set above to occur.
  • offensiveSlowXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • offensiveSlowXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • offensiveSlowXModifier : Increases by X% the damage of the selected type.
  • offensiveSlowXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage bonus to occur.
  • offensiveSlowXDurationModifier : Increases the duration of the DoT effect by x%.

Offensive Influence (for debuffs for a set duration, such as Confusion, Mind-Control, etc.)
Spoiler for Hiden:
See the above sections, they share similar parameters.
Retaliation Parameters

Spoiler for Hiden:
Retaliation Global (for retaliation bonuses with a global chance (5% of 15 Piercing Retaliation, 20 Elemental Retaliation, ...))
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • retaliationGlobalChance : Chance of retaliation global effects to occur (choose the effects with booleans in the sections below.)
Retaliation Absolute (for flat retaliation bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • retaliationXMin : Minimal damage of the retaliation of the set type.
  • retaliationXMax : Maximal damage of the retaliation of the set type.
  • retaliationXChance : Chance of the retaliation to occur.
  • retaliationXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • retaliationXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • retaliationXModifier : Boosts the damage of the retaliation of X type by a set percent.
  • retaliationXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage boost to occur.
Retaliation Duration (for DoT retaliation bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • retaliationSlowXMin : Minimal damage of the retaliation of the set type (per second.)
  • retaliationSlowXMax : Maximal damage of the retaliation of the set type (per second.)
  • retaliationSlowXDurationMin : Minimal duration of the DoT of the set type.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationMax : Minimal damage of the DoT of the set type.
  • retaliationSlowXChance : Chance of the retaliation to occur.
  • retaliationSlowXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • retaliationSlowXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • retaliationSlowXModifier : Boosts the DoT of the retaliation of X type by a set percent.
  • retaliationSlowXModifierChance : Chance of the percent DoT boost to occur.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationModifier : Boosts the DoT of X type's duration by a set percent.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationModifierChance : Chance of the percent duration boost to occur.

Defensive Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Defensive Absolute (for resistances bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • defensiveX :  Increases resistance to the damage type of by a set percent.
  • defensiveXChance : Chance of the resistance to the damage type of by the percent set above.
  • defensiveXModifier :  Increases the resistance bonus by a set percent.
  • defensiveXModifierChance : Chance of the resistance bonus to the damage type by the percent set above.
  • defensiveXDuration : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationChance : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationModifier : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationModifierChance : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
Defensive Special (for resistances versus certain DoTs)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Defensive Misc (for blocking/reflecting bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Defensive Influence (for secondary resistances)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Monster Defense (for tertiary resistances)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.

Character Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Character Base Attributes (Is irrelevant, do not touch.)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    No need to touch this.
Character Bonus Attributes (for direct stats bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterStrenght : Flat strenght increase.
  • characterDexterity : Flat dexterity increase.
  • characterIntelligence : Flat intelligence increase.
  • characterLife : Flat health points increase.
  • characterMana : Flat energy points increase.
  • characterStrenghtModifier : Percent strenght increase.
  • characterDexterityModifier  : Percent dexterity increase.
  • characterIntelligenceModifier  : Percent intelligence increase.
  • characterLifeModifier  : Percent health points increase.
  • characterManaModifier  : Percent energy points increase.
  • characterIncreasedExperience  : Increases experience gained.
  • characterPhysToElementalRation  : x% converted to elemental damage.
Character Speed (for speed bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterRunSpeed : Increases base run speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterAttackSpeed : Increases base attack speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterSpellCastSpeed : Increases base spell cast speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterRunSpeedModifier : Increases run speed by x%.
  • characterAttackSpeedModifier : Increases attack speed by x%.
  • characterSpellCastSpeedModifier : Increases spell cast speed by x%.
  • characterTotalSpeedModifier : Increases total speed by x%.
Character Regeneration (for regeneration bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterLifeRegen : Increases health regeneration by a flat amount.
  • characterManaRegen : Increases energy regeneration by a flat amount.
  • characterLifeRegenModifier : Increases health regeneration by a percent amount.
  • characterManaRegenModifier : Increases energy regeneration by a percent amount.

