“..Your Mortal world, is not yet safe, but the responsability now is yours..”
Long ago the titans have attempted to destroying humanity but they failed, now it has been rumors saying the evil that corrupted the land had returned, more powerful than before..
What you waiting for..Titan bane ? Gather your sword and spells ,and stop the evil once for all.
Im happy to present you titan quest Titanomachy!

Why Titanomachy ?In the myth, means "..the final batle between the Titans versus the olympians, for decide which generation of gods would have dominion over the universe..”
Couldnt find any better word, dont you think ?
What about the mod ?Its a good question, take a look!
-Travel into a brutal world with unforgiving landscapes;
-Face more than 800 new monsters across all acts, each act contain unique and stronger monsters different than the previous act.
- Current monsters are revamped, from common to champions;
-Bosses will be revamped, in terms of skills, fight and toughness
-New places to explore and dungeons to conquer
-New proxies, every single pool is adjusted manually;
-Revamped areas in every act , for exemple greek warcamps have more monster diversity;
-new music for towns, areas, caves, bosses.. you named it;
-and much more...
Thas it ? no new mastery ? Yes, there are already mods that gives you fantastic masterys, such legion of champions, deities and shadow champions, why its needed more ? i want to do something unique and new, to give you a never stop action feeling.
When the mod will be complete ?Hard to say, when i design a new monster, 3x diferente ones shows in my mind. Since im working on this mod solo, it will take some time to finish all content i want to do, probably it might be finish next year, its hard to say a exact date, but kept a eye on this thread if you are interested!
Will this will have new heroes and bosses ? Yes, in fact theres already 75 bosses/heroes already made, some have unique skills !
Credits@Bumbleguppy , there is no single word to describe it, this project wouldnt be possible without you, your mod inspire me , made me love titan quest.
Thank you for answering every single question i had, a big thanks for everything!
@WNG , for the excelent detail guides, you gave me encouragement to start, a big thanks to you
@Nargil66 , for the awesome human look like textures, and msh and animation tips
Thanks to everyone who continue to support me, its been a ride

enought chit-chat, some previous, i hope you enjoy as much i did
Face the vicious wildlife
..the arising Chaos clan..
Not a good sign, time to turn back