Character Ability (for dodge/critical hit bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterOffensiveAbility : Increases OA by a flat amount.
  • characterDefensiveAbility : Increases DA by a flat amount.
  • characterOffensiveAbilityModifier : Increases OA by a percent amount.
  • characterDefensiveAbilityModifier : Increases DA by a percent amount.
  • characterDefensiveBlockRecoveryReduction : Reduces shield recovery time.
  • characterEnergyAbsorptionPercent : Recovers energy when hit by spells by percent amount.
  • characterDodgePercent : Increases melee attack dodge chance.
  • characterDeflectProjectile : Increases projectile dodge chance.

Character Reserve (for mana reservation reduction bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterManaLimitReserve : Not quite sure...
  • characterManaLimitReserveReduction : Decreases energy reserved by a flat amount.
  • characterManaLimitReserveModifier : Not quite sure...
  • characterManaLimitReserveReductionModifier : Decreases energy reserved by a percent amount.

Requirement Reduction (for requirement reduction bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

Self-explanatory. Also, you do NOT need to add the negative.

Skill Parameters (for bonuses that regard spells)
Spoiler for Hiden:
Skill Reduction (for reduced recharge and mana costs)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • skillCooldownReduction  : Flat cooldown reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionChance : Chance of flat cooldown reduction.
  • skillManaCostReduction : Flat mana cost reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionChance : Chance of flat mana cost reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionModifier : Percent cooldown reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionModifierChance : Chance of percent cooldown reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionModifier : Percent mana cost reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionModifierChance : Chance of percent mana cost reduction.
Projectile Bonus (for projectile speed)
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • skillProjectileSpeedModifier  : Percent increase of the projectile speed.
  • skillProjectileSpeedModifierChance : Chance of percent increase of the projectile speed.
Skill Augment (boosts or grants skills)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • augmentSkillName1  : The database entry of the skill you wish to boost. (ex.: records\skills\stealth\envenomweapon.dbr)
  • augmentSkillLevel1  : Level by wich the skill above is increased.
  • augmentSkillName2  : The database entry of ANOTHER the skill you wish to boost.
  • augmentSkillLevel2  : Level by wich the skill above is increased.
  • augmentMasteryName1  : The database entry of a mastery you wish to boost all of its skills.
  • augmentMasteryLevel2  : Level by wich the skills of the mastery above is increased.
  • augmentMasteryName2  : The database entry of ANOTHER mastery you wish to boost all of its skills.
  • augmentMasteryLevel2  : Level by wich the skills of the mastery above is increased.
See this for masteries names :
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • Warfare : records\skills\warfare\warfaremastery.dbr
  • Defense : records\skills\defensive\defensivemastery.dbr
  • Rogue : records\skills\stealth\stealthmastery.dbr
  • Hunting : records\skills\hunting\huntingmastery.dbr
  • Dream : records\xpack\skills\dream\dreammastery.dbr
  • Nature : records\skills\nature\naturemastery.dbr
  • Earth : records\skills\earth\earthmastery.dbr
  • Storm :records\skills\storm\stormmastery.dbr
  • Runes : records\xpack2\skills\runemaster\runemaster_mastery.dbr
  • Spirit :records\skills\spirit\spiritmastery.dbr
  • augmentAllLevel : Level by wich all skills should be increased.
  • itemSkillName : See the part IV.
  • itemSkillLevel : See the part IV.
  • itemSkillAutoController : See the part IV.
Racial Bonus (for increased offense/defense versus certain races)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • racialBonusRace  : Races that will be affected by the bonuses below. You can have as many as you like.
  • racialBonusPercentDamage  : Percent damage increase versus the race.
  • racialBonusAbsoluteDamage  : Flat damage increase versus the race.
  • racialBonusPercentDefense  : Percent reduced damage received from the race.
  • racialBonusAbsoluteDefense  : Flat reduced damage received from the race.
Pet Bonus (for bonuses to all pets)
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • petBonusName  : Select a pet bonus for the item. May explain the creation of one of these later.

The parameters above regard the base bonuses of your relic. You will want to edit at least one parameter, unless you want your relic to do absolutely nothing (you could!). For this example, I will make something really basic and make a relic that boosts Physical Damage.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Here you will need to input values for every stage of your relic (1 piece, 2 pieces, etc...) up to its maximum value. This relic is completed at 3 pieces, so I put 3 entries. The values can be set in a non-linear fashion if you wish.

Edit the bonuses of your choice until you are satisfied. When you are, save your work.

Check out the next post to finish the tutorial.

Around the world / Anyone else having weird weird dreams?
« on: 30 August 2018, 12:26:30 »
I have a fascination for the weird dreams. They have seemingly have no meaning but I can't help but to try to find one. Hopefully, some of you enjoy this kind of dream. I'll share you the one I just made.

The dream began in my basement, very early in the morning (around 3AM to 5AM) and my plan was to play some Super Smash Bros. on my Gamecube. I casually turn on the system. The startup logo does its stuff... then something happens.

A new splash screen appeared. The Gamecube logo, much smaller, was appearing at the center of the screen, encircled by a grid. Just below was written the word 'Content'. Also, as the whole thing appeared, some Xbox-360-ish sounds were playing. Since I had never seen this before, I was confused, but I didn't bothered more than that. The screen faded away, and the Gamecube's startup cinematic played again. I knew for a fact there already was the right CD inside even though I hadn't checked. I was starting to become nervous, so I tried to open the CD compartment, but I think this angered the Gamecube, or whatever is responsible for the ongoing mess. As I opened the CD compartment, multiple Gamecube's startup sequences played at once, causing a massive earrape and afraid me. In the fear, I mashed the POWER button and it ultimately turned off after a few attempts.

I had noticed my brother was looking at my direction, he probably was awoken by the previous events. I had told him something was wrong about the Gamecube, but he said he had to go eat a breakfast first, so he ran upstairs. I was again left alone with the Gamecube, I had decided to turn it ON again. The startup screen played normally. Then, something very strange happens.

A game launched automatically. But it wasn't the game from the CD. It wasn't a game I had the chance to play. It wasn't even a Gamecube game! It was none other than Super Mario World for the SNES. At first it made me wonder, where does the game come from? But then, I felt so much like playing ANYTHING so I just sat on the couch, grabbed the controller and navigated through the menus to ultimately start a game. I should've seen what was coming...

The startup sequence launched, sending me out of the game. I nonetheless persisted and wait for the console to launch another game. This time, it looked like it was Pokémon Stadium 2. It sent me directly at the team creation screen. I was halfway done that my brother came back from upstairs. I hastly told him about the issue, that the console wouldn't launch the right game and that it was acting very strange. It probably was due to my inactivity, but the game suddenly switched to Super Smash Bros. Melee. Of course, it threw me in a random screen, this time it wad the No-Contest screen. Something wasn't right though...

I looked closer. You know you see the fighters clapping hands inside a small box? Well... it wasn't any of the regular fighters. It was characters from Mario Golf for the Nintendo 64! I knew at this point it was useless to bother with the console. There was a virus in it, though how could it have even catch a virus in the first place?

General Discussion / [Survey] How do you play Titan Quest
« on: 22 August 2018, 15:28:57 »
Hello everyone.

I was looking for answers to some of my question regarding how the community likes to play Titan Quest.

This is a quick survey for me to know your preferences. I'm accumulating answers for a future project.

Thanks for your time, and enjoy your day.

Art Manager / [Tutorial] Create a custom artifact!
« on: 07 August 2018, 13:47:59 »
↜ Create a custom artifact! by WNG ↝


Many thanks to @nargil66, he inspired me to become sort-of useful to the community and make my own tutorials. I hope I will not mess up my first one. :S

This guide will show you how to create an artifact with (hopefully) clear explanations. You will be shown how to insert your own custom images, give bonuses to your items and create new skills for your artefact so you may showoff your modding skills to your family and friends.

I may assume you have some basic knowledge and overlook some manipulations. Feel free to tell me if anything is unclear.

Without further ado, let's get started.

I. Creating your own image

This step will require:
  • Software for image-editing
    A custom artifact isn't truly "custom" without your own picture. To make one, you will need a software that edit images, such as Photoshop. If you don't own it, GIMP is a free software that will suffice for this task. MS Paint just won't cut it.
  • Artefacts' Models
    When you think of an artifact, you think of that spheric light around the picture. I've made some sweet canvas for you :


I. Load your canvas and draw a picture:
If you haven't used such software in the past, you should try out a few tools and experiment. Also, you may use some images as models to get the shape of an item just right. Anyways, we're not here to make work of art.

Spoiler for Hiden:
This is one I done in around 15 mins (not going to lie, I used a model.)

Very important to save your picture in .tga/.psd format! Those are the only formats the Art Manager can read.

II. Import your picture in your mod:
Open the Art Manager and select your mod. It will now be time to import your texture into your mod. Before importing it, I'd recommend creating a folder specifically for your custom textures. To do so, right-click on "name_of_your_mod/source > Create New Directory".

Now, select the matching folder, right-click, and select "Import...". Find your texture and select it. It should appear in the menu. Right-click it and choose Auto-Create Asset. You will be prompted to choose between Texture or Bitmap. Choose Bitmap, and proceed by pressing OK.

Spoiler for Hiden:

III. Build your texture:
Your texture isn't quite in your mod yet. You will need to visit the "Assets" tab, and seek your texture in the folder structure, wich should be the same as in your "Source" tab. Right-click on it and choose "Build". When that is done, build your mod by pressing F7. Your texture will now become usable in your mod.

Spoiler for Hiden:

II. Create the artifact itself


I. Grabbing some templates:
Iron Lore has been very nice to us. They granted us blank artifact and formula files for an easy creation. Go in "Databse > Import Record..." and import those two files (they are handy when you intend to create multiple artifacts/formulas.) Those do not need to be built.
  • records\xpack\item\artifacts\blank_artifact.dbr
  • records\xpack\item\artifacts\arcaneformulae\blank_arcane_formula.dbr

II. Create the artifact:

Make a copy of "records\xpack\item\artifacts\blank_artifact.dbr" and paste it in a directory where you see fit (ideally a directory of yours that is proprely identified.) Let's open it and look at the inside. Below I will list the parameters you may modify. Irrelevant parameters will be omitted.

General Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
File Description : For your eyes only! Leaves a description or a note for the developper. No effect in-game.

Artifact Config
Artifact Bitmap : Tells the game wich texture will appear in the inventory. !!! Modify it to show your own texture !!!
Artifact Classification : Selects the quality of the artefact.

Item Parameters
Most of the parameters are irrelevant for us.

Item Requirements

Actor Variables
Description : The name of your artefact.
The other parameters are irrelevant for us.

Item's Bonuses Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
This is a review of the many (not all!) basic parameters you may set on your item. If you know about those, skip this.
Many of the parameters share the same proprietes. I'll explain them once.

Offensive Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Offensive Global (for offensive bonuses with a global chance (5% of +10% Total Damage, +20% Poison Damage, ...))
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • offensiveGlobalChance : Chance of offensive global effects to occur (choose the effects with booleans in the sections below.)

Offensive Absolute (for flat/percent based damage bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • offensiveXMin : Minimum of flat X damage.
  • offensiveXMax : Maximum of flat X damage.
  • offensiveXChance : Chance of the X damage set above to occur.
  • offensiveXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • offensiveXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • offensiveXModifier : Increases by X% the damage of the selected type.
  • offensiveXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage bonus to occur.

Offensive Duration (for damage/debuffs over time bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • offensiveSlowXMin : Minimum of X damage over time (every second).
  • offensiveSlowXMax : Maximum of X damage over time (every second).
  • offensiveSlowXDurationMin : Minimal duration of the DoT effect.
  • offensiveSlowXDurationMax : Maximial duration of the DoT effect.
  • offensiveSlowXChance : Chance of the X damage over time set above to occur.
  • offensiveSlowXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • offensiveSlowXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • offensiveSlowXModifier : Increases by X% the damage of the selected type.
  • offensiveSlowXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage bonus to occur.
  • offensiveSlowXDurationModifier : Increases the duration of the DoT effect by x%.

Offensive Influence (for debuffs for a set duration, such as Confusion, Mind-Control, etc.)
Spoiler for Hiden:
See the above sections, they share similar parameters.
Retaliation Parameters

Spoiler for Hiden:
Retaliation Global (for retaliation bonuses with a global chance (5% of 15 Piercing Retaliation, 20 Elemental Retaliation, ...))
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • retaliationGlobalChance : Chance of retaliation global effects to occur (choose the effects with booleans in the sections below.)
Retaliation Absolute (for flat retaliation bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • retaliationXMin : Minimal damage of the retaliation of the set type.
  • retaliationXMax : Maximal damage of the retaliation of the set type.
  • retaliationXChance : Chance of the retaliation to occur.
  • retaliationXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • retaliationXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • retaliationXModifier : Boosts the damage of the retaliation of X type by a set percent.
  • retaliationXModifierChance : Chance of the percent damage boost to occur.
Retaliation Duration (for DoT retaliation bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • retaliationSlowXMin : Minimal damage of the retaliation of the set type (per second.)
  • retaliationSlowXMax : Maximal damage of the retaliation of the set type (per second.)
  • retaliationSlowXDurationMin : Minimal duration of the DoT of the set type.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationMax : Minimal damage of the DoT of the set type.
  • retaliationSlowXChance : Chance of the retaliation to occur.
  • retaliationSlowXXOR : Boolean. Set to 1 to select only one bonus in the global pool.
  • retaliationSlowXGlobal : Boolean. Set to 1 to make the bonus part of the global chance pool.
  • retaliationSlowXModifier : Boosts the DoT of the retaliation of X type by a set percent.
  • retaliationSlowXModifierChance : Chance of the percent DoT boost to occur.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationModifier : Boosts the DoT of X type's duration by a set percent.
  • retaliationSlowXDurationModifierChance : Chance of the percent duration boost to occur.

Defensive Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Defensive Absolute (for resistances bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • defensiveX :  Increases resistance to the damage type of by a set percent.
  • defensiveXChance : Chance of the resistance to the damage type of by the percent set above.
  • defensiveXModifier :  Increases the resistance bonus by a set percent.
  • defensiveXModifierChance : Chance of the resistance bonus to the damage type by the percent set above.
  • defensiveXDuration : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationChance : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationModifier : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
  • defensiveXDurationModifierChance : Same as above, for the matching DoT.
Defensive Special (for resistances versus certain DoTs)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Defensive Misc (for blocking/reflecting bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Defensive Influence (for secondary resistances)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.
Monster Defense (for tertiary resistances)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    See the Defensive Absolute section, they share similar parameters.

Character Parameters
Spoiler for Hiden:
Character Base Attributes (Is irrelevant, do not touch.)
Spoiler for Hiden:
    No need to touch this.
Character Bonus Attributes (for direct stats bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterStrenght : Flat strenght increase.
  • characterDexterity : Flat dexterity increase.
  • characterIntelligence : Flat intelligence increase.
  • characterLife : Flat health points increase.
  • characterMana : Flat energy points increase.
  • characterStrenghtModifier : Percent strenght increase.
  • characterDexterityModifier  : Percent dexterity increase.
  • characterIntelligenceModifier  : Percent intelligence increase.
  • characterLifeModifier  : Percent health points increase.
  • characterManaModifier  : Percent energy points increase.
  • characterIncreasedExperience  : Increases experience gained.
  • characterPhysToElementalRation  : x% converted to elemental damage.
Character Speed (for speed bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterRunSpeed : Increases base run speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterAttackSpeed : Increases base attack speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterSpellCastSpeed : Increases base spell cast speed. Unused at this date.
  • characterRunSpeedModifier : Increases run speed by x%.
  • characterAttackSpeedModifier : Increases attack speed by x%.
  • characterSpellCastSpeedModifier : Increases spell cast speed by x%.
  • characterTotalSpeedModifier : Increases total speed by x%.
Character Regeneration (for regeneration bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterLifeRegen : Increases health regeneration by a flat amount.
  • characterManaRegen : Increases energy regeneration by a flat amount.
  • characterLifeRegenModifier : Increases health regeneration by a percent amount.
  • characterManaRegenModifier : Increases energy regeneration by a percent amount.

Character Ability (for dodge/critical hit bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterOffensiveAbility : Increases OA by a flat amount.
  • characterDefensiveAbility : Increases DA by a flat amount.
  • characterOffensiveAbilityModifier : Increases OA by a percent amount.
  • characterDefensiveAbilityModifier : Increases DA by a percent amount.
  • characterDefensiveBlockRecoveryReduction : Reduces shield recovery time.
  • characterEnergyAbsorptionPercent : Recovers energy when hit by spells by percent amount.
  • characterDodgePercent : Increases melee attack dodge chance.
  • characterDeflectProjectile : Increases projectile dodge chance.

Character Reserve (for mana reservation reduction bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • characterManaLimitReserve : Not quite sure...
  • characterManaLimitReserveReduction : Decreases energy reserved by a flat amount.
  • characterManaLimitReserveModifier : Not quite sure...
  • characterManaLimitReserveReductionModifier : Decreases energy reserved by a percent amount.

Requirement Reduction (for requirement reduction bonuses)
Spoiler for Hiden:

Self-explanatory. Also, you do NOT need to add the negative.

Skill Parameters (for bonuses that regard spells)
Spoiler for Hiden:
Skill Reduction (for reduced recharge and mana costs)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • skillCooldownReduction  : Flat cooldown reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionChance : Chance of flat cooldown reduction.
  • skillManaCostReduction : Flat mana cost reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionChance : Chance of flat mana cost reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionModifier : Percent cooldown reduction.
  • skillCooldownReductionModifierChance : Chance of percent cooldown reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionModifier : Percent mana cost reduction.
  • skillManaCostReductionModifierChance : Chance of percent mana cost reduction.
Projectile Bonus (for projectile speed)
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • skillProjectileSpeedModifier  : Percent increase of the projectile speed.
  • skillProjectileSpeedModifierChance : Chance of percent increase of the projectile speed.
Skill Augment (boosts or grants skills)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • augmentSkillName1  : The database entry of the skill you wish to boost. (ex.: records\skills\stealth\envenomweapon.dbr)
  • augmentSkillLevel1  : Level by wich the skill above is increased.
  • augmentSkillName2  : The database entry of ANOTHER the skill you wish to boost.
  • augmentSkillLevel2  : Level by wich the skill above is increased.
  • augmentMasteryName1  : The database entry of a mastery you wish to boost all of its skills.
  • augmentMasteryLevel2  : Level by wich the skills of the mastery above is increased.
  • augmentMasteryName2  : The database entry of ANOTHER mastery you wish to boost all of its skills.
  • augmentMasteryLevel2  : Level by wich the skills of the mastery above is increased.
See this for masteries names :
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • Warfare : records\skills\warfare\warfaremastery.dbr
  • Defense : records\skills\defensive\defensivemastery.dbr
  • Rogue : records\skills\stealth\stealthmastery.dbr
  • Hunting : records\skills\hunting\huntingmastery.dbr
  • Dream : records\xpack\skills\dream\dreammastery.dbr
  • Nature : records\skills\nature\naturemastery.dbr
  • Earth : records\skills\earth\earthmastery.dbr
  • Storm :records\skills\storm\stormmastery.dbr
  • Runes : records\xpack2\skills\runemaster\runemaster_mastery.dbr
  • Spirit :records\skills\spirit\spiritmastery.dbr
  • augmentAllLevel : Level by wich all skills should be increased.
  • itemSkillName : See the part IV.
  • itemSkillLevel : See the part IV.
  • itemSkillAutoController : See the part IV.
Racial Bonus (for increased offense/defense versus certain races)
Spoiler for Hiden:

  • racialBonusRace  : Races that will be affected by the bonuses below. You can have as many as you like.
  • racialBonusPercentDamage  : Percent damage increase versus the race.
  • racialBonusAbsoluteDamage  : Flat damage increase versus the race.
  • racialBonusPercentDefense  : Percent reduced damage received from the race.
  • racialBonusAbsoluteDefense  : Flat reduced damage received from the race.
Pet Bonus (for bonuses to all pets)
Spoiler for Hiden:
  • petBonusName  : Select a pet bonus for the item. May explain the creation of one of these later.

Play around those bonuses, experiment, and try to make something original. Once your work is done, save it. Then, right-click on your database file, build it. Then, F7 for mod building.

Check out next post for the rest of the tutorial.

Guides AE / ↜ Hunting Mastery by WNG ↝
« on: 22 July 2018, 04:14:24 »
↜ Hunting Mastery by WNG ↝


Hello, people. This is a small guide discussing Hunting's skills, giving insights on wich skills are worth investement and wich ones are less important. It's purely based on my opinions and shouldn't be considered like the one and only truth. You are free to share your disagreements below.

Back in my early TQ days, I wasn't a fan of bows and hunting stuff, so I had little interest in this mastery. I was more into melee stuff. That was until I bought AE a few months ago, and decided to try something different for once : Hunting mastery. And I fell in love with it. It remains my favorite mastery at that day, and has a lot of awesome stuff that I think needs to be shared with anyone who wants to use this mastery.

Well, let's get right into it.

The Mastery

Hunting revolves around piercing and bleeding damage, preferably with bows and spears, making it one of the most offensive masteries. It offers a wide variety of skills and passives that allow for impressive damage both on single-targets and large troops of ennemies. With its high damage potential and its handful of buffs, a hunter can be very independant, but also a remarkable team player. When all that is considered at once, Hunting becomes a mastery that can be either principal or complementary, making it able to succeedly combo with any other mastery.

Hunting's skills

Tier 1


It's a decent skill. On one hand, it offers a defensive ability debuff. Quite nice, but since you can't make critical hits with your bow, this is only useful if you switch for a spear/shield. Also, the strongest ennemies (such as heroes, bosses, etc.) are immuned to the net alltogether. You may also use it to keep regular mobs away from you, but it isn't really worth spending a ton of points, if any.

Take Down

More often used as a mobility skill rather than a damage dealer, though it can hurt a lot when upgraded. It needs a big investement to become really good, though, and you have many other skills that you will want to boost before this one. You may boost it later on.

Wood Lore

This is an amazing passive, and there really isn't any point to not pick it up. Bows have a low attack speed in early levels, and this passive allows you to fix that. Also, you get an appreciable bonus of flat defensive ability. On the top of that, it only requires 6 points to max out! Really, just max this already.

Tier 2


I assume you will be using bows at some point if you are using Hunting mastery. This thing will make your bow AAs much more deadlier with the piercing bonus it gives. Using Marksmanship will also unlock more powerful upgrades for your bow attacks. This is definetly a skill you will want to max, too.

Art of the Hunt

This aura will boost your piercing and bleeding damage. It also affects any pets or party members nearby. No debate needed, this is a must.

Herbal Remedy

This thing will provide a huge boost in poison resistance for your character, so you have less to worry about it when choosing your gear. The flat regeneration bonus is a little cherry on the top, as in it shouldn't be the reason why you're picking this skill in the first place.

Tier 3

Barbed Netting

If you are using Ensnare, this may be an upgrade you would want to try. Though the bleeding damage isn't that extreme, it will be increased with your skills, gear, etc.

Call of the Hunt

This buff will make yourself much better at fighting for a brief duration. You will want to upgrade it to enlarge its duration and effectiveness. A common strat is to use gear with -x% recharge to use it more frequently, to the point you have its bonuses permanently. Tracker's Hood is a nice item for that. If you lack -x% recharge gear, you should only use it versus large ennemy groups, heroes you have trouble with and boss fights.


Putting skills on that depends on your needs. If you are using Take Down for mobility, you can put at most one point on it. The bleeding damage, when maxed out, is very good, but again, it needs a decent amount of points to make it shine.

Monster Lure

This skill can distract ennemies for a while, so you can avoid being hit. I guess it could have some uses, but there are other skills out there that you will want to boost first.

Tier 4

Study Prey

Perfection incarnate. Applies a buff in an area around the targeted monster, greatly reducing their resistances. Even though it has a great power, the skill's duration is equal to its cooldown. Wich means you can cast it as soon as the effect wears off. There's no good hunter without Study Prey.

Puncture Shot Arrows

So far, Hunting hasn't offered much options for clearing mass armies of ennemies. This will allow you to turn your strong single-target attacks into strong multiple-targets attacks. It will boost your waveclearing abilities by a lot.


With an high dexterity and your currently maxed out auras, you will be dealing a lot of bleeding damage. This allows you to deal even more bleeding with your AAs. Ineffective versus undeads (duh) but still a nice upgrade that costs only 6 points.

Find Cover

Makes your hunter less vunerable to all projectile attacks. You will want to put points into it. Remember though, the cap is set at 80%. If your gear's bonuses make your projectile-avoidance chance go over 80%, consider removing points on this skill (or else they will be sitting there doing nothing) and move them on other skills.

Tier 5

Exploit Weakness

This will further boost your damage while Call of the Hunt is active. This should be high in your priorities.

Trail Blazing

Provides a nice boost in movement speed and entrapment immunity. Leveling this up only provides more movement speed. The movement speed cap being very low (only 166%), odds are your gear will provide sufficient movement speed so that you don't need to max this to reach the limit. Even then, having 150%+ is more than enough.


It is not worth to invest any points on this skill, in my opinion. It deals a bunch of fire damage, wich might be interesting if you play with Earth along with Hunting, but in other cases, you will probably have nothing to boost its damage. Even then, with the help of all your buffs, your own damage should be sufficient enough to take care of your opponents; if you are using the lure in the first place, it's to distract ennemies, correct? In most cases, you shouldn't bother with this skill at all.

Tier 6

Flush Out

Makes Study Prey even deadlier, reducing elemental and bleeding resistances, wich makes basically any other skill hit much more harder on the targets. Very useful.

Scatter Shot Arrows

This will enhance even more your waveclearing abilities, allowing you to hit mass of ennemies at once with heavy bleeding damage. People could argue saying that it has been rendered useless because it was heavily nerfed by the AE, but I think it still remains awesome and is worth the investement.


Insanely strong passive, making your bow fire three arrows and your spear hit thrice. Only needs 6 points. This should be maxed as soon as possible.


I hope this make you want to build a Hunting toon and shoot every living thing down (was the intended goal.)

Either way, I hope you enjoyed reading through that post. Enjoy the rest of your day ^.^

Around the world / How did you choose your username?
« on: 21 July 2018, 00:31:52 »
Simple question, right? Maybe it's just me, but I like to know where does all those cool usernames come from.

In my case, it's just my initials. Not tough to guess ^^

What about you?

General Discussion / Submitting your characters
« on: 04 July 2018, 22:37:13 »

For my new map, I'd need people to submit their characters (a bit like for Titanslayers) for it to appear. I need to see its gear and skillset, and its name. I could always use or make up characters myself, but it's more fun to see members of the community.

If you like (cause I would), leave here a screenshot of your character.


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